Turret March (Warning, Lots of Screenshots)

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Hey, remember those turrets in Nova Prospekt? It starts with these fellows.


I remembered the harder fight with turrets later. Wouldn't it be easier if I could take these ones along? After throwing them down a corridor and some stairs, I wound up here.


Ahh, I thought, this is why I cannot take them. I cannot hold the turrets while crossing, and surely the electricity in the water will kill them. Or not. I hurled them across the room into the water and fished them out on the other side.


After some more walking, we got to the second turret encounter; my destination.


So, I set up the turrets:


And hid while they vaporised all the Combine on their own. 5 could do what 3 could not!


But why stop here, I thought? I decided to push past my original goals.


Then for a while, I pressed Print Screen instead of F5 foolishly, so I've no screenshots for the fight where the Combine kill the lights. Suffice to say, turrets can see very well.

I then had to pass several doors that closed when I went through them, ostensibly with the Combine hot on my heels. I took my time.


Mossman was rather taken aback.


I then shoved them all through the last door. Success!




I'll take the other entrances, you guys cover here.


Open fire!



As the teleporter charged, my men quickly formed a defensive ring.


As the Elites stormed the room, I first thought that my turrets would die valiantly defending me.


However, they handily dispatched the Combine, preventing the fatal energy ball from even being fired (though, of course, the teleporter is mysteriously damaged somehow)!



I could not leave such heroes behind. I reloaded and took as many as I could fit.



No turrets?! What a gip.

Astounding tale, but with a sad ending.
I did exactly that during my just-before-orange-box-release-playthrough, though I didn't try to get them into the teleporter at the end. From memory, I think I brought one turret all that way on my first playthrough too... Something with unlimited ammo just seemed too good to waste!
Done that too, totally worth the trouble taking them with you!
Nice. You know when you mention that all the elites died and the teleporter just blew itself up? Happened with me too, but with only the 3 turrets. I guess I just got super turrets.
I tried to once use them as a tote along weapon but the way it obscured my view was too annoying.
It actually doesn't take as long to do as you'd think. It's a good laugh having the extra firepower at both the scene where the cells get stormed and the teleport room. One thing I have noticed though it that the turrets can glitch. It seems to happen to me mostly at the end.
I've never tried that semi-circle setup though, that looks pretty cool. I usually share them out covering the various entrances.
I've heard that if you leave them behind and go onto the next map, then backtrack, they'll have turned hostile.
I tend to fling them ahead of me, not sure what the trigger for the glitching is but a reload certainly is a possibility.
That was great! You can't do it in Episode Two, though. Those turrets just blow up after a while.
It's a surprisingly short run between the first turret battle and the last. Other than the turret battles, you only fight a half dozen soldiers, some barnacles and maybe 10 headcrabs.

That was great! You can't do it in Episode Two, though. Those turrets just blow up after a while.

Yeah, I was worried that these ones would do that as well, but they withstood twenty or so 'malfunctions' (fall over, spray wildly) each.
I remember someone saying they took one with them in, I believe, smod, and it turned on Eli in his pod. A few seconds later, his corpse clipped through the pod and fell on the floor. I lol every time I think of that...
Omg, i do this all the time...









I admire ingenuity and resourcefulness. Taking the time to plan for future events, and to...collect...the necessary preparations for handling those situations.

Bravo. I will definately keep an eye on your future endeavors.
that looks alot better then walking with one turrent and aiming it at my enemies
Although that can be jolly good fun. In the cells I sealed myself into a cell with a blocked entrance. Turrets behind me shooting out and me crouched while holding a turret. Pretty effective.
wait, something shoots at the portal? I've played through HL2 twice and the turrets have always killed all the people...I just thought the teleporter messed up by itself...

I remember I did this, but with only one extra turret. I was dissapointed when I tried to take it throught the teleporter as well.
A bunch of Elites charge in right at the end and try to end your days with an AR2 ball.
I admire ingenuity and resourcefulness. Taking the time to plan for future events, and to...collect...the necessary preparations for handling those situations.

Bravo. I will definately keep an eye on your future endeavors.

Ah, the ever omnipresent darkside.