I have never seen snow before :(

Snow is awesome, one of the reasons I'm so active in the winter. I try to go snowboarding at least once a week for about 4-5 hours, and then there are tons of other things to do in between (sledding, snowball fights, skating etc.)

Possibly the greatest feeling in winter is sitting on the summit of a mountain in Vermont (man, I wanna go back there) just looking out at the surrounding landscape. Glorious.
I've experiences temperatures as low as -40C (-40F). Beat that!

*looks at pics* Well, we can go from 60 degree heat to negative 15 in about a week. we get huge ice storms that knock out the power, we get floods that mimic Katrina, we can plant two cactuses and not water them. One dies of thirst and the other drowns in the same summer.
Snow ****ing sucks. Anyone who has posted they want to live in snow, I'll trade you houses.

Agreed. I've been to the snowy north a few times, and it's miserable.
I'm glad that I live in a subtropical region where some winters don't even hit freezing.

EDIT: Downside = Hurricanes
snow+board= snowboarding, better than sex
snow-board= communism, worse than sex


snowboarding > sex
I want snow. I live in california.. no snow cept in the mountains here.
What part of California do you live in? I'm up on the Sierra Nevadas.
I am 17 years old, and I have never seen snow in real life nor touched it before, and I have never been in an environment below 10 degrees C. Am I missing out on something? All my friends have been overseas and seen or touched it. That shall be one of my life goals now, touch snow!!!!!


It's like the best thing EVER!
I am 17 years old, and I have never seen snow in real life nor touched it before, and I have never been in an environment below 10 degrees C. Am I missing out on something? All my friends have been overseas and seen or touched it. That shall be one of my life goals now, touch snow!!!!!

S'pore snow city.

I love the snow, go to the mountains every year fro snowboarding, then in the summer I can go surfing!
I live in southern, over near the beach. bout half an hour from the ocean.
Lets everyone have a trip to Canada for Christmas. A HL2.net outing!! Yay :D
Snow = gay gayness

Sucks driving my car through it every year
snow keeps your beer cold outside :)

i snowmobile every year in MAINE, couldn't do that without snow
I hate snow. You're not missing out, though obviously you should probably see it at least once in your life.
I'd like snow more if I weren't so god-awful at snowboarding. Or maybe if I didn't wake up every morning to my room being 14 degrees Celsius in the winter.
To everybody who hates snow and cold, you all suck.

I always say... better to be cold and throw on a sweater, than be hot, sweaty and sticky and have to take a shower to feel truly better.
There has not been snow for 3 years in my country,cause of global warming.I realy miss snow...
Being stuck on the chairlift > Skiing
Being stuck on the chairlift and then forgotten by the guards and left to spend the night there with wolves beneath and snow storm above > Being stuck on the chairlift
Being stuck on the chairlift and then forgotten by the guards and left to spend the night there with wolves beneath and snow storm above > Being stuck on the chairlift
Staying at home and reading the HL2.net forums > Being stuck on the chairlift and then forgotten by the guards and left to spend the night there with wolves beneath and snow storm above.
Masturbating >= Staying at home and reading the HL2.net forums
Or... the same thing!

Think about that for a minute.

Oh wait, that's what you said.
ktimekiller said:
i love cold weather, hot weather sux
me too. most of the times though.. sometimes there's nothing better than a good warm weather.
me too. most of the times though.. sometimes there's nothing better than a good warm weather.

That's why I loved Alaska. It had awesome winters, and during the summers if you wanted a taste for warmth, there was perfect sunny 70 degree weather. Not even enough to make you sweat, but feem comfortably warm. :bounce:
Being stuck alone on a chairlift with a cute girl > Being let down by CyberPitz because he had to go get food
I love snow, best time of year, imo. But I still enjoy summer a whole lot. This is why border Canada/US is good, you get even seasons, hot summers, yet cold winters. Perfect.

Also - If you want to touch snow, why not go and get frost from your freezer and make a snowball out of it? Same shit...
snow keeps your beer cold outside :)

Puts me in mind of that advert. With the beers swimming through the ocean and popping out in the artic somewhere

To everybody who hates snow and cold, you all suck.

I always say... better to be cold and throw on a sweater, than be hot, sweaty and sticky and have to take a shower to feel truly better.

And hell, you said it! :D
two nights ago so much snow fell in Serbia that its like Russha here,snow to our knees,and its November!
Stigmata is masturbation.

Pfft you bunch of stigamata n00bs
I take it there aren't a lot of avid snowboarder/skiiers here? Snowboarding/skiing is indescribably fun.

Skiing is awesome. I live in western Australia, but I go to every extreme to go skiing once or twice a year. I normally frequent Perisher Blue or the mountains around Queenstown (in NZ) Sitting at the peak of the Remarkables and overlooking Queenstown and it's lake is... inspiring...

I'm going to Japan in Feb for some powder goodness... it should be awesome. :D
Am I missing out on something

A gentle yet thick snowfall on a clear winters night, with a white deep layer of snow. Sweet.

As some have said, snow is great and shit at the same time. But its something everyone should experience.

Snows great to enjoy and have fun in, and for those of us native to snow dumping grounds can tolerate it more (for example, an ex g/f from japan came to visit one Christmas, we went for a walk in a park after a heavy snowfall...I wore a long sleeved T-shirt with the sleeves rolled up and jeans....she was shivering her bongo's off wrapped in as much winter gear as she could get).

On the other side, snow is snow, it disrupts traffic, it makes getting up for work all the more un-appealing, and if you not in the mood for it, its just bleh.

Still, I love snow, and a snowy winter just makes my part of the world all the more great, to me at least.

Alba Gubra! :bounce:

Of course if your not native to the cold parts, chances are, your going to find the cold extremely uncomfortable, just as I find the heat of hotter countries really uncomfortable.
Its my fav weather. But we is gettin less n less of it every year.
And vever Below 10degrees? its like that most of winter here.
A gentle yet thick snowfall on a clear winters night, with a white deep layer of snow. Sweet.

Snow, for those of us not coordinated enough to enjoy winter "sports"--and I use that term sarcastically, since hurtling my body full speed down the side of a mountain seems completely unnatural..., is best appreciated when it's fresh and new.

Seeing a crisp winter moon reflected on newly fallen snowscapes is breathtaking and haunting at the same time. It MUST be seen at least once in a lifetime.