Shoes indoors, what gives?

I only wear shoes to school or if its incredibly cold out. Otherwise its sandals or barefoot. Generally barefoot unless at least sandals are required (most shops, for instance).

Indoors, always barefoot, I take my shoes off by the time I step into my computer room.

Isn't that more of a hassle than just taking them off upon entering?
When entering the house there's no immediate need to take them off. When taking a shower or going to bed, there is. Something isn't a hassle (or at least not as much of a hassle) when you have a reason to do it and you want to do it.

ok...seems like quite a hassle. Whatever, I'll never understand it.

ok...seems like quite a hassle. Whatever, I'll never understand it.

No it isn't it's not a difficult thing to understand at all you merely choose to not understand it. He'd put them on once and take them off once. In your enter and take off example what if he visits several people at various different hours of the day, whilst going home between each person. That would require more than one put on/take off cycle at his own house anyway.

Shoes inside are fine if you keep them clean, and really now keeping your shoes clean is easy. I understand you want your floor in pristine condition but come now my shoes are usually just as clean as the bottom of your feet.
FFS take your shoes of when you go inside O_0



Those are the ugliest shoes i have ever seen, i dont know whether to step on your feet or play a game of chess
Not those exact shoes obviously but the same type of soles, and they stay pretty damn clean somehow
I've seen some houses in America that has carpet in the bathroom :x

Is this widespread?
I never wear shoes in my house. Sometimes i keep them on in other people's houses, if i don't know where to put them or if i don't know what might have been on their floor. Otherwise, shoes always off for me.
I never wear shoes in my house. Sometimes i keep them on in other people's houses, if i don't know where to put them or if i don't know what might have been on their floor. Otherwise, shoes always off for me.

What could possibly be on their floor that would make you want to have your shoes on to avoid it?
My family has always had a policy of shoes off at the front door. When I lived in Alaska, and when I lived in Texas.

Why'd you move to Texas? Alaska is 10x more awesome IMO.

By the way I'm always wearing flops indoors and shoes outdoors.
"In this house we take off our shoes."
"Oh really? In this house, I leave mine on!"

-Dara O'Briain.

I don't really care. Unless it's rainy/snowy I can leave my shoes on. At home I usually take them off, but at other people's places I just observe what others do and mimic. At Mum & Dad's we always took off our shoes and my mother was usually barefoot, but in contrast, my grandfather has never been found without shoes on indoors.
Shoes.. lets get some shoes...

/bad shoe song.

Anyone who doesn't get that... just youtube it.

And yeah, Shoes indoors are a big no-no in a house. Like I'd always take my shoes off before going in my flat, someone elses house, and I just hate it when someone says "just leave your shoes on" :(.

In an office or work environment I think it's kind've necessary to keep shoes on :p.
I always take my shoes off indoor. won't feel right if I don't.
I mostly leave them on in my room but that's because my roommate and I never sweep, so our hardwood floor is a little nasty.

At home I always took them off, but I know a ton of people who don't care (and a lot that do).
Why'd you move to Texas? Alaska is 10x more awesome IMO.

By the way I'm always wearing flops indoors and shoes outdoors.

My dad moved away to Iowa, and then a year later I was moved down to be with him. I was still a minor, and then we moved to Texas while I was still a minor. He moved to Texas to be with his fiance who later died of cancer. So now I'm kind of stuck in Texas at the moment.
When I did live in the U.S., these kids came over to our place and walked right in with their shoes off.. I was gonna hit them.