Phishing attempt - Not what you think...


Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
I know Steam Chat threads are generally frowned upon as they are never quite as funny for people who weren't there but seriously... this warrants a thread:

SAVVAS13594 entered chat.
SAVVAS13594: can anyone help me with sth?
SAVVAS13594: please answer.....
[]TollBooth Willie: with vut
SAVVAS13594: can you tell me the adress to download cs steam full?
[] Reginald: sth?
SAVVAS13594: something
[] Reginald: oh
[] Reginald: why not just find it in steam?
SAVVAS13594: i dont want to buy it.. only to download it....
[] Reginald: ...
[]TollBooth Willie:
SAVVAS13594: can you tell me?
[] Reginald: first you have to tell me your username and password
[] DigiQ8 entered chat.
SAVVAS13594: why?
[] Reginald: so that the download link can be compatible with your account
SAVVAS13594: *********** ********
[] Reginald: um.. wow
SAVVAS13594: please help....
[] Soupstorm: i'm just gonna put this out there
[] Soupstorm: i lol'd very, very hard
[] Reginald: XD
[]TollBooth Willie: i lol'd stig's pants
Xerye entered chat.
[]TollBooth Willie: i lol'd them hard
SAVVAS13594: what is xd
[]TollBooth Willie: xenmorph dongs
Xerye left chat.
SAVVAS13594: reginald can you tell me?
[] Reginald: you need to email valve and ask them to send you the link
[] Reginald: make sure you make it clear that you don't want the paid for version
SAVVAS13594: what? step-to-step...
[] Soupstorm: what's the address, [email protected] right?
[] Reginald: yeah
[] Soupstorm: yeah that's the one
[] Soupstorm: you have to email him with your account details

At this point he signed out. I'll post updates if he comes back. :P

N.B. SAVVA did actually give out his account details. I just blurred them out for the sake of this thread.
Why did you blur them, lets steal the ****ers account details.
I'm guessing that steam account probably doesn't even have any games purchased for it anyways :|

That's pretty funny though.
Yeah... Probably has no games. So I wouldn't make such a big deal out if it.

Puts me in mind of the guy who stuck his xbox in a freezer
God that was awesome.

Too bad he left before I could give him my email address. :p
Haha, what an idiot.

Reginald, will you get in trouble for taking his account name and password though?
So does anyone know what was on the account, if it was valid at all?
I say we all log in, and add something special and fun to his steam community profile.
You'd only be in trouble if the account was exploited and it was traced back to you.

What an idiot. [free phisher]
Did someone mention getting into trouble? :angel:
You'd only be in trouble if the account was exploited and it was traced back to you.

What an idiot. [free phisher]

I don't see how it would cause any trouble. he willingly told a giant chat room his username/password. I say, he'd deserve it.
He's back.

[] Reginald: fire extinguisher
Calhoun entered chat.
Calhoun: hi
[]TollBooth Willie: D:
Calhoun: I want link to download free css from steam how do i do it
[]TollBooth Willie: vut
Calhoun: can you tell me adress to download cs steam full?
Calhoun: i mean cs 1.6 not CSS
Calhoun: my account information is
Calhoun: SAVVAS13594 and password is STIGGYSPANTS
[] Reginald: that wasn't his password :P
The Brick entered chat.
Calhoun: :f
Reginald. Could you enter Steam chat in 10 minutes, we need a serious talk.

Some people thought I was Glenn when I joined the chat haha
Well you ARE very intimidating, Tark.

Never tell your password to anyone, or we will take your Hot Pockets.
If you were in Steam chat, please keep this to yourself. Many thanks.
This is some God damn Area-51 shit man.

I witnessed a travesty not meant for mortal eyes. I witnessed Evil triumph over Good. I witnessed death.

I cannot unsee these things. I cannot unsee them.
Word has it that Valve will have him banned from the interbutts itself.