Stupid people

Well if you want the cold logic of it, chances are not a single person on this forum deserves their life if you think about it in terms of a machine or hive; that is, contributions to the whole being the justification of the constitute parts.

I have actually been thinking about this subject as of late. With the rising demand of my countrymen (I cannot speak for other nations) calling for scientific applications to "improve life", as well as technological inventions (not always advancements) that stand to make certain jobs (and by association, certain humans) obsolete, I am wondering if our future is as bright as I thought it was back when I was a younger kid.

From a "mechanical" point of view, if you follow, I have yet to personally meet anyone who "deserves to live". Nobody I have met personally has innovated or really "added" anything to society. Thinking about this, I got to wondering how, from this 'mechanical' point of view, anyone could justify the energy they waste in electrical and caloric consumptions, as well as the water and various other raw materials they need to create a life around them. Following this thinking, it becomes a lesson in mathematics vs. morality.

Really, think about it. If you removed every being in just my country alone who did not "contribute" to scientific progress, or related fields, how much energy could we save? How much more can we do with even less than what we're using now? This is where I see the logical end-game of science putting us. This is the final product of a number of logical philosophies. This is frightening shit, and I wasn't even in depth yet.
Well if you want the cold logic of it, chances are not a single person on this forum deserves their life if you think about it in terms of a machine or hive; that is, contributions to the whole being the justification of the constitute parts.

I have actually been thinking about this subject as of late. With the rising demand of my countrymen (I cannot speak for other nations) calling for scientific applications to "improve life", as well as technological inventions (not always advancements) that stand to make certain jobs (and by association, certain humans) obsolete, I am wondering if our future is as bright as I thought it was back when I was a younger kid.

From a "mechanical" point of view, if you follow, I have yet to personally meet anyone who "deserves to live". Nobody I have met personally has innovated or really "added" anything to society. Thinking about this, I got to wondering how, from this 'mechanical' point of view, anyone could justify the energy they waste in electrical and caloric consumptions, as well as the water and various other raw materials they need to create a life around them. Following this thinking, it becomes a lesson in mathematics vs. morality.

Really, think about it. If you removed every being in just my country alone who did not "contribute" to scientific progress, or related fields, how much energy could we save? How much more can we do with even less than what we're using now? This is where I see the logical end-game of science putting us. This is the final product of a number of logical philosophies. This is frightening shit, and I wasn't even in depth yet.

I tried to follow a similar thought pattern lately, it is rather frightening.

You think about it, going by the logic you mentioned, absolutely everybody should be killed, because humanity itself does not further the animal kingdom nor contribute to the biosphere, which means all of our civilizations thus far have been wastes of energy, and ought to never have existed.
Luckily for us, humans are not a logical species and things will almost certainly never come to that.

The fact that billions of humans, even very intelligent/logical ones, believe in a God of some sort proves my point.
Logically, it would be imprudent to "wipe out" everyone who didn't "contribute" to the "machine". Despite "contribution" needing a definition to your point, despite all the fallacies with it, and trying to ignore your obvious teenagey angsty "cold", "hard", "real" compensation for missing substance to your own life, there's no way to determine which members in society are absolutely "required". It is the sum of both good and bad that bring balance to society.

The freedom to live is not a moral freedom, it's a natural freedom.

By the way, going by your logic, I highly doubt you "deserve to live". And that's just self loathing, man. That shit ain't healthy.

You think about it, going by the logic you mentioned, absolutely everybody should be killed, because humanity itself does not further the animal kingdom nor contribute to the biosphere, which means all of our civilizations thus far have been wastes of energy, and ought to never have existed.

Energy is not wasted, it is changed into other energy. How does one "contribute" to the biosphere? Where is this magical document of gold you have found that dictates the purpose of an ecosystem? Which God has whispered to you the meaning of matter?

The way I see it, nothing matters. We're shadows and dust in a never ending game, and there is no rulebook, and there is no victory.
Luckily for us, humans are not a logical species and things will almost certainly never come to that.

The fact that billions of humans, even very intelligent/logical ones, believe in a God of some sort proves my point.

I can't wait till we've managed a being so logical that it is capable of killing itself out of pure disdain towards itself, as it realizes it has no purpose on this planet.

You also have to remember though, that what is and isn't logical is highly subjective in itself.
Enough with the thread jesus christ. Should of ended two pages ago D:

Well, you obviously didn't finish reading my post because it's blatantly obvious that I hate that sort of thinking. "Everyone I know" includes me. Yes, by that thinking I should be dead too. Sorry I couldn't make it in 13375p33k 4 u.

I tried to follow a similar thought pattern lately, it is rather frightening.

Frightening is going soft on it. It's the only thing that outright disturbs me on this earth.

You think about it, going by the logic you mentioned, absolutely everybody should be killed, because humanity itself does not further the animal kingdom nor contribute to the biosphere, which means all of our civilizations thus far have been wastes of energy, and ought to never have existed.

Nah, you misinterpret; basically, that form of thinking is putting humanity unto itself. That is, we are something different due to the complexity of our society -- basically we seek to further our species as opposed to the animal kingdom.

Luckily for us, humans are not a logical species and things will almost certainly never come to that.

I wouldn't be so sure.

The fact that billions of humans, even very intelligent/logical ones, believe in a God of some sort proves my point.

You mean a slowly shrinking number? The belief in something higher than ourselves could be what's holding ourselves back. From my studies of history, I've felt religion as a whole is where we get a lot of our more empathetic facets of our society.
We may not spend our time inventing and innovating, but we do keep society running.
Omg. Too many "lol" quotes to post them all :P

I don't ever recall putting a stupid person on a high horse.
There is nothing morally wrong with only letting the most fit survive. Evolution has been doing it for at least 3 weeks.
I've never personally understood morals. It's not an easy concept to grasp, where they come from and so forth.
Without low intellect people society would collapse.
Who would do manual labour jobs?

They contribute as much to society as anyone else (to the best of ones ability) and so deserve an equal payment.
They contribute as much to society as anyone else (to the best of ones ability) and so deserve an equal payment.

That sounds far too communist.

Wouldn't work because then "smart" people would work less and claim they're stupid, thus getting pay for less work.
Without low intellect people society would collapse.
Who would do manual labour jobs?

They contribute as much to society as anyone else (to the best of ones ability) and so deserve an equal payment.

Wages aren't decided by intelligence, they are decided by the economic output of the job they do.
That sounds far too communist.

Wouldn't work because then "smart" people would work less and claim they're stupid, thus getting pay for less work.

True. Communism wouldnt work in its purest form. Watered down, it might be good. Say each job has a standard wage, rather than every job having the same wage. What I mean is, for example, all doctors get paid exactly the same. It would probably not be communism then, so communism doesnt work.
What I mean is, for example, all doctors get paid exactly the same.

that's not feasible MD isnt as well trained as a Specialist, they're more in demand so they get paid more than your average MD..and that's also true depending where you live doctors get paid more than country doctors (unless there's an extreme shortage)

the problem isnt wages, it's wage disparity ..a person can labour 10hrs a day for $10/hr while someone who physically does less could make 10, 20, 100 times more an hour ..I remember reading a stat that said that by days end January 1st Canada's top executives have made more money than their mid-level employees in an entire year a single day some people make more than someone working all year, that's just wrong
That sounds far too communist.

Wouldn't work because then "smart" people would work less and claim they're stupid, thus getting pay for less work.
Then they get sent to Siberia.
I remember reading a stat that said that by days end January 1st Canada's top executives have made more money than their mid-level employees in an entire year a single day some people make more than someone working all year, that's just wrong

That is just the tip of the iceberg though. According to Unicef almost 2 out of 3 people in the world survive on less than $2(US) a day. So a teen in Canada/US/Europe making minimum wage for 1 month surpass a yearly salary for almost 2/3 of the world population.
That is just the tip of the iceberg though. According to Unicef almost 2 out of 3 people in the world survive on less than $2(US) a day. So a teen in Canada/US/Europe making minimum wage for 1 month surpass a yearly salary for almost 2/3 of the world population.

agreed however it's relative ..once you factor in the cost of living it kind of evens out ..however the standard of living in those two examples are as dissimiliar as night and day
I think the mentally handicapped should be turned into processed dog food. Then they'll be useful instead of sucking my tax dollars into their big ol' water heads.
I think the mentally handicapped should be turned into processed dog food. Then they'll be useful instead of sucking my tax dollars into their big ol' water heads.

why stop at the mentally handicapped ..why not include the habitually stupid? or senior citizens or kids ..they do nothing except suck up your hard earned tax dollars and cause traffic jams

in fact why not simply eliminate everyone who doesnt fit your idea of what is worth living ..just be careful someone doesnt cross you off their list ;)

"all those under age 30, to be given poison"

oh and btw your tax dollars rarely go to the handicapped ..most $ is either raised through donations or comes from the family ..government support of special needs programs are pathetic at best
I don't hate stupid people. I'm one of them. Can't hate annoying people either. Also one of them.

I do, however, hate the unaware. Those people that stop at the top of an escelator and look around, thinking about where they're going to go next. It's just so annoying!

And ignorance. I attempt to be as unignorant as possible.
why stop at the mentally handicapped ..why not include the habitually stupid? or senior citizens or kids ..they do nothing except suck up your hard earned tax dollars and cause traffic jams

in fact why not simply eliminate everyone who doesnt fit your idea of what is worth living ..just be careful someone doesnt cross you off their list ;)

"all those under age 30, to be given poison"

oh and btw your tax dollars rarely go to the handicapped ..most $ is either raised through donations or comes from the family ..government support of special needs programs are pathetic at best

As long as my dogs are fed, I couldn't care who goes into the grinder. Just figured we'd shave off a few expenses and help the economy a bit in the process.
well you could probably start with your dogs ..i mean I love my dog but man does he ever cost a hell of a lot ..and society always foots the bill ..just think of all that dog poo chocking up sewer systems, ground up under well worn heels or eaten by other dogs which just spreads disease as if were lemonchiken's worm infested brain
haha how great i stopped posting on this thread when it was only at page 2 last night and people continue to insult me hahaha. Oh and great job on my first thread, 6 pages is a good start.
The people who are really stupid usually end up killing themselves anyway...