Half-life Saga Guide Updated


May 15, 2004
Reaction score

Now includes Episode 2 stuff. A nice summary, as usual. I highly disagree with the Gman theory though, and I'm really not sure if the Gman was planning to extract Alyx or leave her for dead. You have to consider the idea that the Gman did not intend to interfere with events on Earth following HL2. I think the "draw the Combine to Earth" theory is kind of silly, and it's missing the more obvious goal Gman had Gordon fulfill in HL2: isolate Earth. Whilst I'm sure this has had a negative backlash on off-world Combine, I'm not really sure it's so Gman can mount any kind of attack.

I'd also disagree with Breen surrendering humanity as being part of the Combine plan. It seems way too impractical for "species-specific" leaders to take figurehead roles as standard Combine procedure. Earth was a one off.
I never liked the Saga Story Guide, and I still think it's a bad source. I noticed that he added some Opposing Force content (i.e. Hazardous Environment Combat Unit). Also, what the hell:

A-12 I saw some other dead scientists wearing HEV suits during my trip to Xen in HL1. What's that all about?

They were members of Black Mesa that got through to Xen during the Resonance Cascade and tried to close the portal. They were obviously unsucessful.
I disagree with some points, of course, but at least it doesn't directly contradict what Valve has said.

I've posted my own theory here.
Guide Version 4.1
"Good job! Marc Laidlaw pointed this out to me as being pretty darn accurate for the most part."

- Gary McTaggart (Valve)
so its still worth to read :P
Here is the reply (regarding to comment on the site) my friend got from Laidlaw.

I believe the initial "pretty darn accurate" comment was relayed by someone here, based on something I'd said the first time I saw it, which was shortly after Half-Life 2 went live. I honestly have not looked at it since that time, so I don't exaclty know what it states at this point.

Marc Laidlaw
Its a good summary, let down by the theory of contact with Breen before the RC and the horrendous (IMO) G-Man theory.
Weren't the HEV people already doing some research in there before the RC?

They were doing research on Xen, long before the Resonance Cascade. Also without Xen, they wouldn't have a chance to use teleporter technology we see in Half-Life (see Questionable Ethics) and it's expansions.
Near the bottom.

aided by a code from the transmission packet

So somehow viewing that data at White Forest lured those striders there?

Interesting logic.

Otherwise, an okay summary, except for his obsession with Breen doing everything, and the other HEvers on Xen. (We see a bunch more in Blue Shift, at the relay camp, and Dr. Rosenberg says they lost contact with them several weeks ago.

But nice web design though, I gotta admit.

EDIT: Oh yes, I agree with the time line of Portal, taking place while Gordon's asleep.
I like this site with polish translate but he closed it...
fantastic. I was following that site for a while for new content. At least it isn't as false as it was before...
So somehow viewing that data at White Forest lured those striders there?

Interesting logic.

Embedding a tracer in such a massive packet isn't that hard.

Hell, virus creators do that all the time with e-mail attachments.
what a load of dribble. they takes some facts and runs with them, dragging in their own ideas as to how/why and stating them as fact.
Embedding a tracer in such a massive packet isn't that hard.

Hell, virus creators do that all the time with e-mail attachments.

Good point. But that sudden display of Combine competence seems rather out of place, compared to where they've screwed up before... hopefully we'll see them putting up more of a fight in Episode Three.
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