What game should I get?


Companion Cube
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
I've recently got an Xbox 360, and the games I got are Call of Duty 4, Bioshock, and the 2 games the 360 came with Forza Motorsport 2 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance.

I'm trying to complete Bioshock but I'm at Farmers market now in that game, but I'm getting somewhat bored of the games I have now. I'm extremely concidering in buying the Orange Box for the Xbox 360. It would be fantastic to replay hl2 and ep1 on a 30 inch 1080p HDTV and sound surround speakers with its new and updated graphics engine. Becides, at times it lags on my PC like during the portal storms and the bridge collapsing in the begining of ep2, and when you go through portals in Portal.

I have 125 dollars on me right now, and want to get one game for the X360. Should I get the Orange Box or should I not buy the same game again and buy something else (name it)?
Orange Box. I bought it for 360 so I could play it on my HDTV, and it's really quite awesome. It's a pretty fantastic package.
Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Halo 3 are all good buys if you already have the Orange Box on PC. Although Orange box in 1080 would be pretty sweet.
*I should note that I didn't buy the Orange Box *again*, as you would be doing.
Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Halo 3 are all good buys if you already have the Orange Box on PC. Although Orange box in 1080 would be pretty sweet.

Your opinion is VOID. Goodbye.

Buy a bunch of bargain bin-type games, like Hitman: Bloodmoney, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, DiRT, etc. Don't buy a new game, if you do that you're just encouraging the game companies to keep selling them for $60-$80 per game, it ain't right, I tells ya! Back in my day (early 1990's) we got 3 games, and ice-cream, and a ride on the marry-go-whirl for a $20 bill! Kids now-a-days are damn spoiled! You all should go into a war or something! God dammit!
Halo 3.
Also, Dog--,

Back in my day (early 1990's) we got 3 games, and ice-cream, and a ride on the marry-go-whirl for a $20 bill! Kids now-a-days are damn spoiled! You all should go into a war or something! God dammit!
This isn't the 1990's, old guy. What next? Pedo?!
Ehhhh, if you've already got it on the PC, I wouldn't stretch to buy the OB again.

Mass Effect if you want a lengthy single player story experience, Assassins Creed if you enjoyed the PoP series.

Halo 3? Only buy Halo 3 if you've got friends on LIVE to share the experience. It's a better game on co-op/multiplayer. Have you considered Gears of War or Dead Rising? Both great titles.
Mass effect

Although I thought assassin's creed sucked.
Well, yeah, he posts in a message board about a sci-fi game. I don't think he's going to hate Mass Effect because it's scifi. :P

Try Gears of War. It has great coop.
Gears of War is "good", but nothing more. It's pretty overrated in some circles.
The multiplayer is great. Infact, it's all about the multiplayer.
GOW MP consists entirely of 2 teams running to the centre of the map and shooting the **** out of each other with shotgun while 2 other guys go to get the big "power weapons".
Depends if you're playing with complete randoms or with a bunch of friends. It's the same with all teambased games - great with people you know, ok to crap with people you don't.
yeah maybe i'm too picky when it comes to multiplayer. My friends pretty much never played GOW MP. I also hated halo's MP.

(and that isn't because almost everyone on this forum hates halo I don't mind halo although it is incredibly overrated but I hate the MP)
I only like Halo 3 in small team games - 2 vs 2 is really very good. I play other shooters afterwards and the melee and grenades often feel like an afterthought and more than a little broken in comparison. 2 man co-op is where it's truly great.
I like Halo multiplayer, Lambda, more people on this board like Halo than you think. Hell, even Samon likes it at some points. It really shines, even on matchmaking, when you find a group that has MICS and you're having fun with (Not too serious,) even if it's not the best team, at least you're having a laugh. That and Elimination is awesome. Plus, he has meeeee to play with! And the rest of us.
look at sig, hell he's mentioned it in more than one post.
Tough choice what I want. D:

Last night I was going to make OB the verdict. Some of my friends have GoW, and I'd probably get it for that (some time). I have split feelings about Halo 3, I've played it 2 whole days (at my cousins house) of split screen and I was unimpressed. I might perhaps get it when it hits around 20-30 dollars, because frankly that's all it's worth imo. lol halo 2.1.

I'd buy OB because I know I'm going to enjoy it.

Never noticed it before. :|

He cut out the other points in Samons original post about Halo. :laugh:

Halo is actually quite fun, and the combat is great on legendary. The main problem is the attention it gets; the game has nothing to it other than shooting enemies. There's actually nothing else to the gameplay. It's a shooting gallery through and through, and as such it doesn't deserve a jot of the praise it gets.
Forge is also epicly fun with friends. You're building a little base... OH SHIT YOUR FRIEND COMES OUT OF NOWHERE WITH A TANK AND CRUSHES YOU LOL
I fully endorse this statement/events.

It's a shame they didn't develop it for PC. Without the limitations of the size of a DVD to store everything on, the conversation wheel system that often makes no sense, the repetitive side quests and the limited RPG elements, it could have been the best game ever.
As it is, it was brilliant - but the main quest is pretty much all combat missions, there's not really any room to explore and the side quests are dull. And it should have been twice as long. It feels like the game is hurrying you towards each battle all the time.
For a long time i couldnt decide if i wanted to buy Orange box (being a half-life 2 fan) or get call of duty 4 for pc. i decided with Cod 4 even though the single player is short but i love the multiplayer aspect of the game. i'm not sorry for my choice at all.
Gears of War is "good", but nothing more. It's pretty overrated in some circles.

Agreed. I hated the lighting so much that I stopped playing within the first ten minutes.