Looking for some good sci fi films

The original Star Wars trilogy is ****ing awesome and anyone who says otherwise is a damn liar!
Samon, why do you hate Star Wars, The Matrix, Independence Day, Armageddon, The Island etc.?

I am...baffled. You are 17-20 years old correct? Surely, an ounce of you must be craving for something intense and large rather than a movie with great focus on story. I mean, if you were 30 years old + I'd understand, you'd prefer sci-fi of the older times, but you are only 18 I think, and you don't like these films? I mean, okay age has nothing to do with what you like but it does show something. Jeez man, what do your friends think of the fact that you despise these movies and series? Cos I am seriously curious. And why do you hate those movies?

If you are not within the age of 17-20, consider this post a BIG FAIL.
Samon, why do you hate Star Wars, The Matrix, Independence Day, Armageddon, The Island etc.?

Because they are, in plain and simple terms, a crock of shit.

Jeez man, what do your friends think of the fact that you despise these movies and series? Cos I am seriously curious. And why do you hate those movies?

What do they think? They don't care. They all have widely different tastes to me and each other. Sure, there's the odd moron who's brain can only tolerate "Star Wars, The Matrix, Independence Day, Armageddon, The Island etc", but really nobody gives a shit. Kind of like how I don't give a shit what they like. Your "argument" here is heavily flawed, but I'm not going to give a lecture on it in my present state.

I hope I haven't offended you for having far superior taste to the majority of the human race.
Samon, would you please list all your favorite sci-fi movies of all time, so I can get a better idea of what you actually look for in this sort of movies.
The Supreme Court has been called in; I'm under scrutiny. Simply off the top of my head:

The Thing
Planet of the Apes (Original)
Terminator 1&2
Blade Runner
The Abyss
Twelve Monkeys
Children of Men
Minority Report
Total Recall
Now THAT'S a good list :thumbs:

with the exception of the matrix my friends criticise me for not liking popular films like those samon mentioned but **** them.

I am...baffled. You are 17-20 years old correct? Surely, an ounce of you must be craving for something intense and large rather than a movie with great focus on story.

I don't know about samon but I am 17 and I prefer a focus on the story rather than something intense.
Mad Max 2 and Gattaca are both very cool.
Dark City
Minority Reports
Blade Runner

Dark City especially, not many people have heard of it.

Samon, why do you hate Star Wars, The Matrix, Independence Day, Armageddon, The Island etc.?

I have to strongly agree here. I quite liked The Matrix when it first came out, but I saw it a couple of months back and it has aged really badly. The only thing good about the Star Wars trilogy is Solo and Chewy.
Sci-fi noir and messed up. You'll like it.

Does anyone know when the new Star Trek Movie comes out? its got Simon Pegg in it as Scotty which is a bit stupid as he's english

Idiot, the original actor was Canadian.
^ Ahhh I think I saw that when I was around 8. Didn't really understand it tho so I thought it was kinda weird. Maybe I'll give it a re-watch.

Does it end with
the city floating in space or whatever?
Does it end with
the city floating in space or whatever?


The "city" or should I say space station was always in space to begin with.
The movie ends with the main character taking control over the machines at the core of the station, and he reshapes the landscape, adding sunlight (it was always night),an ocean, a beach town, light house etc.
You ask me to list some films and you don't reply? Well **** you too. :arms:
Solaris, the first matrix film, Minority report, planet of the apes, alien 1+2, Sunshine, I robot.
boo Minority Report
I couldn't follow it to well, made almost no sense,and playing the game didn't help.
oh the game was horrible.

movie wasn't too bad i thought though
You ask me to list some films and you don't reply? Well **** you too. :arms:



The Supreme Court has been called in; I'm under scrutiny. Simply off the top of my head:

The Thing
Planet of the Apes (Original)
Terminator 1&2
Blade Runner
The Abyss
Twelve Monkeys
Children of Men
Minority Report
Total Recall

Alright... Well from what I gather, you mainly want an atmospheric movie, the story to be good and original if possible, the action, special effects and all that stuff taking a back seat. Although some of the movies in that list do have great FX. However that doesn't mean you don't like a good action movie if it's done right, examples: Terminator 1&2, Total Recall, Aliens etc.

I think we both agree Transformers, 300 and other similar movies are trash, not because they have tons of special FX or dubious quality of acting, but because they just fail at what they set out to be in the first place (great action movies).

From that list the only ones I don't like are Solaris and Blade Runner.
I don't like them not because they have a bad story, bad acting or anything like that, but I just find the pace to be too slow for my liking and they are overall boring in my opinion.

Where we disagree:

I personally like Independence Day and the first Matrix movie.

Independence Day for example if you stop to analyse it has a lot of flaws.
For one the story is ridiculous (sending a computer virus to the mother ship:upstare:), however this movie doesn't take itself seriously in the first place unlike other movies with far more stupid endings (yes War of the Worlds I'm looking at you).
The acting is mediocre but it gets the job done, the special effects are top notch, and the movie overall delivers in my opinion as an action movie, which is why I like it.

I'm curious Samon, what do you think of "Mars Attacks". That movie is far more retarded than Independence Day.:laugh:


Alright... Well from what I gather, you mainly want an atmospheric movie, the story to be good and original if possible, the action, special effects and all that stuff taking a back seat. Although some of the movies in that list do have great FX. However that doesn't mean you don't like a good action movie if it's done right, examples: Terminator 1&2, Total Recall, Aliens etc.

Oh look, spot on.

I think we both agree Transformers, 300 and other similar movies are trash, not because they have tons of special FX or dubious quality of acting, but because they just fail at what they set out to be in the first place (great action movies).

Oh look, spot on.

From that list the only ones I don't like are Solaris and Blade Runner.
I don't like them not because they have a bad story, bad acting or anything like that, but I just find the pace to be too slow for my liking and they are overall boring in my opinion.

I think Blade Runner is overrated as the "best sci fi movie evar", which it actually isn't, but it's certainly quite good.

I'm curious Samon, what do you think of "Mars Attacks". That movie is far more retarded than Independence Day.:laugh:

I saw it when I was younger, and probably loved it because of Natalie Portman. But that's all I remember.
I'm curious Samon, what do you think of "Mars Attacks". That movie is far more retarded than Independence Day.

Wasn't that film supposed to be like a B movie though?
Mars Attacks is parody or comedy, not serious sci-fi movie.
Complaining about Mars Attacks being silly is retarded.

Go watch it. It's awesome.

Starship Troopers is an awesome film. :D
Just for that you get to be the first man on the sun. Wait, did I so on? I mean IN. Gratz.

I don't think there's much difference between being on or in the sun. :P

EDIT: And aye, Mars Attacks is a great film. Got a pretty cool cast, too.
Apparently the Atomic Piggy fails to realize that human civilization, (not Insect!) must dominate this galaxy, for now, and always!

Because on HL2.net everybody fights. No one quits. Or the mods ban you themselves.
Starship troopers was pathetic. The characters were bland and 2D, the story was utter bollocks and was filled with tired cliches.