Katrina victems sue US for $3,014,170,389,176,410

I don't have a problem with the idea of a law suit, but the amount they are asking is ridiculous. Hire a decent law firm and work out some decent figures.
I've got no problem with the government being held responsible for the aftermath (which is still, as of yet, an ever apparent situation - the city is still one big warzone) but to ask this much money is just silly.
'Oh no we didn't have any food for 10 minutes give us billions of dollars please.'

****ing whining ****s, the people you saw on TV were so grotesquely fat they could go without food for a few months.
My point is if they want to sue, fine, whatever but at least make a proper attempt. Do it properly or not at all.
Sure, but it's not about righting an injustice to these people, it's just another attempt at a, "get rich quick scheme". Like others have said before, they don't care what's right or wrong, they just find opportunities to capitalize on their then unfortunate situation, which is why most of us are thoroughly ticked.:P
judging from some responses, it's surprising to see how few people actually read the article beyond what was copy pasted in the OP

Some residents may have grossly exaggerated their claims to send a message to the corps, which has accepted blame for poorly designing the failed levees.

"I understand the anger," Scott said. "I also understand it's a negotiating tactic: Aim high and negotiate down."
I suppose it was only a matter of time before america tried to sue itself out of existence.
Negotiate down? To what... 2 quadrillion? That's a hell of a starting point.
it's a class action suit meaning each plaintiff determines the amount they're suing for
Katrima victim: I wants 6 million!
Government: U can haz 6 dollars.
Katrina victim: 6 dullahz be fine :3.
judging from some responses, it's surprising to see how few people actually read the article beyond what was copy pasted in the OP

OH, I read that, but their arrogance still astounds me.
That's.... stupid.

Seriously stupid. "I want a astronomical amount of money for the damage a natural disastor has done to me!" They should be thanking for the support (albeit, reather slow and insufficient) support they got.

What, does the US goverment control the weather or something?
... That's like making a jumpshot at a basketball hoop, landing bad, breaking your ankle on the wood floor, and suing the guy that chopped down the tree... It doesn't make sense!
