Left 4 Dead Xbox 360 Revealed


Jul 6, 2003
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OXM recently revealed the Xbox 360 version of Left 4 Dead, OXM confirmed Left 4 Dead going to be console exclusive to 360 which means that there is no PS3 version (sorry PS3 players).[br] They also mentioned that a separate game company named Certain Affinity is handling the Xbox 360 version, a small game developer founded in November 2006 based in Austin. Certain Affinity is led by Max Hoberman, a 10-year Bungie veteran who was multiplayer lead for both Halo 2 and Halo 3.
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Looks like Valve are trying to avoid the lag problems they had with Team Fortress 2 on 360 so they brought Certain Affinity to handle 360-specific elements like matchmaking, Live support, console customization, and 360 gameplay tweaks. Read the full article on Left4Dead411.com.
I thought this was already announced?
Both PS3 players are gonna be pissed.
only if they're interested in the game, most of them would have a pc anyway.
360 was known a while back. we have to wait until they have it ready to go :/
**** valve and their console bullshit. stop delaying your games so you can have simultaneous multi-platform releases, especially games with already announced release dates... pricks
**** valve and their console bullshit. stop delaying your games so you can have simultaneous multi-platform releases, especially games with already announced release dates... pricks
What? Oh yes Valve, please don't polish this product and make it more widely available to consumers.

I'll be getting L4D on the 360 because my router doesn't like Steam, and vice-versa. So more praise to Valve from me for keeping this on the right track.
**** valve and their console bullshit. stop delaying your games so you can have simultaneous multi-platform releases, especially games with already announced release dates... pricks

Yeah, lets have a really buggy game which is pretty crap.
Both PS3 players are gonna be pissed.
Crash and burn, PS3. Craaassh aaand buuuuurn!

Things I hate about PS3:
- When switching from HDMI to Component or Composite/Scart you need to double-reset your PS3 for the changes to take effect.
- PS3s often get so hot they become unstable, creating random crashes
- Sony haven't released their first-party audio SDK
- PS3s have NO first-party screen capture software
- If you get a message from someone else who is online, you have to exit the game to read it.
- There is no on-screen popup message or indicator on the wireless controller to tell you when you're low on battery. The only indicator for this is on the controller menu.
- When recharging a controller, the only way to make sure it is properly recharging is to check the battery indicator on the controller menu, there is no external or on-screen indicator.
- The shoulder triggers are in an uncomfortable position and tend to get stuck after heavy use
- It takes an age to reset the bitch (why do I need to wait over 5 seconds for the thing to turn off and then another 5 seconds for it to turn back on?)
- It's still an overpriced hunk of junk.

I'm guessing that this and it's esoteric codebase make it a very obvious second option to Xbox (which is a simple port from the PC code, and is more stable, and has better all-round developer support).

It's no surprise that Turtle Rock/Valve are steering clear of it, especially after the TF2 PS3 port fiasco.
Crash and burn, PS3. Craaassh aaand buuuuurn!
- It's still an overpriced hunk of junk.

Couldn't care less about your ranting except this.

Blu-Ray, Media Machine, **** you.

Follow me here?
- PS3s often get so hot they become unstable, creating random crashes
- There is no on-screen popup message or indicator on the wireless controller to tell you when you're low on battery. The only indicator for this is on the controller menu.
- When recharging a controller, the only way to make sure it is properly recharging is to check the battery indicator on the controller menu, there is no external or on-screen indicator.

Where do you get this from?
About 2 weeks old. There is a new PC Gamer out now and it shows some new pics. The OXM magazine was to show off the console version. The PC Gamer one had a play test of the Infected side. So the game is moving along quite nice now that they are playtesting that side. It should be noted that they have moved the release date to Fall of 2008. This was to polish the game because they know what audience will play the game. Apart from the British society who are fanatical about anything with zombies, they still have to please the competitive cs crowd. So blame the community, not them! :stare:
Has it been confirmed whether it will be a 15+ / 16+ / M yet?
No but I would imagine it will be 16+ / M

It should be noted that they have moved the release date to Fall of 2008.

Delayed again?! O_o

Or something. I guess this ends speculation that the reason for delay was a PS3 version of L4D.
I don't understand all this "release date to Fall of 2008" and all that. Please explain, someone?
It means the end of 2008.

I was originally supposed to be released in February, then it got delayed to Q2 (second quarter of the year), Q3 and now possibly Q4.
Where do you get this from?
Having to test games on them. The rant about the controller is basically my experience of the wireless controller just suddenly going dead at inopportune moments, resulting in you getting stuck running straight forwards (into a group of enemies, off a cliff, etc.). My gripe here is that the only indicator that your pad is about to conk out is a flashing light on the far side of the pad (the part you can't see). When you plug in the USB lead to recharge it, nothing on the pad lights up or flashes to tell you that the pad is charging.

As for blu-ray discs, the space is a huge advantage, but they are -really- delicate. Even minor scrapes can ruin them. If I were a PS3 owner I certainly wouldn't be lending any of my games out. I wouldn't say ALL crashes are down to overheating, but you really need to give them plenty of space or they overheat bigtime. Overheating and damage to blu-ray discs are a big source of crashes from what I can see.
The sticky hands of donut eating fatsos and blu-ray discs...bad mix.

All those fat valve fanboys and their ps3s will destroy their left 4 dead blu-ray discs in an instant. Valve are saving them the disappointment.

In fact, it has been proven that if you leave a blu-ray disc in a bowl of donuts it will disintegrate in 24 hours.
As for blu-ray discs, the space is a huge advantage, but they are -really- delicate. Even minor scrapes can ruin them. If I were a PS3 owner I certainly wouldn't be lending any of my games out. I wouldn't say ALL crashes are down to overheating, but you really need to give them plenty of space or they overheat bigtime. Overheating and damage to blu-ray discs are a big source of crashes from what I can see.

1. Fault of disc producers. Fact is disc producers are cheap bastards and could easily fix the issue if they wanted.
2. X360s also overheat and when they do the whole system comes crashing down like a tonne of bricks. RMA time, fun.

Not a PS3 owner, just putting holes into your argument for my own entertainment.
Not a PS3 owner, just putting holes into your argument for my own entertainment.
So trolling then? Very productive.

Seeing how the PS3, like Jack Thompson and the Halo series before it, has become a stale topic with which we can poke fun at or defend to the death, we should all forget it and skip merrily, hand-in-hand to the L4D board where we revel in the glory of cross-platform zombie survival goodness.
awww :P am I like the only PS3 owner here? To tell you the truth I like my PS3 to pieces and I bought it right after my PC bit the dust and I've never had a problem with it. Don't get me wrong I will always think the PC reigns supreme but I really do enjoy my PS3. Sucks I can't play this though! Oh well only five more years till I can afford a good enough pc to play all my favorite VALVe games.
awww :P am I like the only PS3 owner here? To tell you the truth I like my PS3 to pieces and I bought it right after my PC bit the dust and I've never had a problem with it. Don't get me wrong I will always think the PC reigns supreme but I really do enjoy my PS3. Sucks I can't play this though! Oh well only five more years till I can afford a good enough pc to play all my favorite VALVe games.
It would have been 2 more years if you hadn't spent all that money on a media centre.

I don't mind PS3s that much. If someone gave me one I'd still play it. It's just too expensive for what it is, and almost all multi-platform developers are porting from PC onto 360 (because it's directX and requires almost no changes) then leaving the PS3 bit til last, which usually results in horrible performance. The only good titles you're likely to see on PS3 are PS3 exclusives or games primarily made for PS3 and then ported to the Xbox.

Anyway, I'm tentatively looking forward to L4D, without wanting to hype it up too much for myself.
PS3 isn't that expensive, I made almost all my money back a few months after I bought it. No, its the pc thats killing me! The good ones all cost between 5,000 up to 10,000 dollars (unless you can show me a good one for less? Keep in mind I want to run a LOT of games on it all of which will probably be from steam along with art programs like Open Canvas and Photo shop CS3.) And most systems start off a little slow, I'm sure the PS3 will pick up either this year or next year.
5-10k? Wut?

Not gonna do the exact math, but a decent CPU (Intel E8400) will cost you around $200, a 8800 GT will cost you 250, a 300-500 GB harddisk will set you back 100-150. Add another 400-500 for the other stuff (mobo, memory, case, PSU etc) and you'll be around 1k.

Considering PC games are considerably cheaper than console games, there's not that much of a price difference spread over 2 years.

Unless of course, you wanna blow a lot of cash on things that are twice as expensive as the runner up but only provide a 10% speed increase.
The good ones all cost between 5,000 up to 10,000 dollars (unless you can show me a good one for less?
That is a crazy amount of money to spend on a computer. I started from scratch a few months ago and ended up with a Q6600, 2GB RAM, 8800GT, 24" Widescreen, 1TB Hard drive space, Great sound card, Decent PSU, Mobo, Mouse, Keyboard, DVD drive, Speakers, Case, CPU cooler and I spent a lot less than $5000.
I spent ?500 on my computer and it plays games pretty well. It was pretty good back then when I built it in about June/Julyish. Sure, it's not state of the art, but then you're not going to notice unless you're gaming professionally. This was excluding peripherals, of course, but the specs look very similar to that of Operationals. Even to the 24" monitor (ooo, it's sexeh :D). The TB harddrive is a bit excessive for me, and it wouldn't be required to play games on, but even now you can build a really good gaming PC for less than ?1000 including peripherals.
hmm well I'm a little computer ignorant perhaps someone could help me out? Show me exactly what I should aim for an all.