and other places to get free games


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
So Ive had this player on my pc for awhile and Ive never seen anyone mention it on these forums..ever. Have any of you used this? When I first heard of it I figured when they said "free games" it would just be asteroids and other lesser known gimmicky games, but there are actually some AAA titles on their network that are totally free. Heres some games I found worth mentioning:

-Street fighter 2
-Nemesis the roman empire
-Myst online (Its supposed to be pulled in April)
-Blood omen 2
-blood rayne
-Colin Mcrae Rally 05 ( I cant get this to work for me for some reason)
-Commandos 3
-Hitman:codename 47
-Hitman 2
-tomb raider legend
-second sight
-vampire savior
-king of fighters 95/96

All you gotta do is dl the player and sign up, to get all these games for free, plus more than 80 classics and indies. They actually had thief deadly shadow on here for like a month or so but took it off at the beginning of the year, so get em while you can. So anyways this thread is dedicated to free games, whether they be from independent game developers or not. So share your freebies with everyone!

EDIT:all multiplayer games (fighters, mmo, racing..etc.) are all online capable. So yea you can play classics like SF2 with others online
Spam? how is this spam? Buddy I got more posts than you so I ain't no spambot you hear?
also did you know you could make your penis longer in just 12 days by calling...

EDIT: so I searched and saw that this site has been posted a few times, but I dont think we have ever had a thread for FREE GAMES. Gametap is just one of them, so post some more or shadddup.
Ground Control is free from fileplanet and well worth a playthrough (<3 Massive)
When it says "free to play until..." does that mean after that date it stops you from playing it?
I'll recommend Piratebay. Let me list a few games... oh wait.

Seriously though, thanks for showing me that site, might try out Psychonauts and see why everyone's so crazy about it. Looks like shit at first glance, tbh, but I guess I'll have to play it to judge it.
Well, I'll give it a try and see what I think.
Interesting. I'll check this out. Free street fighter and psychonauts ftw
Okay, after I used Gametap all of my sound became really distorted... like satanic distortion. Uninstalling.
Never played stret fighter before and I just tried it. I got my ass handed to me badly ;(
What crap is this? The only one I want to play doesn't even do anything when I hit play. It's not in the list inside the program itself either... It says it's free.
Wtf? Dude you have to dl the installer first, then you dl the game from the player:

When it says "free to play until..." does that mean after that date it stops you from playing it?
Yea of course, but most of them dont have that date, and they are always replaced with other games. Ive had it on and off for the last few months and they never took psychonauts, TR:legend, or the majority of the classics off.
The only one I noticed that they took off was thief awhile back, so who knows how long it was for free.

Fileplanet has tons of stuff free what are you getting at? Everything I've dled there has been free..just long waiting. Its also worth mentioning that prince of persia and far cry are free there as well.

Okay, after I used Gametap all of my sound became really distorted... like satanic distortion. Uninstalling.
Well thats weird, maybe some audio problems with your pc you're having, or the voices in your head. From how batshit insane you are :P.
It isnt? You sure you're lookin in the free games browser? Cause on my list its number 63 (next to myst online)...I dled it last night.
Once I get the swing of things maybe me and you will do battle :D.
Where am I supposed to be looking? Myst Online is #55 for me. Here's where I am:

It's in alphabetical order and nothing beginning with Nemesis is there. Maybe because I'm in the UK.
Well I don't know what to say man, other than maybe to check in the forums and ask around. Maybe it does have something to do with being in the uk, cause I have 96 free games..not 84. :\
I've already installed Gametap. The game isn't in the list is what I'm saying.

Some games are not available in certain regions. The same can be said for Steam.

/edit You can only get all the free games if your in the US.
Not too bad a program, downloaded the laughable Jaws: Unleashed, so bad its good. Going to Try Rogue Trooper next, heard decent things about that.
Ok so gametap has added some new free games, and for all you bitchin about how they take away games they put thief deadly shadow back on this month and:
-warlords battlecry 3
-art of fighting
dont know those other 3, but thought I'd share