NYTimes 4chan article.

The guy in the first picture looks like a more immature version of a guy I used to know. :x

I was impressed that they managed to write 7 pages about this.
Cancer, etc.

"Mitchell’s page came to the attention of an Internet message board known as /b/ and the “trolls,” as they have come to be called, who dwell there."

Rules 1&2, f-aggot
Anonymous is one of the most pathetic, immature, painfully dorky things on the planet.
Haha, gotta love serious media outlets taking things like 4chan seriously.
Hackers on steroids. Heheh.

Real Life is so overrated.


Hehe, Fox said Epic Lol's
/b/ reads like the inside of a high-school bathroom stall

Ha out of the article thats probably one of the most accurate descriptions I've ever read.
Wtf Phobie, do you reside in 4chan or something...? D:
Wow, this is actually some pretty good reading.
Still never been there, but I read the article about it for some reason.
Girls who..
no never mind.

Leaving thread. Enjoy your cancer<3
I get sick and tired of all this "Cancer this" and "Closed due to AIDS" that.

This article is fairly interesting, even if it may not be the most accurate. It's... the older generation attempting to understand just wtf is going on.
I don't go to 4chan (the couple of times I looked, it just didn't seem all that interesting) so I don't know the whole story, and I'll probably get some flak for this, but....

Is it just me, or does anyone else get a little bit pissed off by those stories of people calling people in real life to taunt them? I mean, making fun of dead kids online... fine, that's easy enough to ignore and label as mere joking. But to go so far as to make phone calls to their parents for over a year after the kid died to taunt them about their son's suicide? As if the parents didn't feel bad enough, now they have to deal with idiots harassing them at home about something that's not even their fault. Seriously, what are these people thinking? Either they don't realize what they're doing, or they're just straight-up assholes. I don't even care if it's "their right" or "not illegal". Can we have a little common decency?? C'mon people.

here come the "lol stop taking the internet seriously" posts
4chan is the rock music of the modern era.

What a profound statement.

/goes to look at more ****ing awesome hentai. Straight shota ****ing owns the shit out you and everything on planet earth.
I don't go to 4chan (the couple of times I looked, it just didn't seem all that interesting) so I don't know the whole story, and I'll probably get some flak for this, but....

Is it just me, or does anyone else get a little bit pissed off by those stories of people calling people in real life to taunt them? I mean, making fun of dead kids online... fine, that's easy enough to ignore and label as mere joking. But to go so far as to make phone calls to their parents for over a year after the kid died to taunt them about their son's suicide? As if the parents didn't feel bad enough, now they have to deal with idiots harassing them at home about something that's not even their fault. Seriously, what are these people thinking? Either they don't realize what they're doing, or they're just straight-up assholes. I don't even care if it's "their right" or "not illegal". Can we have a little common decency?? C'mon people.

here come the "lol stop taking the internet seriously" posts

The human race can be disgusting. How can people that do this sleep at night?
The anonymous denizens of 4chan’s other boards — devoted to travel, fitness and several genres of pornography — refer to the /b/-dwellers as “/b/tards.”

That line made me lol.

But in all seriousness, they are messed up.
4chan's /b/ seems to be populated with the worst froms of semi-human life that exists in this world. These people are the shallowest, most cruel, insubordinate, retarded sons of guns that I have ever seen.

If I were homeland security, I would censor the frigging site and go hunting /b/tards in 2am in the morning just to spite the bastards. Seriously, some of them may actually be nice people, but I've still yet to see one that I would want to meet in real life. I've seen a couple dozen people that I would call the police on if they ever got more than 50 meters near me.

**** Anonymous. They're just like those idiots that hang around in the gym that think they're so awesome because they play basketball.

I dunno why I'm getting so worked over by this, but it may be because of the stress disorder from seeing a mutilated penis there.
4chan's /b/ seems to be populated with the worst froms of semi-human life that exists in this world. These people are the shallowest, most cruel, insubordinate, retarded sons of guns that I have ever seen.

If I were homeland security, I would censor the frigging site and go hunting /b/tards in 2am in the morning just to spite the bastards. Seriously, some of them may actually be nice people, but I've still yet to see one that I would want to meet in real life. I've seen a couple dozen people that I would call the police on if they ever got more than 50 meters near me.

**** Anonymous. They're just like those idiots that hang around in the gym that think they're so awesome because they play basketball.

Ah, 4chan. Where smart people go to be total ****ing retards.

(Also where total ****ing retards go to be total ****ing retards. But they're already total ****ing retards, so it's a moot point.)
Weev sounds like a nut. I wonder exactly how he makes his money?
4chan is the rock music of the modern era.

What a profound statement.

/goes to look at more ****ing awesome hentai. Straight shota ****ing owns the shit out you and everything on planet earth.


loli owns your shota mofo.

loli owns your shota mofo.
I approve of this message

Also, I never really took /b/ seriously. People who made fun of real people, were made fun of themselves by other trolls. A good example would be the "Paulie" meme (I dunno the actual name)
Epic ****ing Lulz Xdddddd Good Thread Guys! Lmao Lulz!