New Left 4 Dead Preview on L4D411 Includes Expert Footage


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Left 4 Dead 411 have traveled to Valve's HQ to play some Left 4 Dead on expert level and they got some footage to prove it!

First, a word on difficulty: Expert mode plays differently than the other modes. It's much more defensive than the other modes. You'll never find yourself surrounded by zombies and still alive like you see happen in many previous videos. When each individual Infected does 20 damage per melee hit, it only takes a second to get knocked down to zero health. What this means in terms of gameplay and strategy, and what you'll certainly see in the videos, is that as a team we're constantly shooting Infected from far distances. The higher the difficulty mode, the more paranoid you need to be about zombies getting anywhere near you. We apologize if this makes watching the videos a little less exciting than the lower difficulty modes, but that's the only way to survive. Onto the videos!

It's a good preview with some good footage, check it out here.[br]

Don't forget to pre-order Left 4 Dead on Steam or Gamestop to enjoy the demo tomorrow.
Is that video player on their website flaky for anyone else?
Their upload speeds must be a little slow. I'm sure a lot of people are streaming these "High def" videos.
Yeah it's awful. Anyone know if these vids are on youtube?
Yeah, it sucks hard. Choppy sound and video.

Ah well. Tomorrow.
Watched alittle but i didnt want any key moments being spoiled.
Looks proper harsh on Expert, and thats not even the highest difficulty setting, several times in that footage where they just leave people behind and run for it because to much shit hits them.

EDIT: Guy behind the preview has noted on the site that the streaming is Fubar for most people, hopefully it will sort itself out later.
This video streaming is hideous (for this UK user on a faultless 10Mbit -7Mbit actual- connection).

So choppy I almost didn't want to buy the game. Then I remembered it was Left 4 Dead I was seeing. [/dramatics]
We don't need even more footage, we will be playing the demo in a few days. :P
Yeah, the footage is God awful to watch being that it's so choppy, then again I don't really want to see the first two and a half chapters of the Blood Harvest campaign anyway! :)
Why is it so popular to show the game on a console nowadays, instead of the PC?
Why is it so popular to show the game on a console nowadays, instead of the PC?

Their footage is from the PC version, the biggest give away is the lack of D pad inventory on the right.
Their footage is from the PC version, the biggest give away is the lack of D pad inventory on the right.

Ah, OK, I thought it's a console version since it's recorded via a camera and at the beginning of the video (at least that's when I payed attention to it) the crosshairs moved as if controlled with a stick.
If you click the video title in the player, (which takes you to the player site), then click share video, you have the option to download the original source AVI, which plays alot smoother, if u can be arsed that is. :)
Apologies to everybody that experienced troubles with the video player, we hit them with traffic at the wrong time and kind of broke it. Videos should be working now.. hopefully.