Halflife2.net's top 100 games


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Well the votes are in and finally counted. Some votes were omited due to the posters being idiots or annoying me by voting for a series instead of a game and doing other stupid things. If your vote was not counted, too bad. There are actually 112 games on this list, because so many games got two votes. Votes for remakes (Including Counter-Strike: Source and Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes) were taken as being votes for the original game.

Many platforms and genres are represented, although Valve games make a particular mark on the list. It's also interesting to note how the forum's tastes have changed in two years.

1. Half-Life 2

2. Half-Life

3. Portal

3. Team Fortress 2

5. Deus Ex

6. System Shock 2

7. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

8. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

9. Starcraft

10. Goldeneye

11. Diablo 2
11. Max Payne
13. Bioshock
13. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
13. Half-Life 2: Episode Two
13. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
13. Metal Gear Solid
18. Battlefield 2
18. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
18. Mafia
21. Counter-Strike
21. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
23. Baldur's Gate 2
23. Fallout 2
23. Half-Life 2: Episode One
23. Perfect Dark
23. Rome: Total War
23. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
23. Team Fortess Classic
23. Unreal Tournament
31. Command & Conquer: Red Alert
31. Dungeon Keeper
31. Final Fantasy VII
31. Halo: Combat Evolved
31. Resident Evil 4
36. Battlefield 1942
36. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
36. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
36. Company of Heroes
36. Diablo
36. Fallout
36. Grim Fandango
36. Natural Selection
36. Operation Flashpoint
36. Planetscape: Tornment
36. Psychonauts
36. Quake 2
36. Street Fighter 2
36. Super Mario 64
36. World of Warcraft
51. Civilization 4
51. Dawn of War
51. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
51. Far Cry
51. Grand Theft Auto 3
51. Heroes of Mught and Magic 3
51. Hitman: Blood Money
51. Medal of Honour Allied Assault
51. Medeval II: Total War
51. Metal Gear Solid 3
51. Mario Kart 64
51. Mass Effect
51. Resident Evil
51. Shenmue 2
51. Sonic 3 & Knuckles
51. Super Smash Brothers Brawl
51. Unreal Tournament 2004
68. Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising
68. Advance Wars: Dark Conflict
68. Age of Empires II
68. Civilization 3
68. Crash Bandicoot
68. Day of Defeat
68. Doom
68. Donkey Kong 64
68. Duke Nukem 3D
68. Dune 2
68. Dungeon Seige
68. F.E.A.R.
68. Final Fantasy VIII
68. Final Fantasy Tactics
68. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
68. Grand Theft Auto 2
68. Grand Theft Auto 4
68. Half-Life: Opposing Force
68. Homeworld
68. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces
68. The Legend of Zelda
68. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
68. Max Payne 2
68. No One Lives Forever
68. Pokemon Blue/Red/Yellow
68. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
68. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
68. Return to Castle Wolfenstein
68. Shenmue
68. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
68. Silent Hill
68. Silent Hill 2
68. The Sims 2
68. Super Mario Brothers
68. Super Mario World
68. Syndicate
68. Thief 2: The Metal Age
68. Tron 2.0
68. Unreal
68. Vampire the Maquerade: Bloodlines
68. Warcraft 2
68. Warcraft 3
68. The Witcher
68. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
68. X-Com: UFO Defense
No 69? :( :(

Pretty decent list overall. Did you ignore games which only got a single vote?
Yes. But that's also because it was to be a top 100 list and there were more than a hundred games that got more than one vote.
Wait, so why only 68 games listed?
Because shitloads of games came in join 68. I believe there are 112 games on that list.
Couldn't you have made them 69 and then I could have snickered to myself?
No. Stop cluttering up the thread damn it!
Oh my god Half-life 2, Half-life, Team Fortress 2 and Portal make the top 4 slots, that was highly unexpected.

edit: ignore me Riom, I hadn't read the original post about the previous list (I was asking about the comparison...gah)
Hmm interesting list. I love the top 5 it seems so biased in our community's nature to put valve games and deus ex at the top.
System Shock 2's leap up the table intrigues me. Have more people recently discovered it, or has the old habit of the 'geekier than thou' Bioshock knee-jerking reared its head in our poll?

I feel that the right games are in this list, just in the wrong order. But then, the polling method means that if everyone says that Half-Life 2 is in their ten most favourite games, though it is in fact their tenth most favourite game, it's going to win the day because it's in every single list. Valve's position in the list makes sense since of all the games we as a community are likely to have played, they're top of the list. Whilst asking people to vote in order of preference for their favourite games seems kind of silly, perhaps when we come round to this next time, voting for less games would give a more accurate result? Not the end of the world :P
How many votes did HL2 win out over HL1 by?
I think we should just omit all Valve games.
Good list. I've played and enjoyed a TON of the games put up there :D
It's nice to see OoT and Golden Eye still make the list.

It doesn't matter which gaming forum you're on - console or PC - these two games always make the top 10. This makes them the real winners ;)
I bags conducting the next HL2.net top 100 games.
Tehehe, Operation Flashpoint beat WoW. :D

Edit: Well, its higher on the list anyway...
I really should play TF2 more. Shame the game really didn't interest me as much as I thought it would when I first got it.
BF1942 should've been in the god damn top 20.
Was Episode 1 on there? It's a pretty good list, many of my favorites are on there.
Though most of the members do fail for not giving any X-Com games votes.
It's nice to see OoT and Golden Eye still make the list.

It doesn't matter which gaming forum you're on - console or PC - these two games always make the top 10. This makes them the real winners ;)
/high five

Warbie you're so awesome.
It's nice to see OoT and Golden Eye still make the list.

It doesn't matter which gaming forum you're on - console or PC - these two games always make the top 10. This makes them the real winners ;)

Haven't played the first and only touched the second for 5 seconds. XD
Its Halflife2.net's top 100, not "Individual members' top 100."

If everyone on hl2.net were merged into one person, this would be our list of favorite games. Personally though, I think the list is great and fits with my own.
How many votes did HL2 win out over HL1 by?
5 votes. Just over half the people who voted had HL2 and HL1 on their lists. I was actually suprised. HL2 was trailing behind HL1 for most of the time I was counting, having only half the votes of HL1 at one point. But then it shot up to take the top spot. HL2 with 49, HL1 with 44 and TF2 and Portal each with 24.

I'm very disapointed that LoZ Majora's Mask only got one vote. It's my favourite Zelda game.

I bags conducting the next HL2.net top 100 games.
Sure thing Jinty baby. All you have to do is wait another 2 years :P
what a shitty list.
Wow this thread is over 2 years old. :/ We need a new list started soon.
Well we all know what game would be #1 on a website called HALFLIFE2.net
It's kind of depressing to see old games stand the test of time. That means new games aren't that great.
No it's like this
wolfenstien is the first FPS shooter, it was amazing then there were other ones but wolfenstein was the FIRST
I think that it's great that games stand the test of time. The problem is that new games don't, which to me is the sad part. But old games being great and standing the test of time isn't the cause for new games sucking.
> New games
> test of time
> New games

Uh huh.

Also, why don't you guys take a look at the list again. Really look at it. Now tell me again that there aren't any good "new" games. If you can tell me that and honestly believe it, then go see a shrink.
I didn't feel like taking the extra time to say that not all new games aren't good.
But can you honestly say that you will look back years from now and feel the same way you do about Modern Warfare 2 as you do about (insert Krynn's favorite oldschool game)?