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I feel really bad for him... he has a deformity that makes his head extra tall.

i took this from my Facebook account, I guess God isn't as popular as he used to be
And I read a lot of Batman. A LOT of Batman. When you're got several instances of the Joker talking about creating a world just for him and Batman, his obsession with Batman, he grabs Batman's ass in the Arkham Asylum graphic, he talks about "topping" and "bottoming"...Joker's gay, bro.
Yeah but all you had to do was post this.
Darkside, you touched on the correct answer but just about missed it. Galactus and Unicron both go around destroying worlds, but for entirely different reasons.

Galactus does this to survive. He needs this life force to keep him going. He is the embodiment of the struggle to survive magnified to cosmic proportions.

Unicron does this because he hates life and wishes to silence everything in the universe and bring it to a state of perfect calm so that he can rest. He is the embodiment of enthropy magnified to cosmic proportions. All Unicron has to do is go on about his work and empty the universe (something he has achieved at least once before) and Galactus will starve to death.
Indeed, that would be a way to destroy Galactus.

Another thing is, Galactus' devouring of worlds isn't just for survival. He's actually doing it for the good of the universe. He even feels remorse for draining inhabited worlds of their life force.

Unicron on the other hand, like you said, hates life and just eats and eats and eats because he can't stand the universe's very existence.
Another thing is, Galactus' devouring of worlds isn't just for survival. He's actually doing it for the good of the universe. He even feels remorse for draining inhabited worlds of their life force.

Bull-F*cking-Shit, he is as apathetic and withdrawn as someone like Doctor Manhattan (More so), almost zero connection with other entities. Norrin Radd had to annoy him like a little fly to even get a slight response from him. Even when he was like "I can help you find other worlds to eat", Galactus was pretty much like "Shut up".
Post more images. If you're going to debate, then at least construct your posts to be ASCII art.
since most of you dont visit the politics section I thought I'd throw this photo in here as well


lol and that's pretty ****ed up

omfg this is hilarious:

One of the guys over on Ars Technica went to a Tea Party and carried this sign around

The image isnt nws, the image has a url that probably shouldnt be seen by sane eyes it's definately NWS and will probably melt your brain, you've been warned

Galacticus does feel remorse. He have tried eating just dead planets, but that don't work as well or something. He also got ****ed by ghost rider's Penance Stare.
since you people are only amused with photos that feature people injuring themselves or freakish anime trannys here's someone hurting themselves

since you people are only amused with photos that feature people injuring themselves or freakish anime trannys here's someone hurting themselves




also i find this one just so retarded:



Why would he tape himself on the treadmill and why would be post it on the internet?
Treadmills are serious business. That little girl in the pink is never gonna touch one again after that.
since you people are only amused with photos that feature people injuring themselves or freakish anime trannys here's someone hurting themselves


Its from a Citi Bank ad. Saw it a few years back, was hilarious and still is.
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