Killing Floor Pre-load Started, Football Manager Live is Now Available


Jul 6, 2003
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You can start pre-loading your copy of Killing Floor now and be ready to play the moment it is released on May 14th.

Killing Floor is a Co-op Survival Horror FPS set in the devastated cities and countryside of England after a series of cloning experiments for the military goes horribly wrong. You and your friends are members of the military dropped into these locations with a simple mission: Survive long enough to cleanse the area of the failed experiments!

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In another news, Footie fans who own Football Manager 2009 or Worldwide Soccer Manager 2009 on Steam ( like me and Laivasse :D ), you can purchase Football Manager Live for $21.99 (Includes first 4 months of play time) Click here for more info.

Football Manager Live from Sports Interactive, the creators of the hugely popular Football Manager series, is a combination of Fantasy Football, Auction sites, Social Networking and the Football Manager concept all rolled into one.
Not sure if Killing Floor will take anything away from L4D...
Pre-loaded Killing Floor, looking forward to it, I've got big hopes for it :D
Not sure if Killing Floor will take anything away from L4D...

Killing Floor is a different beast compared to Left 4 Dead. It's unfair and nuts to compare the two, especially when they can both be played and enjoyed by the same people.
I wouldn't count on a demo. They won't even release gameplay footage. Must be really bad if you are not willing to reveal much.
Killing Floor feels like the Survival DLC for L4D only that you have to pay for. It has better everything with the only difference is that you can't play as the zombies. Hell the zombies even eat your friends after which is a huge plus. It even comes with an SDK!!! Bought and pre-downloaded! :cheese:
Might just get this for the simple fact of it being $20 cheaper than L4D.
Well if it sucks, then it's like $15 down the drain but this is Trip Wire who made that Red Ochestra game. It's a UT 2004 mod but made for retail and is much better than the mod. I was on their forums and they said they will release a few gameplay vids tonight. It will also come out May 14th at 9PM EST. There is also a wiki page: There is a rich history to the game so I don't think $15 will be wasted. It's actually been nicknamed the L4D killer but the 2 games are very different and many people who are buying it already have L4D.
Gameplay vids are up.

I'm not too impressed by them, tbh.
The sound effects are a little annoying.
And there doesn't seem to be much for hit indicators, blood spurts and the like would be nice.

Also, lulzy voice acting.
I like it a lot. I think the mod community will devour this one.
It looks like they took the standard UT survivor mod and add a bunch of zombies/monsters and other unneeded crap. more crap != better.

O no! an experiment went horribly wrong!!! :laugh:
Watched all of the videos and have decided I'm not getting this until maybe a year after release.
Looks like it'll get old fast.

Atleast L4D has a good deal of variation between maps and is randomized.

This is basically just move to point a and camp until the wave counter says wave over or w/e and then move to another spot and do the same thing.

L4D had the element of surprise and would almost always catch you completely off guard.
Looks awesome for the price, tbh. I'll probably be picking it up. It seems to add things that I've always wanted for L4D (rpg elements, less contrived team play, sprawling outdoor environments)

I honestly sort of regret paying $50 for L4D, it's just not enough variety to keep me playing. Granted it's amazing, I just haven't felt compelled to play as of late.
Yes, anything you don't like will probably be modded. Trip Wire also has a history of supporting their games so they won't abandon it. There was no blood in those videos because that website failed to say it was the censored version. Also it will unlock I believe at 1PM EST. I got the 9PM EST thing from some member on their forums. :x
Any word at all on maybe a promotional free weekend or demo of sorts?
Trailer doesn't look too impressive to me. I'll wait a few weeks and see what reaction is.
I was waiting for game play videos before i could make up my mind. It looks fun from the videos.
Different pacing from Left4Dead but fun nevertheless. Fun enough for me to buy it. I guess, it ain't much of a loss even if it's not that good. Hopefully the gameplay won't disappoint.
Watching those video's really made me appreciate even more how the music was done in L4D.

Music cue >> Text on Screen.
Watching those video's really made me appreciate even more how the music was done in L4D.

Music cue >> Text on Screen.
Yes but the cues remove that unexpected scare that gives you a heart attack.
I don't see the difference in function between "NEXT WAVE INCOMING" and a Music Cue, except that a Music Cue is far more pleasant.