Senior role call...

brb, taking a huge shit.

And I'm wiping with my hands.
I'm back.

I was going to take pictures, but I remember that thread Pitz made once.

It wasn't a big dramatic shit-brickage like he had, though. Mine were more smooth, in the way a neck-bearded middle eastern man buys you a drink, and then accidentally grabs your left nut when stumbling to a toilet.

After the welling of embarrassment cools, you realise, it felt pretty good.
Are you kidding me? High school sucks. I graduated two years ago and I haven't missed it for one second. Give yourself another year or two and you'll be raring to get out of that hellhole. University is several orders of magnitude more awesome / less mindnumbing.

Why are we the same age?!

You should show them what's what, Scepter-Wielding-Carnival-Chainsaw-Foot-Penguin.
So, I just got back from some hyped-to-be-epic end of the year party, and it completely snapped me out of depression mode.

Bunch of half drunk highschoolers talking up a storm in some kid who's not even a senior's living room, with the home owner yelling at everybody to be ****ing quiet, until he got so fed up that he straight up kicked everybody out.

Yeah, time of my ****ing life... Can't wait till i'm off this island and on the mainland.
Hectic sesh at sinkoman's, Saturday night.
Now, this story begins in nineteen-dickety-two. We had to say "dickety" 'cause the Kaiser had stolen our word for "twenty". I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles. But we can’t bust heads like we used to, but we have our ways. One trick is to tell 'em stories that don’t go anywhere -- like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. 'Give me five bees for a quarter,' you’d say. Now where were we? Oh yeah -- the important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones... You see, back in those days, rich men would ride around in zeppelins, dropping coins on people, and one day I seen J. D. Rockefeller flying by. So I run out of the house with a big washtub and... Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah. I used my washtub that morning to clean my turkey, which back then was called a 'walking bird'. We had walking bird on Thanksgiving with cranberry sauce, Injun eyes, and yams stuffed with gunpowder. We also sat around and watched football, which back then was called baseball.
Actually, screw it.

I hate high school. Get me the **** out of here. Egotistical popular a-holes need to rot in hell, along with girls.

**** 'em all.

EDIT: Oh, and death. Especially after the end of the year, from car accidents. Those really suck.
Waiting for the state to give me my diploma still... 6 months after finishing all reqs and filing the paperwork. Yay. Community college HS diploma program > high school, however.
Finishing my freshman year tomorrow, High school has been a living hell so far. The only redeming aspect of the entire sad and sorry mess is the fact that the classes are incredibly easy. We will all be issued laptops next year though, I look foward to that.
Finished freshman year of college.

I can't say if high-school or college is better, but here is my comparison:

High School-
Pros- easy classes that are close to each other, time to work on hobbies, it was free, multiple-choice tests, small class sizes, the feeling of innocence and not caring about the future.
Cons- parents, bullies, regular-ed classes, classes you generally have no interest in, the inability to come and go as you please, nightly homework, nazi-like enforcement of "no electronics" policy. Draconian bell and lunch schedule, crappy food.

Pros- Freedom, awesome class schedule, interesting classes that challenge you, pretty good food for the most part, meeting people, doing research, doing interesting projects, living on your own, not having to answer to parents, being treated like an adult and equal by professors. The ability to use electronics, and food in class.
Cons- (in my case), really ****ing hard. Impossible tests (one of which I got a SEVENTEEN on), impossible homework. Having to deal with failure. Staying up every night until 4 AM to finish homework, not having any free time, having to pay for everything, spending 50K a year to go here, getting sick from so many people, people having sex in the halls, people vomiting everywhere and passing out, not being able to escape people you hate because you LIVE with them. Homesickness.

So, I think both have some positive and negative aspects. My grade point average dropped from a straight 4.0 in high school to a 2.7 in college if that's any indication of the difficulty at my university. My rank dropped from the top 1 percent to the bottom 25 percent. But I get to learn new and interesting things. I get to do projects and research about stuff that I actually like, and I'm free to do pretty much what I want in my free time (the little that I have.) In college you learn how to live like an adult, how to deal with time management, how to cope with failure, and how to seek what interests you. I never really cared about my future in high school, or what the point of my schooling was. Here, I feel really invested, and I feel dedicated to keeping my educational ship (barely) afloat.
I just started college again on Monday after a 3-year hiatus... so far so good, haha... it's good to be workin' toward something again (actually not again really, that's the reason I quit the first time)! Two years from now I will be Letters the accountant! :P
Finished freshman year of college.

So, I think both have some positive and negative aspects. My grade point average dropped from a straight 4.0 in high school to a 2.7 in college if that's any indication of the difficulty at my university. My rank dropped from the top 1 percent to the bottom 25 percent. But I get to learn new and interesting things. I get to do projects and research about stuff that I actually like, and I'm free to do pretty much what I want in my free time (the little that I have.) In college you learn how to live like an adult, how to deal with time management, how to cope with failure, and how to seek what interests you. I never really cared about my future in high school, or what the point of my schooling was. Here, I feel really invested, and I feel dedicated to keeping my educational ship (barely) afloat.

What college?
College was definitely harder than high school. There were nights where I'd stay up really late with friends and we'd basically sit around moping. I know of people who disappeared for a semester and then came back (and some people who never actually got to the part where you come back).

Freshman year was pretty good though. Somehow I ended up with Tuesdays relatively free so I'd sit around playing videogames, although I was also stupid enough to schedule Monday classes starting at 8 AM and ending with 6:30-10:30 pm organic chemistry lab. And it really did take the entire four hours to finish that lab. Then sophomore and junior years came around and I stopped having free time and my sleeping schedule was (and still is) completely screwed up. Senior year was actually not bad. I only had three classes my last semester, one of which stopped having lectures halfway through and the other two were out of my major and really easy classes.

This is the best way I can describe college. With a crappy graph:


Anyways, now I get to go to graduate school which supposedly starts off really bad and never gets much better. Wooooo.
I graduated high school in 2007. I kind of miss it a little. That's probably because I'm at a junior college right now. It's sort of like purgatory in many senses. Really hard to make friends.

Oh well, I'll be transferring to University within a few years.