PS3 slim announced out in september

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In my opinion, the new one definitely looks better from what I can tell, however scrapping the ability to install Linux? Is this because of BluRay piracy? I admit I don't know much about it, I just heard that it was possible.
I love the new hull on the PS3 Slim. No fingerprints. :)
They should have lowered the price long ago. Instead they are reinventing the same ****ing thing but gimping it even further. I was thinking of getting one myself but too many developers are criticizing it.
Valve included.
How are they gimping it? By removing Linux? careometer.gif

Also what do ppl want backwards compatibility for now?
They should have lowered the price long ago. Instead they are reinventing the same ****ing thing but gimping it even further. I was thinking of getting one myself but too many developers are criticizing it.
Valve included.

I don't know if this is purely coming out the asses of PS3 fanboys -- but whenever I hear people talking about Gabe complaining about the PS3's crappy game coding architecture, they (the supposed PS3 fanboys) complain about Gabe being a crappy coder. Although, I'm increasingly starting to think that this is pure bullshit, because even John Carmack - The Einstein of Programming, is not content with it's architecture.
I watched this video (PS3 Slim Unboxing) and have changed my stance a bit.

All I really care about now is the price drop TBH. The slim is still a large, heavy console any way you slice it. The form factor doesn't increase its convenience that much, but the price makes it worthwhile.
even John Carmack - The Einstein of Programming, is not content with it's architecture.
And I don't recall Crytek bitching and moaning about it. They seem more excited about its potential. If it does not make financial sense for Valve to develop on the PS3, then fine, but don't say they are lazy or bad programmers.
And I don't recall Crytek bitching and moaning about it. They seem more excited about its potential. If it does not make financial sense for Valve to develop on the PS3, then fine, but don't say they are lazy or bad programmers.

I didn't say that. This is the argument I hear from Ps3 fanboys. I don't even agree with them.
I wouldn't say Gabe was above kicking Sony in the shins; he's an ex-Microsoft employee after all. They're not incapable of sorting through the slight complexities of PS3 programming, they just don't really see the point.
As much as I love Valve ... the mere fact that there's a lot of games on the PS3 that have much better graphics than what they've produced, even on PC, says it all. Though I do see the point that it just isn't worth it to port their games over, the bitching is a bit unprofessional.

As far as the redesign ... I don't think much of it. The older model definitely looks better, but if this is what it takes to drive the cost down then fair enough. I'm glad I have the original model with hardware backwards compatibility though.
Uh, Mr. Brainchild John Carmack wasn't bitching or moaning. He simply states facts, like, the rasterizer in the PS3 is notably slower, that it's much easier to develop for the 360.

Here is something interesting for PS3 fans:
Continuing on, Carmack noted that his position on the ease of use regarding developing for the PS3 versus the Xbox 360 hasn't changed ' it's still easier to work on games for the 360, although there is a chance that the PS3 version of RAGE may wind up being slightly superior in terms of visuals, thanks to the added space of the Blu-Ray disc, as well as the guarantee of a hard-drive with every console for installation and data swapping.
Uh, Mr. Brainchild John Carmack wasn't bitching or moaning.

What he basically said was that you can do some minor changes to the game code and it magically grinds to a halt. Something about some registry space being filled somewhere and there's no way of telling in the debugger. Something similar to Gabe's statements.
Game devs are getting better with the PS3. It had a great showing at E3 2009, only goes up from there.
Game devs are getting better with the PS3. It had a great showing at E3 2009, only goes up from there.

Fortunately. It's just sad to see that the developers having to adapt to the developer tools, moreso than the tools adapt to the developer.
Hm. That sounds pretty shit. I hadn't heard that yet.

I was referring to this

(Thursday, July 30th, 2009)
Unfortunately, the performance gulf between both console versions is right now, fairly massive. The Xbox 360 version is running at about twice the speed that the PS3 version is. The Xbox 360 version can maintain around gaming PC levels of performance, with 50 to 60 frames per second, while the PS3 manages to run only about 20 to 30 frames per second.

"The RSX [PS3 graphics processor] is slower than what we have in the 360. The CPU is about the same, but the 360 makes it easier to split things off, and that's what a lot of the work has been, splitting it all into jobs on the PS3," Carmack went on to tell Edge Magazine.

The PS3 version will benefit however from the Blu-ray drive: the game will be able to fit on one disc. For the Xbox 360 and PC versions, it is looking like Rage will come on 4 DVDs -- frighteningly, this game will probably require over 30GB's of hard drive space to fully install on a PC.

So, from what I can tell, it all goes back to what I've been saying since before the PS3 even came out: "the PS3 may have more disc space to store higher resolution textures, but it doesn't have the RAM or the GPU power to actually use them."

lol what a ridiculous game system. It really needs games specifically designed around it's unique architecture, designed to exploit its strengths and hide its weaknesses. Multi-platform games are almost always going to suffer.

30GB for the PC version isn't frightening - it's fantastic.
Hm. That sounds pretty shit. I hadn't heard that yet.

I was referring to this

(Thursday, July 30th, 2009)

So, from what I can tell, it all goes back to what I've been saying since before the PS3 even came out: "the PS3 may have more disc space to store higher resolution textures, but it doesn't have the RAM or the GPU power to actually use them."

lol what a ridiculous game system. It really needs games specifically designed around it's unique architecture, designed to exploit its strengths and hide its weaknesses. Multi-platform games are almost always going to suffer.

30GB for the PC version isn't frightening - it's fantastic.

Uh. Yeah. What he said.
all the older PS3s at work were sold out for the past 6 days anyway but i doubt we'll get many more in.
jimbo118 said:
Larger file size means it must be really high resolution textures (which we already know is the case) and/or a large world; a large game.

Would you want the game to be held back because of your hard drive limitation? You can get a very quick 1 terabyte drive (roughly 1000GB) for around $85.
I didn't say that. This is the argument I hear from Ps3 fanboys. I don't even agree with them.
Hey, I was just saying my news in addition to yours. Some people have trouble, some don't and their reasons are their own and we shouldn't insult any of them. No big deal man. :cheers:
I prefer the big one. The slim version looks shit.

Also probably will have the same overheating problems as the PS2 slim because of the lack of space for air to circulate, and even more so this time because the more powerful PS3 processors and GPUs just means even more heat. This is why I generally dislike any console or PC case with the word, "slim" in it.

EDIT: ^That and slim models are just gay. :|

Well, maybe this time Sony used some sort of unique and clever method of cooling?
Hey, I was just saying my news in addition to yours. Some people have trouble, some don't and their reasons are their own and we shouldn't insult any of them. No big deal man. :cheers:

Ah, I must have misinterpreted you there. Anyway, Ps3 slim next payday. :cheers:
I guess the fact I own the old-style PhatStation3, means I'm a more hardcore gamer than you guys, so you bastards that are getting the slim can just SHOVE IT.:hmph:
That sucks, I demand Sony reinstate me because I bought my PS3 this July, and hence it will cost me 50% more to use my PS3 rather than a PS3Slim! I am so suing Sony >_<
Fortunately. It's just sad to see that the developers having to adapt to the developer tools, moreso than the tools adapt to the developer.

I have to dig at this. The tools haven't changed the architecture has.
I will be getting a Slim tomorrow.
I need a suggestion of two games, MGS4 is already on my list.
I will be getting a Slim tomorrow.
I need a suggestion of two games, MGS4 is already on my list.

I'm getting MGS4 and a bunch of Guitar Hero and Rock Band games (getting full band set) and probably Little Big Planet. Another reason I'm getting PS3 is to prepare for Brütal Legend. These are just some titles I get from the top of my head.
I will be getting a Slim tomorrow.
I need a suggestion of two games, MGS4 is already on my list.

What kind of games do you like? Uncharted is one of the best single player action games of this generation. Valkyria Chronicles is an excellent and unique RPG, as is Demon's Souls if you don't mind dieing a lot.
What kind of games do you like? Uncharted is one of the best single player action games of this generation. Valkyria Chronicles is an excellent and unique RPG, as is Demon's Souls if you don't mind dieing a lot.

I've been thinking about Valkyria, plus Batmang possibly. Killzone 2 because one of my friends plays it, and I might want to play with him. LBP doesn't interest me because I wouldn't want to play alone anyway.
What kind of games do you like? Uncharted is one of the best single player action games of this generation. Valkyria Chronicles is an excellent and unique RPG, as is Demon's Souls if you don't mind dieing a lot.

Thanks for reminding me. I was thinking about Uncharted as well.
...right, whatever you wish to call it. Still makes it a hassle.

The thing is it really isn't as hard to develop for as some companies would make you believe. The problems arise when you develop for one platform and port to the other. I think too many people became complacent with DirectX.
Valkyria chronicles is a must get.

If you like survivor-horror similar to Silent Hill, get Siren Blood Curse.
I'm having fun on MP with Killzone 2 ATM. You guys recommend anything for MP?