Howdy Amigos


Aug 30, 2009
Reaction score
I am stoked to meet new people here. It appears to be a
wonderful place!

I'm into playing hang gliding.

Any others who enjoy the same here?

What do you spend your time on?
I am stoked to meet new people here. It appears to be a
wonderful place!

It's an illusion! That's what they want you to think!

Welcome. You posted this thread in the Politics forum, when I believe it would be better served in the [strike]" Feedback" forum[/strike] "Lounge." However, since you are a first-time poster, AND there is no specific location to place "I'm new here" threads, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. People are sticklers about what threads go where (including me, but my opinion doesn't really matter here), so I humbly request that you adhere to the protocols and are mindful of that in the future.

Not tryin to be aggressive, it's just FYI, to prevent a lot of hurt in the future.

A lot of hurt.

That said, welcome.
It's time. Time to put on the last suit you'll ever wear.

*MIB montage starts*
Hi, my interests include Spice and Wolf, Evangelion, Art Rock, catgirls, the internet, grammar, objectivism, bros, Half Life, foxgirls, Horo, forums, Civilization, politics, lists, diet coke, SCIENCE!, semi-colons; Warhammer 40k, pettan, Touhou, Pokemon, getting packages, opening packages, being disappointed at what is inside, setting said object on my desk, never doing anything with it, and psychology.
Hi, my interests include writing stories, writing poetry, the internet, computers in general, listening to music, singing (badly) to myself, watching movies, Counter-strike: Source, Left 4 Dead, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Speed runs, some anime, some board games like Zombies! and Talisman, and lists.
Hi, my interests include Spice and Wolf, Evangelion, Art Rock, catgirls, the internet, grammar, objectivism, bros, Half Life, foxgirls, Horo, forums, Civilization, politics, lists, diet coke, SCIENCE!, semi-colons, pettan, Touhou, Pokemon, getting packages, opening packages, being disappointed at what is inside, setting said object on my desk, never doing anything with it, and psychology.
I read through this list real fast and I was like, "wut? oh, 'horo', not 'homo'"

EDIT> btw, I hate psychology. I've had some bum with a psychology doctorate try to tell me I had Asperger's Syndrome before just because I'm a little different than everybody else.

The whole field is a joke and is not based on solid evidence, but speculation and observation.
I read through this list real fast and I was like, "wut? oh, 'horo', not 'homo'"

EDIT> btw, I hate psychology. I've had some bum with a psychology doctorate try to tell me I had Asperger's Syndrome before just because I'm a little different than everybody else.

The whole field is a joke.

I enjoy doing psychological analysis(es) of people, and I've oftentimes been right.

A lot of psychologists are shit and try to do the least amount of work possible while still telling you you have something wrong.
Hmm. How do you go about "playing" hang gliding? Do you pretend to hang glide? Quite an imagination.
Our new friend is probably foreign. Be polite to our new member you savage. :P

I wonder where he's from though?
Hello, my interests include writing short stories about random topics and playing video games such as Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress 2, and Half-Life. I also like to play the clarinet during my free time, and when I've got nothing else to do, I simply sit down and read a book. There's not much else about me; I'm not a very interesting person, heh.

Edit: Oh and I come to every day (pretty obvious, I guess).
Welcome to the forum. I enjoy sitting in my chair while twiddling my thumbs.
I play trombone.
I love jazz.
I love cats.
I love video games.

'Nuff said.
I like calling Saturos Dragonshirt.
I am currently an omnivorous biped.
I usually travel in packs of twos or threes.
Hi, my interests include vidya gaems, computer gaems, watching movies, listening to music, reading books, watching political debates and political lectures, I used to watch anime alot but after a while I came to realise that I haven't watched it in a long time and I probably won't either so I deleted all anime from my hard drive to save space for daily show episodes... oh hi, Acepilot, what's goin o-- *connection to user was lost*
Hi amigo. I wish i was that incredibly well endowed schoolboy in that classic hentai Secret Plot.

And i was at a school full of nympo female teachers.

Welcome to the forums.

May your stay be pleasant.

All your fantasies will come true.


hi, i like dismembering bodies and the smell of flesh.

i also like kites...and turtles
Hi there. I am interested in nothing.
That's pretty much what it translates to.

Mr-Fusion said:
I wish i was that incredibly well endowed schoolboy in that classic hentai Secret Plot.
The last chapter of that was heartwarming.
Heya, it's me, Imoen!

I'm enjoy playing computer games (PC cause consoles have none), watching films, reading books, surfing and diving (when I can) and SCIENCE, specifically PLAYING GOD WITH GENES. It's one of the most fun games.
I hope to one day create Triffids.