Short Story Contest - Vote!


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
In case you didn't know the fourth and very prestigious Short Story Contest has concluded and all the entries are in.

To vote, simply send me a PM with your choice (exact title please) in the subject line. I will count up the votes for each story and the winner or winner will receive a custom title or some kudos or something. You should try and read all stories fully, and you should also take at least a glance at the rules and the topic, so that you have more of an idea of what you are judging. All votes must be in by midnight on Sunday 27th. You can't vote for yourself.

Posting this notice in the lounge because not everyone checks the Fiction forum!
I hope people will continue to use the discussion thread to talk about the entries.

Rules and conditions


  1. A Slug's Rebirth by Lame-O
    One of those epiphanies we all get when we're drunk.
  2. Buses by FarrowleSparrow
    A man imagines the fury of buses.
  3. Pathetic Phallusy by Dekstar
    Freud was right. Everything is a metaphor for cocks.
  4. Projection by Riomhaire
    Two cameras in the same street.
  5. Hypertree, part one and part two by Sulkdodds.
    A story about trees. OR IS IT?!?
  6. Bookes by Viperidae.
    I dreamt of a scanner positioned above my bed, yawning down on me like an open mouth, and woke up sweating.
  7. Housebroken by Corp. Sheepo.
    Man disturbed by curious night-time incidents and sudden bananas. One dead.
(note to authors: these are placeholder descriptions. If you have a better one, by all means tell me and I'll replace it.)
You summed up my story excellently Sulksy. <3
Huh, damn. If I had known about this I would have submitted the piece I just finished.

When's the next one?
Ha, I knew the banana joke would come back to haunt me. All the entries are great this time, I'm still undecided on who to vote for.

Huh, damn. If I had known about this I would have submitted the piece I just finished.

When's the next one?

Entries are supposed to be created specifically for the contest, so that would be cheating!
Why does yours, Viper's, and Sheepo's lines have periods after them!?
Ha, I knew the banana joke would come back to haunt me. All the entries are great this time, I'm still undecided on who to vote for.

Entries are supposed to be created specifically for the contest, so that would be cheating!


So when is the next one?
I would appreciate it if you took 'old' out of the description, as I was trying to careful not to characterize him as such. I know it got muddled in the last half.
Sulk I'd recommend linking this thread in an announcement to the off topic forums (can you localise announcements like that?) to maximise coverage(!).
Oh my, a short stories contest? Damn, saw the thread a while ago, missed it. I'll enter in the next one, in any case.
I think it all Short Story contests should be put into the News section. Every other contest is.
I plan on posting a critique on all the stories in the discussion thread. But I might not.
I say do it Rimfire. I'd love to hear your thoughts on mine.
A short story contest vote in which only the contest participants participate. Awesome.

Put it in a news thread.
You guys suck at writing stories. My black handicapped grandmother could write a better story whilst submerged under water with no scuba gear/mask/oxygen tank or anything.
You guys suck at writing stories. My black handicapped grandmother could write a better story whilst submerged under water with no scuba gear/mask/oxygen tank or anything.
Well maybe if your grandmother took time out of dying she could enter, or you could stop being a pussy and enter yourself.
This went completely under my radar. Where was this posted?
Viperidae, with Bookes


Shit was, I mean, the results were very close, with all authors receiving at least one vote. Here's the breakdown:

  • Lame-O, 1 vote
  • Dekstar, 2 votes
  • Riomhaire, 1 vote
  • FarrowleSparrow, 1 vote
  • Sulkdodds, 2 votes
  • Viperidae, 3 votes
  • Sheepo, 1 vote.
Viperidae will soon receive a custom title of his choice. Meanwhile, a new contest will be announced quite shortly as I already know what precise topic I would like to do. Thank you to everyone who participated and who voted!
I'm kind of disappointed by the lack of literate folk here at What, a total of 11 people read the stories? Seriously?
I think it's more a publicity problem more than anything else.
I'm kind of disappointed by the lack of literate folk here at What, a total of 11 people read the stories? Seriously?

And most of them were people who also entered the competition. It is such a shame.
Ack, I was going to vote, and forgot. There would have been an exciting tie