Dragon Age Mods


Mar 24, 2007
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To avoid having to read through the pages of other Dragon Age posts, looking for tidbits about possible modifications to this amazing game, I am starting a new post that is dedicated to Mods, your thoughts about them & nothing else.

Dragon Age Nexus - The same folks that brought you the excellent Fallout Nexus, have expanded their site to include Dragon Age. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/categories.php

The mods I currently have installed:

DAModder - Dragon Age Mod manager. Easily installs/uninstalls mods & keeps track of those you installed, with the ability to backup/restore your characters. while the program seems to be in it's early stages, the stable version ( there is a new Beta version out ) works quite well & I have had no problems with it as of yet.

Better Archery v1-75b - Simply put, it turns the more or less useless "Archery" skill, into a now viable & powerful weapon based skill. The readme is quite in depth & provides a great deal of info about the mods changes. Those of you that feel the game is too easy, even on the Nightmare setting, will like this mod, as it also changes the enemies archery skill, making them now much more deadly. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=216

No Starting Abilities - Normally, during character creation, the game assigns certain abilities based on your class and background, and then lets you choose a few others on your own. This mod will make it so that you no longer get those automatic abilities. In return you receive more points to spend on what you want. In the end the balance is the same.

Circles Be Gone - This gets rid of the circles under the player's & enemies feet. This adds a lot to immersion. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=95

Forced Deathblows - This is a quick and simple mod that changes the chances of melee kills becoming "Deathblows", aka those nifty scripted hack-em-up sequences! http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=220

thanks for the info MRG
didn't take very long for quality mods to appear
might try a few out on my next playthrough
I've actually never played the game, and have no interest in it.

wow there are quite a few really good mods out already

like the enhanced character customization (more eye colours, hair styles, tattoos etc)

and the white teeth mod! anyone notice how all characters in the vanilla game have brown teeth? guess personal hygiene took a back seat during the Blight

I think enhanced deathblows is my fav so far though :)
and the white teeth mod! anyone notice how all characters in the vanilla game have brown teeth? guess personal hygiene took a back seat during the Blight
Or y'know the game is set in medieval times before toothbrushes were invented...
They have magic to clean their teeth.
it's a fantasy world.... I think they could somehow manage to clean their teeth
The point being in 'ye olde times' having clean teeth wasn't really a high priority. Even with magic this is still the case.
Well, most people didn't spend much time cleaning their teeth in the middle ages because their teeth were already pretty healthy.

Anyway, brown teeth in Dragon Age never bothered me, I much prefer the mod that let's you reset your companions skills.