Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score


The voice of Duke Nukem, Jon St. John, says “Read between the lines…” in reference to his inability to provide specifics on the state of Duke Nukem Forever during his panel discussion at the Music and Games Festival (MAGFest) that took place January 1 – 4 in Alexandria, Virginia. In response to a fan’s question about the status of Duke Nukem Forever St. John stated:

I’m not allowed to speak on that subject, sir.

He’s asking about Duke Nukem Forever, let me go ahead and tell you right now that I’m not allowed to talk about Dukem Nukem Forever.

No, no, don’t be disappointed, read between the lines… why am I not allowed to talk about it?

Jon’s reaction to this simple question provides further evidence that the once FPS king may yet return to reclaim his crown. Jon further proves he’s still got it by teasing the crowd with:

I’ve got balls of aluminum!

Scott Miller made some comments were made recently about the future of Duke Nukem, and that there will be more games. However, some of them will be casual games.

Still, we're getting more DOUK

Great to hear that Forever will be in production for forever...
Just imagine all the little kids who would play it and be like "Who is this guy? Duke Nukem? What a stupid name." And they like wouldn't even know about how long the game took to come out.
Just imagine all the little kids who would play it and be like "Who is this guy? Duke Nukem? What a stupid name." And they like wouldn't even know about how long the game took to come out.

Gasp! :O

How true! Little kiddies around the globe would prob say exactly that. Dang young newbies! Calling themselves gamers.. Ha! I musta played through Duke Nukem 3D a dozen times if I played it once. ( Though I strangely don't remember much about the game, only that I really liked shooting the Pig Cops ) I took it out about 2 years ago, but sadly remembered that XP, wouldn't run it without compatibility programs. I have an original Genuine Win95 CD here in my archives & have given it some thought about having it installed on a partition, just so I can install it, along with a few other old games. I remember first seeing the game over at my brother-in-law, Top Secrets house, when he was just a wee lad of about 9. Good times.. good times..

Come Get Some!


EDIT: - Did a little looking around & found an interesting site. I believe I am now going to have to reinstall DN3D after seeing what I saw over on

He's not allowed to talk about it because there is nothing to talk about.
Gasp! :O

How true! Little kiddies around the globe would prob say exactly that. Dang young newbies! Calling themselves gamers.. Ha! I musta played through Duke Nukem 3D a dozen times if I played it once. ( Though I strangely don't remember much about the game, only that I really liked shooting the Pig Cops ) I took it out about 2 years ago, but sadly remembered that XP, wouldn't run it without compatibility programs. I have an original Genuine Win95 CD here in my archives & have given it some thought about having it installed on a partition, just so I can install it, along with a few other old games. I remember first seeing the game over at my brother-in-law, Top Secrets house, when he was just a wee lad of about 9. Good times.. good times..

Come Get Some!


EDIT: - Did a little looking around & found an interesting site. I believe I am now going to have to reinstall DN3D after seeing what I saw over on


Been playing Hi-Def Duke for a year or so. So fun.