Ubisoft screwed up the Prince of Persia franchise.

Nov 30, 2008
Reaction score
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

So just when we thought the whole sands of time thing is complete, an interquel (taking place between sands of time and warrior within) will be released as their next installment in the franchise.

Honestly, what about Prince of Persia 2008?

The Prince of Persia franchise will soon become one of the most whored out franchises in video game history, behind mario.
>Insinuating the series wasn't screwed up to begin with.
I enjoyed the first 3, 3D ones. Then the cartoon-shader one...I really, really tried to enjoy it...but got so bored with it.
Ubisoft has been getting consistently worse since R6: Lockdown and Double Agent.
Honestly, what about Prince of Persia 2008?

I swear to god that hub area is so tiny where the hell could a donkey get to the entire place was walled off jesus christ that donkey was friggin' laid up with gold and I was gonna buy some carpets REALLY, REALLY THICK CARPETS I'm talking fucking embroidered brocades and shit on these carpets with gold weaving in the fabric and also more than the gold that was a good donkey I gave her a name and everything her name was Farrah that was MY GODDAMN DONKEY what the shit man donkeys are so fucking loyal do you know there was once an instance where some guys in the Mexican-American war or some shit put dynamite on a donkey and sent it off but the donkey came back to them because it was so loyal I can't believe my donkey would just run away plus she had all that gold on her back it's not like she could run far I bet that fucking sandstorm killed her because I had to cut down the trees like a bitch instead of just letting Elika stay dead jesus I only knew her for like a day why did I even care if she died after all that shit we did to put Ahriman back and I had to go and undo it because of a potential love interest DAMN THAT WAS DUMB I should've just left her dead in the temple and gone off looking for my donkey and bought some rugs and taken a trip to the sea like I wanted to

Goddamn Ubisoft.
Assassin's Creed 2 is spectacular, otherwise Ubi has seemed relatively uninteresting lately. I'd like to see some more new IPs. The Clancy games have become such muddled mediocre rubbish. I recall with great fondness the days of Rogue Spear, Ravenshield and the original Ghost Recon. Here's to hoping the new Splinter Cell is at least moderately entertaining.
Ubisoft are the destroyer of franchises.

PoP 2008 sucked and didn't sell well. Far Cry 2 was average. The Rainbow Six: Vegas series are some of the worst FPS's I've played. The new Splinter Cell sucks (and so did DA).
Ubisoft has good ideas for new IPs, but they milk them to death. They really should have at least finished the PoP 2008 before releasing an interquel for PoP Sands of time.

It's a shame how most companies tend to do well when milking their franchises (see Blizzard). Some of them even get terrific reviews. Ubisoft on the other hand, is just absolutely horrible with it.

Honestly, Forgotten sands is between Sands of time and Warrior within. That's ridiculously far back in the timeline. The game wouldn't introduce anything new, but instead take away from it (being able to become the Dark Prince for example).
Isn't this where it went wrong?


I havent played the games at that time but I do remnber the wtf at the sudden change of style of the second one

like if the new art director where some emo-metal guy and went
possible emo-metal new art director: "now I am the boss and this is what we will do"

other artist that was since the previous game: "but this is very diferent from..."

possible emo-metal new art director: "do you have the job of boss,no? them silence!"
I havent played the games at that time but I do remnber the wtf at the sudden change of style of the second one

like if the new art director where some emo-metal guy and went
possible emo-metal new art director: "now I am the boss and this is what we will do"

other artist that was since the previous game: "but this is very diferent from..."

possible emo-metal new art director: "do you have the job of boss,no? them silence!"

Maybe we should tell the new art director "them silence!"

Well not the new new art director from the 2008 PoP since the art direction in that was great, but the one previous to that.
hell they screwed up splinter cell too. The only thing still right really is assassin's creed :|
Ubisoft haven't delivered this gen imo. Only AC2 has been really good. Far Cry 2 could have been great but had too many flaws.
Ubisoft hasn't delivered this gen imo. Only AC2 has been really good. Far Cry 2 could have been great but had too many flaws.

Farcry 2 had so much potential.

Respawning posts that respawn when you are a few feet away from it.... Heck, they shoot at you no matter which faction you've been helping. I'm sure situations are vaguely similar in Africa, but I doubt they will fire at ANYONE passing their post....

Diamonds.... Honestly, I want to upgrade and buy new weapons, but I honestly am not bothered to search for millions of diamonds just to get some upgrades that don't do shit.

Why won't developers realize that having limited gold in a game and having to search all over the world for it has absolutely no fun value at all? Wolfenstein and FC2 did it, and it sucked ass.

Anyways I derailed my own thread. The trailer for forgotten sands isn't even that good. Ubisoft is becoming EA even before becoming part of them.