Boonex scam has ripped me off!


Apr 13, 2010
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I would like to warn all webmasters who want to create a social networking site not to use Boonex. Boonex Dolphin Scam Script is the most ugly and terrible piece of code I've ever seen!!! Try googling "boonex scam" first. Try to dig in the code, change something substantially - and you'll see yourself that it has architecture that is impossible to deploy. Structured programming mixed with OOP that violates all normal rules of OOAD, ugly and difficult to read style of coding - man I'm so angry and disappointed with it - current project I'm building upon it is late because I HAD TO REIMPLEMENT MOST SOCIAL NETWORKING FEATURES what was done because of tight coupling of code and terrible design in general…>:( Don't even think of buying it if you plan to change at least something about it substantially. It might work if you plan to stick with it while making minor changes - mostly styles and colors. But everything over that will make you regret…
I haven't tried other Boonex products yet (and never will do so!), but DOLPHIN IS THE WORST SCRIPT I'VE EVER SEEN. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND USING OTHER PRODUCTS - there are plenty of them.
Considering previous post - why someone wants to lie about company whereabouts? There's no other answer but to fool customers. They say they offer quality product with customer support, which is a big lie. Boonex Scam Script has a lot of complaints all around the web. Try googling Boonex complaints. Report to if you have your own complaint.
Don't get fooled - use SocialEngine, JomSocial, Drupal, etc instead. Boonex is a scam. Google boonex scam: or boonex dolphin scam.
Give it a few more hours or days, I'm sure a link will pop up to a CMS that is much better than Boonex. Amirite spambot?