California sex offender gets life for raping, murdering teens


Jul 30, 2008
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2 videos in the link.

(CNN) -- Admitted killer John Albert Gardner III bowed his head and wept at his sentencing Friday as the parents of his teen victims called him a monster and coward for raping and murdering their daughters.

At the end of the hourlong hearing, the convicted sex offender was sentenced by Judge David Danielsen to three consecutive terms of life without parole for murdering Chelsea King and Amber Dubois and attacking a jogger.

The case has sparked calls for tougher penalties against sex offenders.

Dressed in a green jailhouse jumpsuit, his gaze on the floor, Gardner became emotional as the parents took turns attempting to articulate the agony of their losses before a packed courtroom in San Diego Superior Court.

The mood of the families' victim impact statements alternated between celebrations of the teens' lives and accomplishments and rage directed at Gardner.

"Look at me," Kelly King, Chelsea's mother, tearfully demanded of her daughter's admitted killer after taking the podium. She paused and waited as a red-faced Gardner slowly lifted his eyes, casting a quick glance at her before shutting his eyes.

"What I feel is so much deeper than I ever dare to express in a public forum. There are things I'd like to say, but to protect my son and to maintain the dignity of my family, my words will be far too mild to adequately speak the disgusting truth about you," she said tearfully, trembling as she spoke.

"Chelsea was a sweet, loving and innocent soul who could not have fathomed the wretched piece of evil that ended her beautiful life on that day."

Parents have every right to that degree of fury,and it's true that his life will be alot harder mixed in with the general population...cuz not even crooks like rapists
So... What's the catch? Threads are usually not made about news stories that don't offer some kind of discussion value. Guy rapes and kills girls and is going to jail. Okay?
So... What's the catch? Threads are usually not made about news stories that don't offer some kind of discussion value. Guy rapes and kills girls and is going to jail. Okay?

He had been convicted of rape a few years before,and if you'd read the article you'd see how people are upset at the justice system in California for letting this guy walk free the first time.
So why not title the thread 'guy walks free for rape, re-offends,' or something. Call me lazy but I need more than "oh man some dude got arrested for a crime!" to want to read some article. You don't even mention that part in the quoted section, or anywhere in your post... :|
well I thought it was okay to quote the first part and then post the link to the rest.

With this comment you have proven that completely missed the point of the thread about china,which had to point out to you multiple times but since you seem be suffering from brain leakage,I'll point it out again thereby making you and your host country look like a complete idiot.

The difference i this case is that we were aloud to have Press in the court room all the from indictment to sentencing. The Victims family were interviewed about many times (on TV and Paper) and they openly criticized the California justice system for their deadly mistake.
You couldn't do this borderline fascist/third world (most parts anyway.) country that is China.

The same way people in nkpr can't criticize there Government without being locked up,pretty much the same way in China were bloggers are arrested,Internet being turned off in certain areas for months at a time etc.
Or the execution of mentally handicapped foreign nationals.
You said yourself that China is totalitarian,What is NKPR then?
With this comment you have proven that completely missed the point of the thread about china,which had to point out to you multiple times but since you seem be suffering from brain leakage,I'll point it out again thereby making you and your host country look like a complete idiot.

The difference i this case is that we were aloud to have Press in the court room all the from indictment to sentencing. The Victims family were interviewed about many times (on TV and Paper) and they openly criticized the California justice system for their deadly mistake.
You couldn't do this borderline fascist/third world (most parts anyway.) country that is China.

The same way people in nkpr can't criticize there Government without being locked up,pretty much the same way in China were bloggers are arrested,Internet being turned off in certain areas for months at a time etc.
Or the execution of mentally handicapped foreign nationals.
You said yourself that China is totalitarian,What is NKPR then?


What happened to the ignore list?
he was trying to get me banned in the other thread according to Mikael's post.
so I took him off...glad I did, gave a him a decent skull "you know what."
he was trying to get me banned in the other thread according to Mikael's post.
so I took him off...glad I did, gave a him a decent skull "you know what."

Oh yeah. Sure showed him who's boss!

With this comment you have proven that completely missed the point of the thread about china,which had to point out to you multiple times but since you seem be suffering from brain leakage,I'll point it out again thereby making you and your host country look like a complete idiot.

The difference i this case is that we were aloud to have Press in the court room all the from indictment to sentencing. The Victims family were interviewed about many times (on TV and Paper) and they openly criticized the California justice system for their deadly mistake.
You couldn't do this borderline fascist/third world (most parts anyway.) country that is China.

The same way people in nkpr can't criticize there Government without being locked up,pretty much the same way in China were bloggers are arrested,Internet being turned off in certain areas for months at a time etc.
Or the execution of mentally handicapped foreign nationals.
You said yourself that China is totalitarian,What is NKPR then?

I thought I was on your holy ignore list?

Why do you stereotype everything? Why is it that you always make these ridiculous assumptions. What does my host country have to do with anything you racist bigot.

Lets see what kind of reception ANY country will get if they send their reporters to America to uncover the atrocities the American soldiers committed during the Iraq war. You think the American people will welcome these reporters with open arms and give them free reign over what and where to report?

China is nothing like North Korea. It might not be the best place to live in, but they have health care, education etc. Only a racist fool like you would think China is the same as North Korea. All your ridiculous statements link to AMERICA FREEDOM **** YEAAAA. Just because a country isn't like yours does not make it a North Korean country.

And China is not Third World. Like I said, your knowledge of countries outside of America is so astoundingly bad it's sad. You see everything as black and white. "China is North Korea", "China is Third Word", "You have to be Chinese to defend my statements against China". You do realize there is a mix of everything in life right?

And for the record, I don't have a Chinese passport.
I thought I was on your holy ignore list?

Why do you stereotype everything? Why is it that you always make these ridiculous assumptions. What does my host country have to do with anything you racist bigot.

Lets see what kind of reception ANY country will get if they send their reporters to America to uncover the atrocities the American soldiers committed during the Iraq war. You think the American people will welcome these reporters with open arms and give them free reign over what and where to report?

China is nothing like North Korea. It might not be the best place to live in, but they have health care, education etc. Only a racist fool like you would think China is the same as North Korea. All your ridiculous statements link to AMERICA FREEDOM **** YEAAAA. Just because a country isn't like yours does not make it a North Korean country.

And China is not Third World. Like I said, your knowledge of countries outside of America is so astoundingly bad it's sad. You see everything as black and white. "China is North Korea", "China is Third Word", "You have to be Chinese to defend my statements against China". You do realize there is a mix of everything in life right?

And for the record, I don't have a Chinese passport.

Quit giving him more reasons to say stupid shit.
I see glimpse of hope in him. I don't think he is completely lost, only misguided.

You seem to think that I have some kind burning hatred for the Chinese people.
I said before I have a problem with your government.

And parts of china are still living in 3rd world conditions btw.

AnyWHO can we please get back on topic?
You seem to think that I have some kind burning hatred for the Chinese people.
I said before I have a problem with your government.

And parts of china are still living in 3rd world conditions btw.

AnyWHO can we please get back on topic?

You obviously do have a problem, not with China, but in your perception of other cultures as a whole.

Now, i'm not saying I know anything about China, its peoples, or its government either. I mean, ****, for all I know, you might be right. Life in China might be exactly like life in North Korea.

But, you're supporting your thesis with the stupidest ****ing arguments, it's ridiculous. Realize that your whole argument so far has been "Amurka have moar freedums den Chinese, so deys liek Norf Koreeea."

It shows a real fundamental disdain for other cultures, and that my friend, is bigotry. You're comparing the whole world against your own culture as if yours is the de-facto standard for living, and then further justifying that with "WELL WE HAS MOAR FREEDUMS! DUH".

EDIT: And you're the one who brought this shit back up. Besides, your original topic sucks, nobody gives a **** about it.
You seem to think that I have some kind burning hatred for the Chinese people.
I said before I have a problem with your government.

And parts of china are still living in 3rd world conditions btw.

AnyWHO can we please get back on topic?

lol it' almost like North Korea.

I'll point it out again thereby making you and your host country look like a complete idiot.

You couldn't do this borderline fascist/third world (most parts anyway.) country that is China.

And you expect people not to get pissed off at the stupid stuff that you say?

As corny is it may sound,some people are more free then others.*
Obviously people aren't starving to death or eating each other like some times in glorious NKPR.But when it comes to intellectual freedom and press freedom those 2 countries have alot in common-and after all they are allies.

*This doesn't mean that we are better then them but everyone should strive to having more personal freedom and independence of government.

"We will give you economic prosperity if you let us have all the political power"
This deal that the Chinese people made with their own government won't last forever and imo that a good thing.

flaming you brought on yourself by not taking my argument seriously and trying to caricaturise (sp?) the point I made.
At least you agree that your Government is fascist :)
As corny is it may sound,some people are more free then others.*
Obviously people aren't starving to death or eating each other like some times in glorious NKPR.But when it comes to intellectual freedom and press freedom those 2 countries have alot in common-and after all they are allies.

First of all, this is entirely irrelevant. You have a real bad habit of shitting information without explaining how it's relevant, and just expecting everybody to magically understand how your brain connects all this stuff to the discussion.

*This doesn't mean that we are better then them but everyone should strive to having more personal freedom and independence of government.

No actually. They shouldn't. Yeah sure, if they want to be more free, then they definitely should do it somehow. Or if they're living in a totalitarian shitville, then yeah, revolt or something, for sure.

But not every culture in the world circulates around the perception of "free will" like your own does. This is the fundamental flaw in the way your brain works, you're entirely incapable of comprehending the fact that your culture is not the supremely "correct" one.

Now that i've illustrated how this view point demonstrates for your insanely low cultural intelligence, why don't you illustrate for me and FlamerTits how any of this freedom horse shit is relevant.
At least you agree that your Government is fascist :)

I just ****ing told you I'm not a Chinese citizen. Just because I defend against your stupid statements doesn't make me a die hard Chinese Patriot. Even when I specifically stated something for you you still somehow comprehend things the way you see and like it.

And what does fascism have to do with anything? Oh wait, Amurka Freedom **** YAAAA
Western countries that have this degree of freedom.
Lets just take the U.S and Spain for now

people are willing to die to get in to countries that have this value system of personal freedom (in the U.S partially anyways :P)
All Western nations even though we all have problems are very prosperous wouldn't you agree?

If you were in the hell hole that is North Korea and you had the choice between the U.S and China where would you want to go?

Do you see what I mean? I do apologize if I'm really that bad at explaining what I'm thinking
In short you could say every nation in the G8 for example holds the same values that you seem to think don't matter.

Please don't make me spell out what I meant by that I'm pretty sure that it's obvious
I just ****ing told you I'm not a Chinese citizen. Just because I defend against your stupid statements doesn't make me a die hard Chinese Patriot. Even when I specifically stated something for you you still somehow comprehend things the way you see and like it.

And what does fascism have to do with anything? Oh wait, Amurka Freedom **** YAAAA

you may not be a citizen but didn't you say you lived in HK?
Western countries that have this degree of freedom.
Lets just take the U.S and Spain for now

people are willing to die to get in to countries that have this value system of personal freedom (in the U.S partially anyways :P)
All Western nations even though we all have problems are very prosperous wouldn't you agree?

If you were in the hell hole that is North Korea and you had the choice between the U.S and China where would you want to go?

Do you see what I mean? I do apologize if I'm really that bad at explaining what I'm thinking
In short you could say every nation in the G8 for example holds the same values that you seem to think don't matter.

Please don't make me spell out what I meant by that I'm pretty sure that it's obvious


We already know that amurka has more freedom than China. We already know that Amurka satisfies this perception of prosperity that you and the majority of the american people share. You honestly don't need to keep spelling it out for us. What you do need to spell out though, is what this has to do with anything.
you may not be a citizen but didn't you say you lived in HK?

Your knowledge of countries outside of America is just so bad.... Research about HK and it's connection with China before saying anything else. And even if that's the case, what does me living in HK have to do with the Chinese government? If everything about me is German but I live in America, I now represent the American government? Make some sense will you?


Amurka Freedom **** YA
The concept of freedom that you keep mocking with flamingidiot is the same value system that all 1st world nations hold.

I know HK has it's government and administrations and even it's own Internet sir.
but my point outside of the special admin. region still remains.
The concept of freedom that you keep mocking with flamingidiot is the same value system that all 1st world nations hold.

I'm not mocking anything.

I'm just saying you have absolutely zero Cultural Intelligence, and seem to be incapable of comprehending other viewpoints, or the mere fact that they exist. I honestly have no clue what you're talking about. 100% honest, i'm not just trying to sound like an asshole.


I'm just saying you have absolutely zero Cultural Intelligence, and seem to be incapable of comprehending other viewpoints, or the mere fact that they exist. I honestly have no clue what you're talking about, or what your freedums have to do with it. 100% honest, i'm not just trying to sound like an asshole.

I'm seriously not mocking shit. I'm saying that all this melodramatic mush you keep typing up about freedom is irrelevant, which is true. You're like arguing in this little bubble world where your freedums prove some kind of point that i'm completely unaware of. You're coming across as schizophrenic, or delusional, or something out there.

Again, 100% honest here.
The concept of freedom that you keep mocking with flamingidiot is the same value system that all 1st world nations hold.

I know HK has it's government and administrations and even it's own Internet sir.
but my point outside of the special admin. region still remains


You make absolutely no sense at all. Seriously, you make no ****ing sense at all.
At the end of the hourlong hearing, the convicted sex offender was sentenced by Judge David Danielsen to three consecutive terms of life without parole for murdering Chelsea King and Amber Dubois and attacking a jogger.
What's the point?
And your point is?
I'm starting to think your doing this on purpose.

2 counts of murder/rape and 1 for attempted rape equals three different sentences that he will be serving consecutively.
I'm starting to think your doing this on purpose.

2 counts of murder/rape and 1 for attempted rape equals three different sentences that he will be serving consecutively.

I'm not doing anything on purpose man. I'm serious, "what's your point". The only thing i'm doing on purpose is the phrasing of my question. I could pose it a little more politely, no doubt. But i'm trying to illustrate a point via the phrasing.

He asked what was the point of giving him 3 consecutive life sentences. All you did was explain WHY he got 3 consecutive life sentences. This is information that myself, and I assume Monkey, already know.

He asked WHAT, all you showed was WHY. Yes, WHY is interesting and all that, but the question still remains: WHAT purpose is there in awarding three consecutive life sentences, considering that he'll only be able to serve one of them, and that the term "life sentence" is entirely arbitrary (to the best of my knowledge).

EDIT: how old are you dude?
It's a legality issue and all 3 victims want justice.
each count must have it's on sentence to satisfy the want of "we the people" (and Victims)

Criminal Justice 101

also not to be forgotten he can try to appeal the sentences,that way if one is overturned there are 2 left.
It's a legality issue and all 3 victims want justice.
each count must have it's on sentence to satisfy the want of "we the people" (and Victims)

Criminal Justice 101

Okay, so now you've managed to locate and address your peers claim. It took a lot of work, but we've made some progress here, and you should be proud of yourself.

Now all that's left is to stop sounding like a total ****ing nutjob.


also not to be forgotten he can try to appeal the sentences,that way if one is overturned there are 2 left.

Ladies and gentleman, he's done it. He's really done it. After two whole threads, maybe even three, and a lot of headaches, he's finally managed to figure out what an "argument" is, and how to properly address it.

Give him a round of applause folks, he's earned it!

I wish you wouldn't sound like sucha dick....I rooted for you when your BMX got stolen :(