California sex offender gets life for raping, murdering teens

I wish you wouldn't sound like sucha dick....I rooted for you when your BMX got stolen :(

I know I sound like an asshole dude, but, again, 100% honest here, i'm trying to show you something.

I do sound like a prick, but it's to prove a point. That you need some work on your argumentation, and need to learn how to complete your thoughts before presenting them to the world. Otherwise, they don't make sense, and ruin your credibility.

Like I said, i'm not just being an asshole when I say that you seriously sounded delusional earlier. And I think the problem isn't that you're delusional, but that you don't know how to finish off your thoughts before touting them around. I can see when you come up with an idea, and I can kinda see how you're idea is relevant, but I get the feeling that you yourself haven't even completely reasoned with yourself how your facts and websites prove a point before you start using them to prove said point, and thus end up just spewing forth a random link or some trivial tidbit, just expecting everybody to understand the ideas speeding through your head.
This is a prime example of why unozero shouldn't be allowed to make threads.
I'm gonna agree with Sinko and leave that at that.


The case has sparked calls for tougher penalties against sex offenders.
OH HO HO WHAT A SURPRISE. I think this is ridiculous. Agree/disagree?
wtf? I thought you get life for forcing people to touch your boobs, I mean COME ON!!

Funnily enough people were arguing about this topic last year.

Should the Government have the right to detain people that commit rape and are sexual predators indefinitely?

I think more people will agree then say no but we don't have any money for that's a never ending story.
Funnily enough people were arguing about this topic last year.

Should the Government have the right to detain people that commit rape and are sexual predators indefinitely?

I think more people will agree then say no but we don't have any money for that's a never ending story.

It is a never ending story, that is exactly what it is. It's almost like a nursery rhyme.
Am i the only one who wants to know exactly how and what he did to the girls? Everytime i hear people die or have horrible things happen to them, i always want details on how it was done, i dont know why. Like if a new friend tells me that his dad is dead, i have to focus all my might to stop myself from going "lol how he die?"

Am im alone on this one?
I'm pretty sure that's public record and they mentioned it during his indictment...kinda tired so if you want me to find out ur gonna have to wait til I get off work tomorrow night.
Should the Government have the right to detain people that commit rape and are sexual predators indefinitely?

Are we talking rapists and sexual predators or any and all sexual offenders?

I mean, I have a hard time convincing myself that a serial offenders (child-molesters and sexual predators with more than a few victims) is capable of being rehabilitated. I don't know if there has ever been a case of serial child-molester being rehabilitated and going back out into society and doing good.

On the other hand, say two people go out and get drunk, they meet and have sex, one regrets it and suspects the other took advantage of them and files a rape charge against them. A life sentence for potential date-rape doesn't seem fair.
Am i the only one who wants to know exactly how and what he did to the girls? Everytime i hear people die or have horrible things happen to them, i always want details on how it was done, i dont know why. Like if a new friend tells me that his dad is dead, i have to focus all my might to stop myself from going "lol how he die?"

Am im alone on this one?

thats cuz you like that but you are too coward to do it yourself,so you want to know these details so you can fap to them
I honestly thing sex offenders are the scum of the earth, even more so that Democrats and Republicans, but I don't think that the lives of people should be in the hands of the people that have drug this nation down into the gutter since its creation. I believe if someone dies it should come to a vote by the local community, or at least some other way that takes it out of the hands of the government, and back into the people's.

Hey Uno, you might want to put some work into your OPs so that you generate some actual discussion focused on the area that you want.
This thread is great. Totally not what I expected to read.
Hey guys, sorry to break it to you, but China is not a democratic state. It's actually more fascist in nature.
Hey guys, sorry to break it to you, but China is not a democratic state. It's actually more fascist in nature.

I think you misunderstood. Nobody here saw China as a democratic state.
On topic, I'm very pleased that this person recieved the sentence he did.
Man rape and kill girls. He soldier? They have potato? Or they speak not nice for politburo?
I'd just shoot him in the stomach.

But boy he's gonna be target #1 in prison. He's going to be lower than snitches while he's there, and I wish the worst for him.
I don't think that the lives of people should be in the hands of the people that have drug this nation down into the gutter since its creation. I believe if someone dies it should come to a vote by the local community, or at least some other way that takes it out of the hands of the government, and back into the people's.
Like public stoning?

Yeah, real progressive.

[Picture of someones head laying on the ground with stones all around] nah, won't post it.
It looks like he'll be the rape victim on the inside


I've seen a lot of max security prison documentaries and one thing the prison gangs despise are rape offenders.

If they catch this guy off guard he will most likely get beaten badly or killed.
It's kind of mindblowing that even people who commit variable horrible, or repeated, or violent crimes, still manage to share moral mores like that with each other.
Less mindblowing that they express these feelings by performing the same type of acts that they, or the person they're abusing, already committed.
Prison life is just really messed up. There are "rules" and "morality" but as soon as you piss the person off all of that goes out the window (most of the time).

From the documentaries I've seen there were a lot of stone cold killers out there who would rat out on their own gangs then be put into the part of prison for "rats" where they'll be safer from the rest of the least those "rats" had some time to think and regret what they have done and are getting one step closer to being rehabilitated.

Watch the documentary on the Iceman Killer, Richard Kuklinski..basically a ruthless Mafia hitman but said that he'd never harm a woman, child or innocent civilian, then went on to say that he regretted the life he chose.
that guy is such a pussy for weeping in court. If I was him, I would be smiling and glaring at those on the stand the whole time.
I don't know about common rapists, but the people who are going to be in the worst situation in prison are child molesters and crooked cops (who are now prisoners). These people will need to be isolated from most of the population or they could be killed.
that guy is such a pussy for weeping in court. If I was him, I would be smiling and glaring at those on the stand the whole time.

It takes a special kind of "bitch" to surprise rape little girls like that, so i'm not surprised he broke down like that.

The people who do those kinds of things, are either total cowards, or totally batshit insane.
American prison sounds like hell.

I've read a book by an American who was jailed for 2 years here, and he thought it was hell because he couldn't get used to:

#1. Older people eating first, then the rest.

#2. Automatic timed showers

#3. No prison rape

#4. Field labor

#5. Painting the walls

#6. Soccer Day
#5. Painting the walls
Isn't that slang for ejaculation?

...according to "the slang dictionary", it looks like it's slang for alcohol induced projectile vomiting.
American prison sounds like hell.

I've read a book by an American who was jailed for 2 years here, and he thought it was hell because he couldn't get used to:

#3. No prison rape

#6. Soccer Day

Umm wut?
He was prolly being sarcastic on the former, but yes, he didn't like playing soccer or soccer tournaments and being called a ass because he didn't get on with the program. I found it exceedingly funny.
South Korea pobably doesn't have a high crime rate. So they get all the wussy criminals.

Hehehe. Soccer day. Wait it's football day.