Could Microsoft be making a bigger push for the PC Gaming in the near future?


Jun 2, 2010
Reaction score

Kotaku (somehow) obtained an internal Q&A Document, and in the document they cover the aspect of giving the PC some proper support. Here was the Question:

"Q: Does "Fable III" on Windows signal a larger reinvestment by Microsoft in PC gaming? How is this different from the previous times you've announced a reinvestment in PC gaming and not quite come through with a robust offering?"

And this is the answer:

"A: In terms of revenue, Windows is far and away the largest gaming platform in the world, so it's an incredibly important part of Microsoft's business. From core games like "Fable III" to casual, social and Facebook titles, more gaming happens on Windows than anywhere else. Windows 7 is a world-class gaming platform, and you can bet Microsoft has a vested interest in using it as a platform for amazing first party content. "Fable III" on Windows as well as Xbox 360 this holiday is a great first step, and we'll have more news for you later this summer."

The 'Answer' isn't exactly as direct and to the point as I (and many) have hoped. But still, it's interesting that they question themselves about their commitment to support the PC Platform. And what caught my interest was when the document said "Windows 7 is a world-class gaming platform, and you can bet Microsoft has a vested interest in using it as a platform for amazing first party content", followed by that Fable 3 PC was a great first step and that they'd have more news later this summer. It's starting to sound to me that maybe they are finally interested in bringing more first party games to Windows 7. If this is true and if they are planning on bringing more first party titles to Windows then it'd be a great step towards giving GFWL the support it desperately needs. I mean, let's face it. Few people outside the GFWL Official forums actually like and support GFWL. It lacks titles (especially first party titles), it lacks features (Steam has much more features than GFWL), and it lacks polish. It can't be of any surprise that many, many more people prefer Steam over the current GFWL. And if this document is legit, then looks like Microsoft is finally realizing this. Is it possible that we'll start seeing more first party Microsoft Games titles for GFWL? Perhaps even former XBox Live exclusives?

However, I have in the past read Microsoft promised to give the PC and GFWL more support, but have fell supremely short. Even though they sound more serious this time, and more aware of their shortcomings, this may once again be just more bluster from Microsoft. And other than bring in more third party titles for Games on Demand, their promises of further supporting the PC and GFWL may once again be hollow. I am hoping this isn't the case and that they start to give GFWL the proper support it needs. GFWL has alot of potential of being great and a worthy rival to Steam, but without the proper attention it so desperately needs, what is the point of GFWL? Why keep it alive? In fact, a few weeks ago I considered uninstalling GFWL from my PC since the *only* GFWL title I play anymore is Gears of War PC (There's also Fallout 3, but since 2009 I haven't been able to play it because of the numerous bugs and lockups). I've gotten burnt out of GOW PC lately, and don't get me wrong I love the game and played the hell out of it. Dozens of times, in fact. But there's only so many times you can go through a single title before you get burnt out. What made me change my mind was the news of Fable 3 coming to the PC. Curious about this news, I had thought that this may be a sign than Microsoft is re-considering the PC again. We'll see this year.

This year, I'm giving Microsoft one last chance to properly support GFWL and get me interested in it once again. If by January of next year I don't buy any new GFWL titles, I don't think there would be any point in keeping GFWL in my PC. I'll uninstall it and delete the LIVE sigcard I have as part of my Sig on the few other forums I visit. I'd be more than happy to buy Gears of War 2 & 3, as well as Alan Wake if they do come on PC for GFWL. Even if they are Windows Vista/7 Exclusive.
GFWL sucks, end of story. There is nothing they can do. Steam is superior.
There are some good things about it, but I cannot stand client based gaming. Just ****ing install the ****ing game, what in teh **** is this, I don't even care about anyone or anything else you might think I do but you are being way too optimistic.

I'm going to tear this potato's face off and eat its delicious dirty skin.
1) Quality. Games for Windows branded titles undergo extensive testing, and not just by the publisher. Microsoft also invests in quality checking each title to ensure they meet performance and reliability standards.

2) Compatibility. Games for Windows branded titles work on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7-based PCs, including both 32 and 64 bit editions. Games for Windows titles that support controllers are also compatible with the Microsoft XBOX 360 controller for Windows, including the Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver for Windows. They even support widescreen resolutions and more.

3) Safety features. You can be confident that any title carrying the Games for Windows brand supports parental controls and family settings features in Windows Vista and Windows 7.

4) Easy to Play. Games for Windows branded titles are easy to install, find and remove, especially in Windows Vista and Windows 7. Every Games for Windows title appears in the Games Explorer (no more hunting around the start menu for that game you just installed). And Games for Windows branded titles all offer some form of "easy install", putting you in the game more quickly.
Even if this did constitute signs of a renewed interest (which it doesn't. They say this shit every year, and every year people go "omg finally support"). Their last attempt, GFWL, can arguably be said to have worsened the PC gaming platform, rather than help it. It lead to unprecedented piracy due to people not wanting the bloated, inefficient, ineffective software that came bundled with the games that used it. Their software provided very few services anybody cared about, and the ones we did, didn't work well. This self-inflicted piracy rate in turn lead to more speculation on how PC gamers aren't worth developing for, since we'll just steal everything whether it includes good extra (Microsoft and a few other developers have deluded themselves into thinking GFWL is good and we should appreciate it) or not. That is why Fable 2 and Gears of War 2 and so many other games didn't get released on PC. These statements are always half-hearted because, for one, it would be bad press to say they don't give a damn about the PC gaming community.

The fact is that I have no faith that Microsoft has the intention, let alone the know-how to execute some kind of maneuver to actually support the PC as a gaming platform. Remember how they charged you money to use GFWL at first? Steam was already a powerhouse in the PC gaming community, offering tons of actually useful, functional services to gamers for FREE. It takes a special kind of ignorance to think that your software will penetrate this already owned market by shipping it rushed, ill-designed, half the features, more resource intensive, and ridiculously small supported library... AND THEN CHARGE 50 BUCKS A YEAR TO USE PART OF IT. They either have absolutely no idea what they're doing and have no idea what the market situation is, or they think we are complete idiots just like the majority of their 360 userbase. Either way, they're twats. And I don't want twats touching my PC gaming industry. If this truly is a sign of a renewed interest, then I am fearful of what piece of shit they're going to dump on us next. Although, I will look forward to them getting all butthurt when everyone says it sucks after they spend so much time thinking they're going to impress us.
So I read that thinking MS will be making a bigger push, yet the entire content is about GFWL. What about the god damn games? You support PC by making great PC-only games, not by making shitty little platform delivery things that nobody wants.

Scrap GFWL. Publish some PC-only games. Use Steam and other successful platforms to release them.
Could Microsoft be making a bigger push for the PC Gaming in the near future?

yeah right just like how alan wake was going to be released in the pc....
yeah right just like how alan wake was going to be released in the pc....

Also, Windows 7 exclusives? I would not be surprised. They tried it once, and they never learn.
It doesn't sound like you guys have much faith in Micro$oft with their commitment to PC Gaming anymore. And honestly, I can't blame any of you. Micro$oft promised to give PC Gaming proper support, and they've long abandoned it. The PC Gaming Alliance (which Micro$oft is a port of) promised to help revive PC Gaming but all they've done is mainly give out statistics and reports and nothing else. I don't have much faith in Micro$oft anymore but with this recent news I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. But if I don't see any real support by the end of this year I am getting rid of GFWL from my PC. The sad part is that there are still some GFWL fanboys who stand behind this failing platform, still believing that Micro$oft will eventually make good on their promises to PC Gaming, and continuously bash Steam with their claims that GFWL is miles better than Steam. And even if Micro$oft doesn't follow through on their promise they'll still stand behind GFWL, claiming how it's so much better than Steam and bashing Steam every chance they get.
Why is that every year people start talking about another bullshit initiative to help support PC gaming? At best they do absolutely nothing (Like the "PC Gaming Alliance"), but more often it takes the form of some ridiculous scheme that actually makes the platform worse by forcing their shovelware into otherwise decent games. Microsoft committed to support PC gaming? Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.
Thread title should be, "Could Microsoft be making a bigger push to get that turd out of their ass?" because GFWL is shit.
GFWL ruined my life.
It sure did huh?

Now, what's the point in purchasing that brand new video card you've been talking about then if there's practically no, "games for Windows"?

Or did it ruin your life on a deeper, more personal level?
Next person to write Micro$oft gets punched in the face.

Sorry, just had to get that out of my system.


*quickly places on Iron Helmet*

Hah! I'm too quick for you!

Some online have said that their new "commitment" could only be Kinect for the PC. I'd like to buy Alan Wake for the PC, and GOW2 (and 3) would be an instant buy for me. Sadly, though, the more I start to rethink Micro$o.........(*Remembers Gargantou's threat*) Ummmm, Microsoft's new "Commitment" to the PC the more I think they're just talking out of their asses again. As I have said before, I liked GFWL when it was first launched despite the silly $50 fee, but I have since become very disappointed in Microsoft's severe lack of attention to GFWL and PC Gaming. If Microsoft wants to know how to properly support the PC, they should look at how Valve does it. They set one of the best examples. Probably the best, in fact.

Regardless, here's to hopefully seeing more GOW titles for the PC in the future..... :cheers:

Cliffy B: Sorry, but you can't have anymore Gears of War titles. You're a potential pirate.

T-6000: DOH!!!!!!!!
It sure did huh?

Now, what's the point in purchasing that brand new video card you've been talking about then if there's practically no, "games for Windows"?

Or did it ruin your life on a deeper, more personal level?
Could you not tell I'm joking and being melodramatic? "Ruined my life." :upstare:

I see question marks, but I don't even know what you are asking specifically? "It sure did huh?" What, bitch? Is this an insult? Do you know how gangster I am?

-Did I say there are "practically no 'Games for Windows'?" (no)

-Not all games use "GFWL"..

-Get out of here stalker.

I don't know!

On a more related note. I don't see what the big fuss is about GFWL. I've never had any major problems with it myself, always worked fine (mostly!) and as I'm a bit of an achievement whore it allows me to get more achievements the 360.

Thinking back, the only time I had a few issues was with it not connecting when trying to start Fallout 3 again.
I don't know!

On a more related note. I don't see what the big fuss is about GFWL. I've never had any major problems with it myself, always worked fine (mostly!) and as I'm a bit of an achievement whore it allows me to get more achievements the 360.

Thinking back, the only time I had a few issues was with it not connecting when trying to start Fallout 3 again.

I myself never had any fuss with GFWL, until recently. Now it's bugs, bugs, and more bugs. The first time I tried downloading Fallout 3 DLC, I had numerous issues and problems trying to get my download. I had to do a few procedures to be able to download some DLC, but with Steam I never had any hassles getting DLC. I don't know if it still gives problems with DLC, since I haven't downloaded any from the Windows Live Marketplace for some time now. And when I have to reformat my PC or reinstall Windows, I have to download some files to get GFWL working again. Not so with Steam, all I do is open it up and *bam* it works again. Even if GFWL is polished up and doesn't have any bugs or stability problems, there's the primary problem. Lack of GFWL titles. There are few GFWL exclusive titles available for it, and to make things worse more developers and publishers are abandoning GFWL in favor of Steam. Bethesda is bringing Fallout New Vegas to Steam instead of GFWL, and the new Kane and Lynch game will also come to Steam when it hits PC. Hell, GFWL is Microsoft's product and they bring very few of their own titles to it. In fact, Fable 3 is the first title they are releasing for GFWL since Gears of War PC back at late 2007. If Microsoft isn't even confident enough to bring their own titles to GFWL, how can publishers and PC Gamers be confident enough to back it up?

Microsoft had better do something to help revive GFWL, and if they want the platform to succeed they had better follow through on giving GFWL the support it needs. Otherwise, they are better off pulling the plug on the whole thing and bringing their titles to Steam. If you go to and do a site comparison for the Games for Windows site and the Steampowered site, you'll see that the Games for Windows has dropped sharply in popularity last year while Steampowered's popularity rocketed. And merely bringing in non-live titles for Games on Demand for GFWL won't do much to help.

Regardless, here's to hopefully seeing more GOW titles for the PC in the future..... :cheers:

Well, looks like I can forget about that.

In an interview from Cliffy B:

"So, Fable 3 is coming to PC -- and you've said in the past that Gears 2 won't come to PC. Is that still not a possibility?

It's not. Ever. I have a feeling though -- and this is nothing to say of Gears 3 on PC -- I have a feeling in the next few years, you're going to see PC gaming come to rise in the next few years. But then the market's more fractured than ever, between the iPad, the iPhone, the Nintendo 3DS and Kinect -- everything, it's like completely splintered. That's very scary for the industry."

Funny, not once did I hear Valve complain about the PC Gaming industry being in disarray.
Why would anyone want Gears on PC? THIS IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. That shit will only make things worse for us. Its a generic, un-inventive casual's game, and most PC gamers know it. Thats why the first one was pirated so much, because nobody thought it was worth full price. I say good riddance to all the 360 exclusives that were once also PC games. Fable is crap, Gears is crap, Halo is crap. I swear to god if people start bringing even more casuals to PC gaming I will ****ing flip shit. We've got a good thing going right now with indie games, you know... games that actually try to be inventive and have unique gameplay. Lets not ruin that by drowning them all in a sea of mediocrity like we have on consoles.
Why would anyone want Gears on PC? THIS IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. That shit will only make things worse for us. Its a generic, un-inventive casual's game, and most PC gamers know it. Thats why the first one was pirated so much, because nobody thought it was worth full price. I say good riddance to all the 360 exclusives that were once also PC games. Fable is crap, Gears is crap, Halo is crap. I swear to god if people start bringing even more casuals to PC gaming I will ****ing flip shit. We've got a good thing going right now with indie games, you know... games that actually try to be inventive and have unique gameplay. Lets not ruin that by drowning them all in a sea of mediocrity like we have on consoles.

I liked Gears of War PC. :(

Ah well, not everyone can like something. And it's true, outside of Epic's forums not many liked Gears of War PC. But I liked it alot.
I don't know why, but every time I see "GFWL" in this thread, it looks more like, "GTFO" if you glance it over really fast.

I see question marks, but I don't even know what you are asking specifically? "It sure did huh?" What, bitch? Is this an insult? Do you know how gangster I am?
I doubt you have a Tec-9 stuffed in your pants right now Virus. You wanna know how I know? HUH?!?! Your a PC gamer, you can't afford one! :P
It's about damn time Gears of War came on GFWL Games on Demand! IMHO, it should have been available much earlier, what the hell took them?! But either way, it's great that they *finally* have GOW PC available for GoD since it's hard to find the retail version anymore. And IMHO it's a great title. Who knows, maybe we'll see Gears of War 2 (or maybe even 3) on GoD? (I can only hope......)

So so far we're seeing Fable 3 and Spartan coming to the PC. And with a slew of newer titles available for GoD for GFWL (Though most of them are older titles, and the majority of them have been on Steam for awhile), this is a decent start. But Microsoft must keep up with releasing more of their own titles to the PC instead of making more 360 exclusive. And polishing GFWL wouldn't hurt too. Bringing heavy hitters like Alan Wake, GOW 2 & 3, and Halo 3 (as well as maybe ODST) can help bring more people to the PC.
It's about damn time Gears of War came on GFWL Games on Demand! IMHO, it should have been available much earlier, what the hell took them?! But either way, it's great that they *finally* have GOW PC available for GoD since it's hard to find the retail version anymore. And IMHO it's a great title. Who knows, maybe we'll see Gears of War 2 (or maybe even 3) on GoD? (I can only hope......)

So so far we're seeing Fable 3 and Spartan coming to the PC. And with a slew of newer titles available for GoD for GFWL (Though most of them are older titles, and the majority of them have been on Steam for awhile), this is a decent start. But Microsoft must keep up with releasing more of their own titles to the PC instead of making more 360 exclusive. And polishing GFWL wouldn't hurt too. Bringing heavy hitters like Alan Wake, GOW 2 & 3, and Halo 3 (as well as maybe ODST) can help bring more people to the PC.

I didn't even know Games on Demand existed until I read your post.
I didn't even know Games on Demand existed until I read your post.

Yup, just like Steam and Direct 2 Drive you can buy games through their GFWL service. Though it can be a bit buggy, as I had loads of hassle when I tried to get Fallout 3 DLC last year. I don't know if you have unlimited downloads once you purchase a game through Games on Demand, or if it's one download per purchase.

You can punch her in the face, I wouldnt mind that at all.

Anyways, I totally see why GFWL is redundant with far better services out there. That said I've never had a problem with it so its existence in some games doesnt bother me at all.
I usually get on a minor moral high when I actually buy a video game.

So I bought GTA IV.

"You want to install GTA IV? That's cool. Though you should install this thing called Social Club if you want to play online."
"I don't want to play onli--"
"INSTALL IT ANYWAY. Now. If you even want to save your games? You need this program called Games For Windows LIVE"
"Alright whatever, I just want to start playing G--"
"You need to sign up."
"Now sign up for Social Club."
"Okay, fine..."
"Now you need to enter your random jumbled letters inside the case, to recieve another series of random jumbled letters, in order to continue with the process of registering your random jumbled series of numbers."
"It appears you're not connected to the internet!"
"Yes I am."
"It appears you're not connected to the internet!"
"Yes. I am."
"Alright! Now! You need to update this game."
"Really? Could I just skip it and star--"
"Yes! Yes! Okay! Update it, ****!"
*begins updating*
"Where's the estimated time left?"
"They're for pussies."
...So it's done, huh?"
"Yeah, but according to this update, we gotta' uninstall Social Club."
"We gotta' uninstall Social Club."
"We gotta' uninstall Social Club."
"Okay, okay, ****. Uninstall it."
*uninstalls social club*
"Can I finally start playing?"
"I suppose. For now."

Then it turns out it was horribly optimised for PC.
So what happens on console versions of GTA4? Automatically signed up based on your Live/PSN account? But if your console isn't hooked up to the internet, you probably aren't even given any grief.
I usually get on a minor moral high when I actually buy a video game.

So I bought GTA IV.

"You want to install GTA IV? That's cool. Though you should install this thing called Social Club if you want to play online."
"I don't want to play onli--"
"INSTALL IT ANYWAY. Now. If you even want to save your games? You need this program called Games For Windows LIVE"
"Alright whatever, I just want to start playing G--"
"You need to sign up."
"Now sign up for Social Club."
"Okay, fine..."
"Now you need to enter your random jumbled letters inside the case, to recieve another series of random jumbled letters, in order to continue with the process of registering your random jumbled series of numbers."
"It appears you're not connected to the internet!"
"Yes I am."
"It appears you're not connected to the internet!"
"Yes. I am."
"Alright! Now! You need to update this game."
"Really? Could I just skip it and star--"
"Yes! Yes! Okay! Update it, ****!"
*begins updating*
"Where's the estimated time left?"
"They're for pussies."
...So it's done, huh?"
"Yeah, but according to this update, we gotta' uninstall Social Club."
"We gotta' uninstall Social Club."
"We gotta' uninstall Social Club."
"Okay, okay, ****. Uninstall it."
*uninstalls social club*
"Can I finally start playing?"
"I suppose. For now."

Then it turns out it was horribly optimised for PC.

Games for Windows Live Fanboy #1: What?! You're just exaggerating, you Microsoft hating Apple Loving Noob!!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #2: Yeah, you brainless noob! You probably don't even know how to boot windows!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #3: Games for Windows Live is so much easier than that crap you call Steam!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #2: Games for Windows Live's download service is also faster, and more reliable than Steam!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #1: And the interface is better than Steam's!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy#2: And the games have better quality! Valve's games are so boooooooooooring and over-rated!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #3: Games for Windows Live will beat your crappy Steam in the future and truly save PC Gaming!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #2: Yeah, Games for Windows Live will destroy Steam yet, so you can wipe that smug grin from your face!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #1: Yeah, smug grin from your ugly Steam loving face!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #3: Admit it, you just hate Games for Windows Live because it's the cool thing to do and many others do it! You just want to fit in, your friendless noob!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #2: Yeah, you friendless noob!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #1: And our Games for Windows Live logo is better looking than your Steamworks logo!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy#2: Yeah, such an ugly logo!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #3: *Geek Snort* Yeah, it's more like Steaming pile of S***!

*T-6000 hands Danimal a Tactical Nuke*

T-6000: Fell free to use that to get rid of those pesky Games For Windows Live Fanboys, Danimal. Nobody will really miss them.
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #1: What?! You're just exaggerating, you Microsoft hating Apple Loving Noob!!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #2: Yeah, you brainless noob! You probably don't even know how to boot windows!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #3: Games for Windows Live is so much easier than that crap you call Steam!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #2: Games for Windows Live's download service is also faster, and more reliable than Steam!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #1: And the interface is better than Steam's!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy#2: And the games have better quality! Valve's games are so boooooooooooring and over-rated!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #3: Games for Windows Live will beat your crappy Steam in the future and truly save PC Gaming!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #2: Yeah, Games for Windows Live will destroy Steam yet, so you can wipe that smug grin from your face!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #1: Yeah, smug grin from your ugly Steam loving face!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #3: Admit it, you just hate Games for Windows Live because it's the cool thing to do and many others do it! You just want to fit in, your friendless noob!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #2: Yeah, you friendless noob!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #1: And our Games for Windows Live logo is better looking than your Steamworks logo!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy#2: Yeah, such an ugly logo!
Games for Windows Live Fanboy #3: *Geek Snort* Yeah, it's more like Steaming pile of S***!

*T-6000 hands Danimal a Tactical Nuke*

T-6000: Fell free to use that to get rid of those pesky Games For Windows Live Fanboys, Danimal. Nobody will really miss them.

GOD its so real!! I feel unclean reading that :O
So what happens on console versions of GTA4? Automatically signed up based on your Live/PSN account? But if your console isn't hooked up to the internet, you probably aren't even given any grief.

I don't think so. I originally had GTAIV on 360, just stuck it in, updated and played. Got it for PC and had to go through the whole signing up/install process of GFWL and Social Club.

EDIT: Oh and no, you don't get grief if you're not connected to Live.
So what happens on console versions of GTA4? Automatically signed up based on your Live/PSN account? But if your console isn't hooked up to the internet, you probably aren't even given any grief.
1. Put game in.

2. Play game.

Social club was entirely optional, even if you wanted to play online, as I recall.
I usually get on a minor moral high when I actually buy a video game.

So I bought GTA IV.

"You want to install GTA IV? That's cool. Though you should install this thing called Social Club if you want to play online."
"I don't want to play onli--"
"INSTALL IT ANYWAY. Now. If you even want to save your games? You need this program called Games For Windows LIVE"
"Alright whatever, I just want to start playing G--"
"You need to sign up."
"Now sign up for Social Club."
"Okay, fine..."
"Now you need to enter your random jumbled letters inside the case, to recieve another series of random jumbled letters, in order to continue with the process of registering your random jumbled series of numbers."
"It appears you're not connected to the internet!"
"Yes I am."
"It appears you're not connected to the internet!"
"Yes. I am."
"Alright! Now! You need to update this game."
"Really? Could I just skip it and star--"
"Yes! Yes! Okay! Update it, ****!"
*begins updating*
"Where's the estimated time left?"
"They're for pussies."
...So it's done, huh?"
"Yeah, but according to this update, we gotta' uninstall Social Club."
"We gotta' uninstall Social Club."
"We gotta' uninstall Social Club."
"Okay, okay, ****. Uninstall it."
*uninstalls social club*
"Can I finally start playing?"
"I suppose. For now."

Then it turns out it was horribly optimised for PC.
It had to uninstall SC because of the recent patch. It improves the shadows and removes the need for SC because of all the complaints.
GOD its so real!! I feel unclean reading that :O

Maybe I was exaggerating, but not by much I assure you. They beat their chests and proclaim how GFWL is so much better than Steam, and how Microsoft are the ones that are truly saving the PC. But they don't use facts to backup their arguments, they flame, troll, and namecall. A fanboy proclaimed that Microsoft was bringing more titles to the PC than Valve with Fable 3, an upcoming Flight Sim, and now Sparta with Valve only having one upcoming title (which is Portal 2). Another poster had to remind him of valve's Half-Life 2 series, both Left 4 Dead titles, Portal, and Team Fortress 2.