New Neverwinter Game Announced


Feb 18, 2007
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Atari Europe has announced a new Neverwinter game, created by Star Trek Online developer Cryptic Studios and due out on PC during the last three months of 2011.

Neverwinter is described as a "co-op role-playing game inspired by R.A. Salvatore's upcoming book trilogy".
Cryptic Studios?
Of all the devs to work on the game. :|
Is it too much to ask that you put a little snippet of the article in the OP as opposed to just a link?
I.....don't know about this one. To be honest, I never liked Neverwinter Nights 2. The story was never all that great for me, many of the characters were annoying as Hell (especially Lord Nasher and his suck up Cronies), and the combat was very unsatisfying. Being a big fan of the first one (well, I liked the expansions alot more than the original campaign, especially "Hordes of the Underdark".) I did *everything* I could to like the second one but I couldn't even finish it. I'm not much familiar with this new studio, but I hope they do a good job with this third title. Then again, even if the third one sucks there's always Diablo 3 to look forwards to. But I kinda do miss D&D CRPGs sometimes.
Yes. I fear I cannot handle such task.
Ah, well I appreciate the effort anyway.

That said, this does not excite me like it should. I, like many others, had a hard time liking NWN2. Not sure exactly why except that by the time I upgraded to a PC that could run that shit engine smoothly I lost much of my interest. Oh well. Perhaps this will be a return to form for the series, but I doubt it.
According to what I read on, there will be no offline mode, it seems to be more multiplayer focused. In fact, it's starting to sound more like an MMORPG. *Sigh* The buck really did stop with the first Neverwinter Nights. Well, at least there's Diablo 3 to look forward to.
Here comes another Champions Online reskin. If you want a mediocre game. Look no further.
Before opening thread:

*Don't be an MMO, don't be an MMO, don't be an MMO, don't be an MMO*


Close enough.

Thank you and goodnight.
How is optional co-op even comparable to an MMO?
Definitely not paying a sub for that. If there's official DLC regularly and free user-created stuff with no sub though I may give it a try.