Amazon Just Gave Me A Free Medal Of Honor Upgrade


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Okay this made me laugh and got me curious.


thank you for pre-ordering Medal of Honor from

We are writing to inform you that we are upgrading your current order of the standard edition of Medal of Honor to the limited edition which contains extra content at no extra cost to yourself.

This is because the standard edition of the game is now not going to be available for purchase when the game launches.

You do not need to take any action or contact us for this upgrade to take place - we will automatically switch your order to the limited edition over the next few days.

You are still covered by's Pre-Order Price Guarantee as outlined in our Help pages.

For more details please follow this link:


Warmest regards

Customer Service Department

Thank yee Amazon. Maybe its because Im a Prime member, dunno.

Too many pre-orders? Something EA has changed that we dont know about regarding the standard edition?

Looking at it, I dont know wether to be suspicious (considering the 'thank you' is in lower casing) or excited.
nothing suspicious actually there really isnt a standard edition O_o

yeah this is what limited editions have come to!! D:
The only thing that sticks out about this post is that you pre-ordered Medal of Honor.
Yep you're getting screwed, because either way you're getting Medal of Honor.

EDIT: Damnit Badhat
The only thing that sticks out about this post is that you pre-ordered Medal of Honor.

lol it probably won't be that bad this time around. I'm guessing 8/10 game
It will be like Bad Company 2. The "limited" edition was what you could buy for the $59.99. It game with a few unlocks and the "VIP" code.
Yeah I can see the ''trying to be too much like MW2'' gripes, but ***k it, I'd rather have MoH rather than the money-grabbing-**ores that maketh CoD:BO. Simply on principle.

I thought limited editions all came with posters or OST CDs or ''The Making Of'' DVDs.

I look at MW2 and Black Ops' editions with the night vision goggles and their remote controll cars and I just see ''BRIBE'' written all over them. They couldnt be more desperate.

Only limited editions Ive ever bought were Bioshock (because thats all they had in the store when I was on holiday), and Assassins Creed 2 Black Edition, because the figurine that came with it was so badass. Aaaaaand Ive fallen into my own trap...
I dont understand these "limited edition" games...theres nothing limited about them. They have the exact same content plus a little extra. Why the term "limited" ? Sounds like im buying a freaking demo. Whatever happened to "collectors edition" etc?
Yeah I can see the ''trying to be too much like MW2'' gripes, but ***k it, I'd rather have MoH rather than the money-grabbing-**ores that maketh CoD:BO. Simply on principle..

No you'll just give your money to the other "money-grabbing-**ores" you can't win here. MOH MP will be terrible.
It's LIMITED becasue they won't make it forever. But of course, everything is limited because no game is made forever. It's fancy to name something that's already standard and add perceived value...