Some more info and stuff on my old cats.


Jun 2, 2010
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Remember a little while ago that when I introduced myself here and I showed a video of my old white cat, Spot? Well, I thought I'd go ahead and show a video of Sassy, her mother.

Sorry about the creepy breathing, I had the microphone settings up a bit too high and my allergies have just started to flare up. My sister cuts her hair in the summer which is why her fur coat looks a but strange here. Her hair is usually much longer. She's currently 17 years old and we've had her in the family since she was a little kitten. She's currently staying with my sister, and ironically she's alot more active and playful than Spot. And she also doesn't loose her temper anywhere as easily as Spot, though she can still get mad at you if you tease her too much.

I'll also post another video of Spot when I get the chance to. But I may as well give her a status update on her. I had to stop giving her Insulin shots early last month because she nearly died on me no thanks to the shots. My brother and I made an emergency trip to the vet where they were able to revive her and barely save her life just in time. The vet also examined her and thinks there is a "growth" in her belly area, possibly a bloody tumor. Last time the vet checked out spot her blood sugar has actually returned back to normal levels. But it may be because I started giving her canned cat food as opposed toi the dry cat food she use to eat. She wouldn't eat the dry cat food much before I changed her diet, and she would puke once every few days. Ever since I gave her soft canned cat food, she has stopped puking. Ever since that day I almost lost her, I have kept her in my room exclusively during the day so I can keep an eye on her.

The strange thing is that they don't get along too well anymore, especially Spot. Spot usually stays away from her mother Sassy and even hiss at her sometimes! Senile old cats, I guess. I'll record them both together when I get the chance to.
That cat has a god damned adorable face holy shit.
Aww, I just got a cat too. The only thing I don't like is how it runs up my leg onto my shirt all the time.
Aww, what a cutie.

EDIT: I downloaded this video & played it on my TV: I think Banshee (my cat) wants Sassy to be his umm, friend. Haha.
The cat we have is also pretty darn old, and most days she's as energetic as a kitten. More-so actually, not too many kitten I see leaping as high as she can.

She meows like a zombie cat though, most of the time. It's quite funny.
It's good to see people care for their cats, yet alone cats living so long (17! :D). Just about everytime I talk to mother dearest about how work was for her (Animal Welfare), she always has such delightful stories of animal cruelty.

Today a cat was found with fishing line around it's neck, on the other end? A bag of rocks. Apparently the cat was hanging off a fence with the bag of rocks weighing down on the other side, so it couldn't escape.

He's okay, at least.
I had a Siamese cat that lived to the age of eighteen. She was very affectionate, kept herself quiet most of the time, and you'd always find her laying down near the sun.

Yeah, I miss her sometimes.
That cat has a god damned adorable face holy shit.

yeah, many people have said that they were surprised with her age, thinking that she was a young cat due to her cute face.

I had a Siamese cat that lived to the age of eighteen. She was very affectionate, kept herself quiet most of the time, and you'd always find her laying down near the sun.

Yeah, I miss her sometimes.

Oh man, I'm very sorry to hear that. When Spot was dying in my arms, it nearly tore me apart. It's gonna kill me if she does pass away for good. Same with Sassy.
That's a really cute cat T-6000. I've always liked ginger cats. This is my cat Johnny Dankworth asleep in a box on my desk.


His two favourite places to sleep are my desk and boxes.
Cats are great because you'll find them resting in any spot or place they can find, whether it's under the bed, or (in my case) next to the computer. They especially love places that give off heat.

Oh man, I'm very sorry to hear that. When Spot was dying in my arms, it nearly tore me apart. It's gonna kill me if she does pass away for good. Same with Sassy.

Yeah, she was a good cat. She stayed alive with kidney failure she had somehow gotten in the last five years of her life, but it was a miracle she had fought on for that long. She was resilient, but passed away peacefully. I hope your cats live on longer than mine did, it's such a hard process to endure when they go.
I currently have 3 cats. The large calico is our oldest, and was originally my fiancé's cat. We got the the black longhair and tiger within the last year. Those two are skilled at laser beams.



Holy crap, Sedako! I think your cats are possessed! O.O Your Calico cat reminds me of patches, she was Spot's sister and she was a very nice cat. But many years ago I my brother found her dead at the side of the road. Poor little thing. :( I wonder if Spot misses her? I also noticed that your Calico has markings under his eyes? Are those injured, or do they just look that way?

Cats are great because you'll find them resting in any spot or place they can find, whether it's under the bed, or (in my case) next to the computer. They especially love places that give off heat.

I guess that explains why Spot wants to go to the back room often, since it gets hot in there during the summer. But I structly do not let her go in there, since I'm concerned that it can be too hot for her especially since she's a longhair cat.

That's a really cute cat T-6000. I've always liked ginger cats. This is my cat Johnny Dankworth asleep in a box on my desk.


His two favourite places to sleep are my desk and boxes.

Spot also likes to go on my desk whenever she thinks she can get away with it. Still, It's a no-no since my laptop is on there and she will actually lie on it too if she gets a chance.
I also noticed that your Calico has markings under his eyes? Are those injured, or do they just look that way?

Her eyelids are deformed slightly, in that they curl back and her fur agitates the eyes, making them drip. They got infected at that point and we had to apply antibiotics daily. That was the result of the infection.
I like to read about stranger's cats online all day.

Not really. What is this,
Just kidding, I love cats too.
Well guys, today my cat Spot died. At the very least she died quickly. As if Diabetes wasn't bad enough, she had a 'growth' in her stomach that grew into abdominal cancer. It started out as a single lump in her belly, but then several grew around it with the original lump getting bigger. I couldn't get it surgically removed, being 15 years old surgery is out of the question for her. Even being 10 years old surgery is too risky, let alone 15. Then for a little over a week she struggled with constipation, one of the most severe I've ever seen in any animal, let alone a cat. No matter how much Pet Laxative I gave her, she didn't have any stool movement. It's a damn shame when one has to see their pet just weaken away with cancer, I can't imagine how it'd be for a human family member. Thank god noone in my family has cancer, so far. Mom's taking it very hard, crying all day. At least we still have her mother, Sassy, and she's as healthy as can be for a 17 year old cat.
I'm very sorry about the loss of your cat...

My family used to own a cat as well, that lived until the age of 19. Losing her was very hard on me and my family.

Hope you and your family (especially your Mom, mine did the same thing) are able to pull through this all right.
Well guys, today my cat Spot died. At the very least she died quickly. As if Diabetes wasn't bad enough, she had a 'growth' in her stomach that grew into abdominal cancer. It started out as a single lump in her belly, but then several grew around it with the original lump getting bigger. I couldn't get it surgically removed, being 15 years old surgery is out of the question for her. Even being 10 years old surgery is too risky, let alone 15. Then for a little over a week she struggled with constipation, one of the most severe I've ever seen in any animal, let alone a cat. No matter how much Pet Laxative I gave her, she didn't have any stool movement. It's a damn shame when one has to see their pet just weaken away with cancer, I can't imagine how it'd be for a human family member. Thank god noone in my family has cancer, so far. Mom's taking it very hard, crying all day. At least we still have her mother, Sassy, and she's as healthy as can be for a 17 year old cat.

Oh god, bro. I'm sorry for your loss.

Some don't understand the connection people have to pets, but I do. I teared up a little yesterday when I realized that my fish won't live forever. I've had this ****er (through good times and bad), for about 6 years. (how long do African Cichlids live anyway?)

He is a true survivor who outwitted his bully tankmate and outmaneuvered him literally to death through the rocks, where the bully became stuck (because he was a fat bully pig and wouldn't share the food).

But back to cats. They ****ing rule. Haters get out.
Ha, Virus Type I had a fish like that too. An angelfish that lived for 6 years, survived a catastrophe in which the tank temperature skyrocketed and killed every fish in the tank but him.

After that, he seemed to eat every new fish we put in there. In his final years he started to just eat the algae off the tank, meaning I didnt have to clean as often or feed him. Pretty swell fish.
Well guys, today my cat Spot died. At the very least she died quickly. As if Diabetes wasn't bad enough, she had a 'growth' in her stomach that grew into abdominal cancer. It started out as a single lump in her belly, but then several grew around it with the original lump getting bigger. I couldn't get it surgically removed, being 15 years old surgery is out of the question for her. Even being 10 years old surgery is too risky, let alone 15. Then for a little over a week she struggled with constipation, one of the most severe I've ever seen in any animal, let alone a cat. No matter how much Pet Laxative I gave her, she didn't have any stool movement. It's a damn shame when one has to see their pet just weaken away with cancer, I can't imagine how it'd be for a human family member. Thank god noone in my family has cancer, so far. Mom's taking it very hard, crying all day. At least we still have her mother, Sassy, and she's as healthy as can be for a 17 year old cat.

Oh man, I'm very sorry to hear that. I know what it's like to lose a pet, because I've also gone through it before, and I understand that strong connection you can have with an animal. A lot of people don't consider pets to be a part of the family, but once you've lived with one for over a decade or so, that begins to change. And it hurts a lot when one of them passes. Hope you're all right.
I used to love fish. Had an angelfish that lived for maybe 7 or 8 years. Then got some kind of disease. I separated him to another tank, bought him special food, did some salt treatments (got rid of the fungal growth, but he was still sick with something else). I also had a couple of bala sharks that I bought together. After a few years one died, and the next week the other one decided to die too (no apparent illness). It might've been too lonely or something.

Anyhow, sorry to hear about your cat. Very sad.
Thanks for the kind words, guys. I still feel a bit saddened by the loss of my cat, but mom is still taking it very hard. In fact, she's thinking about getting another cat, a white kitten with long fur. But I keep telling her that it would be unfair for Precious (my sister picked the name I assure you), another cat who is a grey shorthair. Another kitten would divert much needed attention for Precious.