What Do You Think as Gordon Freeman When Playing Any Game in the Halfe Life Series?


Oct 14, 2010
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I searched with a few keywords and nothing came up, so I assume this is alright.

In a lot of threads, people have been saying that we ourselves are supposed to fill in Gordon Freeman's shoes and his emotions are our emotions, etc. In the game, however, he does not say a single thing, and many people acknowledge this.

So I have to ask you guys just out of curiosity, what do you think as you are playing as Gordon Freeman? For instance, I don't actually imagine Freeman responding to people's comments when they say stuff. I believe he stays silent. But When I had to run from the metro cops in the Canal system, I was actually feeling pressure, hauling ass, thinking about escape routes, just like any other person would think like if they were in the same situation. So like when the hunter chopper comes up I imagine Freeman thinking, "Oh shit, I'm about to get shredded, have to move fast". And in turn, I play like that, not stopping except for necessity and health packs, being efficient, etc.

So what do you guys go through when you play in the sense of what you imagine what Gordon Freeman is going through?
"This would make a pretty fun video game."
"Every mother****er in this room is about to get deadified."

No seriously, I don't play HL2 anymore. When I did play it, I was like most people on this board: wishing for something above hard mode. It just got to where I would tear every single Combine schlub a new one before they could even land a shot.
"So this girl has been following me around for like three days now...is it appropriate for me to make a move, or should I wait until she gets over her dead father?"

In all seriousness, I've never really gotten into actually being Gordon Freeman...I'm a person playing a video game as somebody whom the other characters address as "Gordon" or "Doctor Freeman". Maybe it's the gender disconnect. Yeah, I feel the tension when I'm crawling through somewhere dark trying to fend off Combine or zombies (or zombines), and I react to all of the plot revelations, but I'm doing it as me playing an emotionally-evocative game, not as my in-game handpuppet.

I find it interesting, though, how a lot of people I talk to seem to have different ideas of Gordon's personality, even though he never speaks, and I can't help but wonder if that's a byproduct of the player projecting themself onto him. My sense of his personality isn't anything like how I am, though, so maybe I'm just envisioning him as my ideal guy? I dunno :P
"Jesus ****ing christ what the **** is going on who the **** what ****nig hell christ this physics puzzle sucks DUDE ****ING HUNTERS god this isn't scary at all, why the **** isn't episode 3 out yet you know what **** this I'm going to go play armored core."
Gordon is so filled with rage he doesn't need to speak. he probably is also borderline psychotic because most nerds i know aren't outgoing, or violent at all. hes like a jock caught in a nerds body with everyone cheering him on and its like a dream. but realistically he's probably wanting a cold beer, a nice hot shower and some r and r
"Stop talking idiots, I want to continue with my game instead of listening to a 'proper story'."

Haters gonna hate.
I found it hard to ignore the fact that I would never be able to carry a crowbar, gravgun, 2 pistols, sub, AR, shotty, crossbow, grenade, rpg and bait ball with double my weight in ammo and a computer/armour/suit and run + sprint in and out of a large city without ever taking a break. Too hard to put myself in his shoes. But I do find it easy to put myself in Chell's position in Portal.
I found it hard to ignore the fact that I would never be able to carry a crowbar, gravgun, 2 pistols, sub, AR, shotty, crossbow, grenade, rpg and bait ball with double my weight in ammo and a computer/armour/suit and run + sprint in and out of a large city without ever taking a break. Too hard to put myself in his shoes. But I do find it easy to put myself in Chell's position in Portal.

Maybe that's it; Gordon is just so amazingly superhuman that it's hard to insert myself into any of the situations he faces. Now that I think of it, I was able to put myself in Chell's shoes (or...knee-implants) much more easily, because she's a fairly normal human being who just wants some damn cake. I can identify.
As Gordon Freeman, I think about if Alyx will let me hit it.
...and if Alyx and I have a baby can we afford to pay for a Vortigaunt College someday. :rolling:
"Remember, this is for science. No matter who dies, Its for Science. For Science. For Science..."
To be blunt I fell like I'm piloting a robot completely devoid of personality.
Why am I even here? I only pushed the cart in, my superiors could of easily called off the test. I mean I cleaned up their mess back at Black Mesa and now they are asking for my help again.....You know what, screw them, your on your own chumps.


Shit, this doors locked, and I bet that scientist guys got the key. I would beat him around the face with this crowbar and snag the key, but thats totally going aginst my ethics. Shit!
"What did I get myself into...? First, it's an experiment gone awry, then I'm hauling ass out of this underground facility... and now I'm destroying a damned tower run by a crazy guy! Why did I agree to this? I knew my parents were right: being a scientist will only result in uselessness.

Oh well. At least I got this cool, metal suit, a crowbar, and a hot girl to stare at while she shoots things. And opens the hidden room behind the vending machine." :3
"Damn this experiment gone so wrong, it caused a damn RESONANCE CASCADE, and I'm moving my Hazardous Environment Suit everywhere I go, going through radioactive waters, through biohazardous !#$% and solving freakin' puzzles, it's gonna wear me out!"
I assume he gets quite pissed at his companions needlessly giving him the most dangerous and violent jobs. An example would be Alyx's plan in HL2: "Imma take da train to Nova Prospekt. You take da dune buggy across the forsaken wastelands lol." He must have a hell of a poker face on when he listens to something like that.