A Holiday Message from Ricky Gervais: Why I’m An Atheist

yeah i bet a thread about accepting jesus into your heart would be crazy popular around here

Haha it totally wouldn't, but I'm not really sure how this article is directly comparable to that. I often see people calling atheists "preachy," which they absolutely are sometimes, but I don't see that this is really an instance of that. It's just a dude responding to the people who bug him about this shit every day (ie - accepting jesus into your heart) with his honest beliefs on the matter.

I think people's problems with this article may have little to do with the article itself and a lot to do with where/by whom it was posted. :P

why should public education cater exclusively to a specific special interest group by discarding scientific fact and replacing it with myth? creationism has zero scientific merit. why not teach hindu creationism or mesoamerican creation myths?

I'm not certain but I think Shift was actually saying that he disagrees with Creationism being taught in schools.

Meh, I can see where this thread is going, but I'm gonna sit this one out. Already indulged my ego enough in the last one, hurr.
God has all ready proved himself to me by giving me a new life not in this one but the one to come. He has promised me that which I don't deserve. Its harder for someone to believe in a God when they are financially, emotionally, you know all the good things that keep us busy from finding out truth satan is doing a great job at that. Even at times I find myself with too many things that distracts me from HIM but quickly is drawn back to him.God says its harder for those types of people to Find Christ cause of All they have. My belief says you have Nothing apart from Christ. It not bad to have things but when you have things and Not God its not a good Idea. That's why millions turn to Christ when they are left with NOTHING. That's when God shows them you can have nothing and have everything. :)

So as I said - all you've proved is that adults only feel the need for God when their minds or their lives are messed up.
Happiness and personal fulfilment are not material distractions, they're symptoms of a healthily developed human animal.
"My belief says you have Nothing apart from Christ." - YOU may have nothing but Christ, but I have my valued friends and family, my health, my intelligence, a career, a reasonable amount of freedom, influence on the world around me, an open mind and happy heart. That's why I don't need to believe in something that doesn't exist, because my reality is (more or less) okay.
To us that looks and sounds bad, but yes he knows best to do with his creation whether we understand it or not I have to accept it. Death is awaiting everyone weather I go now or later doesn't matter. I'm actually jealous of those 22,000 right now. I don't know why I'm still alive maybe to share the Gospel to anyone who wants to listen. I could die tonight.

So you don't question why God would allow 22,000 children to die each day for absolutely no reason? You don't question why thousands of babies born each day have mental retardation that prevents them from ever actually following religion and means those babies will burn in hell no matter what they do? You don't question why an all loving and all knowing God would put people through hell on earth just to see if they truly believe in him or not?
To us that looks and sounds bad, but yes he knows best to do with his creation whether we understand it or not I have to accept it. Death is awaiting everyone weather I go now or later doesn't matter. I'm actually jealous of those 22,000 right now. I don't know why I'm still alive maybe to share the Gospel to anyone who wants to listen. I could die tonight.

no offense but you dont sound at all rational. you're basically saying that your reason for being here is justified over the lives of 22,000 people. not just any 22,000, but 22,000 children who will never live to see their potential because according to you they served no purpose greater than your own (odd that you cant even think of what your purpose might be other than being a mouthpiece for god) as if their lives meant nothing in comparison to yours as if you have some sort of purpose greater than simply being alive. this is a ridiculous notion that no rational mature person would ever think were true

if anything you continue to validate the notion that god is a dickhead
no offense but you dont sound at all rational. you're basically saying that your reason for being here is justified over the lives of 22,000 people. not just any 22,000, but 22,000 children who will never live to see their potential because according to you they served no purpose greater than your own (odd that you cant even think of what your purpose might be other than being a mouthpiece for god) as if their lives meant nothing in comparison to yours as if you have some sort of purpose greater than simply being alive. this is a ridiculous notion that no rational mature person would ever think were true

if anything you continue to validate the notion that god is a dickhead

Many people think God is a Dickhead, why do you think people ask questions like why do bad things happen to good people? cause Gods a dickhead right? No cause God is Good and Sovereign He knows whats best who am I to question God? which I have. People always lean towards the bad things people think God does, What about all the Good things we overlook? Life, family, friends, time, pc games, Half life 2 ect.. I don't mean to sound immature, i'm not offended.
Many people think God is a Dickhead, why do you think people ask questions like why do bad things happen to good people? cause Gods a dickhead right? No cause God is Good and Sovereign He knows whats best who am I to question God?

so in other words you dont know why god does bad things to good people. or why god does good things for bad people.the difference between you and someone else is that your questioning ends before a question is even asked

"god did it" is your convienet catch-all explanation for pretty much everything. this is a cop out.

Alan00000 said:
which I have. People always lean towards the bad things people think God does, What about all the Good things we overlook?

Alan00000 said:
Life, family, friends, time, pc games, Half life 2 ect.. I don't mean to sound immature, i'm not offended.

ok are you just trolling because god had nothing to do with any of those things ..because if you say he had a hand in it he must also have had a hand in everything that's shitty like beheading christians, raping babies, and celine dion. so god is equal parts benefactor and equal parts dickhead
so in other words you dont know why god does bad things to good people. or why god does good things for bad people.the difference between you and someone else is that your questioning ends before a question is even asked

"god did it" is your convienet catch-all explanation for pretty much everything. this is a cop out.

ok are you just trolling because god had nothing to do with any of those things ..because if you say he had a hand in it he must also have had a hand in everything that's shitty like beheading christians, raping babies, and celine dion. so god is equal parts benefactor and equal parts dickhead

Sorry Stern I don't mean too troll I don't even know what that means to be honest with you. I don't even know what a cop out is either. just keep in mind I am a 29 year old that didn't go to college so I may be a little what do people call it "behind"
lol dont know why you'd have to go to college to know what a "cop out" is. you do know how to use google right?

and yes you're starting to sound like a troll who's pulled the wool over our eyes (just google it ffs)
Damn, you're 30? I thought you were like 12.
For me Its hard to just believe our own thing and if it works for me just stick with it, cause I have to spread Gods word and it may offend some it talks about Idols and what not, you have just created an idol, "yourself". God does not want us to have any other Gods before him. Then again this is just blah if you don't believe in it. You have to see it from my point of view I have the ability to share Gods word and I am commanded too. If you feel like what your doing is cool with you then that's fine your choice. I have to be truthful to you guys. In a loving way of course. I don't wanna be that Christian that everyone sees on tv holding up the God hated fagots poster, they don't know the God i Know.
My dad has a PHD in the old testament, and is a professor at a Christian university. I've read the entire bible a few times, and had it thrown in my face for 20+ years, sadly, I know the Bible far better than most preachers.

The "idol" philosophy (often said of TV, Money, etc) is a stretch (missinterpretation) of one of the 10 commandments. That text is talking about religious idols, there is no connection between that use of the world idol, and the whole "TV worship" and "self worship" concept I've heard (poorly) preached a few hundred times by varying pastors. It's just not in the bible. It's even more irritating when it encouraged anti-thinking, which I have always countered with "perhaps god gave us a brain to use it?”

If you want a real head-twister, read the bible and pay careful attention to what is (a) stories and history (b) advice, suggestions, and parables, and (c) commandments. You’ll notice that most of the things commonly said to be commandments are actually in the advice category.

Speaking of misinterpretation of the bible, “Thou shalt not use the lord’s name in vain” has nothing to do with saying “god-damn-it.” An easier way to say it is, “using god’s likeness for vain/selfish purposes.” A perfect example is when Jesus trashed the merchant stands at the temple; they were using religion to proffit. For this reason, it's easy to conclude most televangelists are destined for hell (if it exists). People pretending or inaccurately claiming to have a word from god are violating this commandment.

view I have the ability to share Gods word and I am commanded too.
Careful friend, most of the preachers I’ve met, and the westburrow people believe the same thing.
I seriously think Alan0 should be banned. The odds that he's not trolling are pretty low, and either way, I've seen him post in two threads which have resulted in them becoming the exact same futile argument.

Edit: Make that three threads. Atleast he was considerate enough to set up a thread just for trolling for our convenience.
Damn, you're 30? I thought you were like 12.

And insane; as all devout religious people seem to be.

There's a reason: extremists, terrorists, suicide bombers, infuriating know-nothings, Death Row inmates, child molesters, cult leaders, psychopath killers, witch hunter/burners, etc., are the most religious people in the world.
Many people think God is a Dickhead, why do you think people ask questions like why do bad things happen to good people? cause Gods a dickhead right? No cause God is Good and Sovereign He knows whats best who am I to question God? which I have. People always lean towards the bad things people think God does, What about all the Good things we overlook? Life, family, friends, time, pc games, Half life 2 ect.. I don't mean to sound immature, i'm not offended.

Ah, the good old 'we can't understand the mind of God so nuts to logic' arguement. Never fails!
Haha it totally wouldn't, but I'm not really sure how this article is directly comparable to that. I often see people calling atheists "preachy," which they absolutely are sometimes, but I don't see that this is really an instance of that. It's just a dude responding to the people who bug him about this shit every day (ie - accepting jesus into your heart) with his honest beliefs on the matter.

I think people's problems with this article may have little to do with the article itself and a lot to do with where/by whom it was posted. :P

nah you're right, and Ricky Gervais is hilarious and awesome. just the general demeanor of this topic literally every single time it has ever been brought up in this forum always makes me roll my eyes
There will never be peace on earth until we all put away our 2,000+ year old 'science' books, AKA the Bible, Qua-ran, etc. My school science book was crap because it was about 6 years old.

After all, who would you rather trust:

Someone who has a religion that forgives anything he has done wrong if he just says LORD FORGIVE ME, FOR I HAVE SINNED, and everything is all better?

You leave your kid with that guy?

Or a normal person, who knows right from wrong - good from bad - without a 2,000+ year old book.

If you need a book to know you shouldn't kill -n- shit, something is wrong with you.
There will never be peace on earth until we all put away our 2,000+ year old 'science' books, AKA the Bible, Qua-ran, etc. My school science book was crap because it was about 6 years old.

After all, who would you rather trust:

Someone who has a religion that forgives anything he has done wrong if he just says LORD FORGIVE ME, FOR I HAVE SINNED, and everything is all better?

You leave your kid with that guy?

Or a normal person, who knows right from wrong - good from bad - without a 2,000+ year old book.

If you need a book to know you shouldn't kill -n- shit, something is wrong with you.

actually it's closer to 3300 years old. bible didnt start with jebus
Yeah, I was about 6 or 7 when I realized it was ridiculous make believe, so I haven't studied it. You get my point though, guys.
You guys really need no excuse for a HL2.net atheist circlejerk, do you?

where the coolest people post :cool:

where the coolest people post :cool:

Religion wouldn't be so bad if the books "written by the creator of the universe and all things in it" didn't instruct you to kill people.
You guys really need no excuse for a HL2.net atheist circlejerk, do you?

At this point its almost like walking into a church on Sunday morning and going "Jeez, you guys really need no excuse for a Lincoln county christian circlejerk, do you?"

Except it doesn't happen once a week here. And thats not an invitation to go "hurr cuz it happens more than once a week lololol durrr"
so... halflife2.net is exclusively for people who hate on religion? Like how a church is exclusively for people who believe in religion? Yeah that's the same, good point, this thread rules, herp derp derpa derp herp
so... halflife2.net is exclusively for people who hate on religion? Like how a church is exclusively for people who believe in religion? Yeah that's the same, good point, this thread rules, herp derp derpa derp herp
I don't know, I just can't help saying so when people say something ****ing ridiculous. It's like if someone told you that you were a slice of cheese. Or the moon was, or something.
whatever, it just gets old. it is possible to be devoutly religious and not inherently inferior. with most people it isn't about interpreting religious text literally, it's just an aspect of their sense of self. saying this gets old too WOOT WOOT
Yeah, my problem is basically that every single thread pretty much everyone says the exact same thing. It's not that I don't agree for the most part, it's just redundant here. It gets to the point where I'm more open to people whose view I strongly disagree with, just to have my own ideas picked apart for a change and to get some novelty.
so... halflife2.net is exclusively for people who hate on religion? Like how a church is exclusively for people who believe in religion? Yeah that's the same, good point, this thread rules, herp derp derpa derp herp

Churches don't necessarily turn away atheists, just like we don't necessarily turn away theists. But the minority feels ostracized in both situations, whether or not they are in fact.
so... halflife2.net is exclusively for people who hate on religion? Like how a church is exclusively for people who believe in religion? Yeah that's the same, good point, this thread rules, herp derp derpa derp herp

What a dumb thing to say. Yes, there are a lot of atheists here. Atheists generally don't like religion (since it's ****ing retarded and all that). But people that are religious are not only free to post here about their views, they are usually encouraged to do so. I also don't know where you got the idea that churches don't allow non-religious people in them, they do. But if an atheist walks in to a church they probably shouldn't be shocked that there are a lot of christians there. Just as a religious person shouldn't be shocked when they are asked to explain their position after they comment on their beliefs on an open internet forum.

The fact there aren't any religious people here that are capable of explaining why they believe what they believe isn't our fault. I'm still hoping for the day we see a chirstian that doesn't run away from the discussion as soon as they can no longer explain their positions. If you know one by all means send them over.
As a believer He allows me to take control of the steering wheel of my life which has been a bad idea for me He wants to be in full control of my life he knows whats best for me, I choose to allow him to be in full control or not in control. But I guess yes At the end of the day He Is in control of ALL things good or bad. God Punishes and God Blesses as well, He's Loving and also Just.

It doesn't matter If they died, although we grieve and are sad at the loss God has a place prepared for them that if we could have a glance at where they lay today if they pass we would wish more to die in a sense, not continue to live in a world of poverty and disease ect...

My thoughts are... thanks for the gift of life... which you took back from me at a young age, asshole! I kind of wanted to enjoy it but instead I've had a miserable existence that caused me to die horribly.

When we lose loved ones, especially at a young age, all I would want to say to god is "I wanted them more than you do God... they gave me joy in my life and you took that from me, and you took that from them. Thanks for being so selfish as to put your needs before my own, and expecting me to still love you for it"

As you can maybe tell... my atheism stems mainly from a bitter separation with Christianity. I could see some good in the religion, and some good in some of the acts that people did in the name of it, but I also saw the bad... and saw nothing good in god. I also saw a lot of bad things in followers of the Religion who were one of the main reasons for me backing out. Ugly, ugly people who hide behind the veil of religion to pretend they are good. Not all of them... but a great number of them.
oh boy a big post from no limit to ignore

churches are based on religious discourse. this is an off-topic section of a gaming forum. comparing them is stupid, please eat my ****ing nuts.

also I have painstakingly explained why its NOT OKAY TO BASH RELIGION in the past, to no limit specifically. he can cover my nuts in butter, rub them all over his bullshit face, and then gobble them up. YUM YUM
Religious discourse is technically off-topic from a gaming forum...
Looks like somebody is a bit touchy about this issue.

As far as explaining things to me, you haven't explained shit. When it comes to christianity all you can ever do is preach how we should all hold hands and sing along. Here you are so shocked that people would dare make fun of religion on a message board open to anyone that feels like making an account. Have we no decency?

And as far as your nuts go...I don't really like peanut butter. Sorry bro. But sounds like you sure got it planned out in your head.
Atheists generally don't like religion (since it's ****ing retarded and all that). But people that are religious are not only free to post here about their views, they are usually encouraged to do so.

Haha, literally back to back sentences, good stuff. So, can we cover some bases quickly here? I know it's pretty much wasted effort, given we're dealing with No Limit, but let's try it anyway.

As you've so clearly demonstrated, no matter how readily a person is 'encouraged', such invitations are pretty much never followed up by civil discussion. Asking some one to explain their faith (no matter how stupid you think it is) is a deeply personal thing, and given how this site usually chooses to express itself in a far less than sensitive and respectful manner, it isn't so much a request as a challenge. No we're not banning them, or abusing them, or censoring them, but we're pretty much declaring open war on their beliefs. It's not necessary and it pretty much encourages anyone with any beliefs to either fight or flight. Having the right or ability to say or discuss things doesn't mean you should. You have the right to be an asshole, but that doesn't mean anyone has to use it.

And you're a Cowboy's fan? How terrible can one person be?
You are making this a far more emotional issue than it is. Yes, I think religion is stupid. You know a few other things I think are stupid? I'll just name a few: smoking tobacco, driving slow, dumping $20,000 in to a $500 car, or being a republican.

I don't declare war on any of these things, I don't hate anyone that does these things. But if we are having a discussion about any of this stuff I will make my opinion known to you, that's what a discussion is about. But for religious people (christians especially) they love to play the victim. It's not that I have valid reasons to think their belief system is wrong, no it can't possibly be that. It's that I want to victimize them.

You say all religious threads end a certain way around here. Yes, they certainly do. But not in the way you think they do. What always happens is a christian finally snaps and says something in one of these threads. Some people (including myself) might laugh a little or make jokes. But that never stops the person from posting. They only stop posting once they come to a point where their position simply can't be defended any longer. But they love to use the fact some people made fun of them as a scape goat for why they are bailing on the discussion, long after they willingfully participated in that discussion. I challange you to find one religious thread with a participating christian that doesn't end that way. One thread.

As I said above I think republicans are stupid. I'm sure they think I'm stupid too. We can look at the conservatives here. Many of them will make fun of how liberal I am, how I must hate America. Do I cry about that and play victim? F**k no. I address it head on because I know I have a leg to stand on. And if it turns out I'm wrong then so be it, I'm wrong. Why religious people can't do the same is beyong me. You say its because religion is a highly personal thing. What a lame cop out, politics and many other things discussed here are also highly personal. Who gives a shit about how personal something is when you are posting about it anonymously on the ****ing internet?
Something tells me that No Limit still doesn't know quite how abrasive he is, and as a result still doesn't know why people don't like him.
it's pretty amusing, especially when he breaks out the internet tough guy stuff
Something tells me that No Limit still doesn't know quite how abrasive he is, and as a result still doesn't know why people don't like him.

I agree, and Stern basically acts the same way(perhaps with less crass) but me and you don't see eye to eye on that.