Games of your Chilhood

Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Simcity 4. Not comprehending the game, I simply built landmarks all over the place, and enjoyed the natural disasters.

Tonka games. Don't even mention it.

Battleship. Computerized version of one of my favorite board games. Campaign mode completely different from original.

Railroad Tycoon 2. I sure regretted giving it away.

Lionel Traintown

Doom, Doom, Doom and more Doom, all of them. Custom wads included. Wolfenstein 3D, Blood, Duke Nukem 3D.

Yeah. That's me.
>Games of your childhood
Simcity 4
How old are you? If SC4 is part of your childhood then you're not old enough to be talking about your childhood yet.

/vegeta mode off

SC2000, Incredible Machine, Blood, Duke Nukem 3D, NAM. Dat Build Engine.
Super Mario Bros 3, Castlevania NES, Metal Gear NES, Contra, Tecmo Bowl, etc. I was born in 83 so use your imagination. When I was 2 my father had me playing Commadore 64 and Atari 2600 games. I remember Jumpman Jr like it was yesterday:
I was born in '93 and my first ever game was Jurassic Park on the Genesis. Man, I really wanna play that again. Then there was Vector Man 1 & 2, Gadget Twins, The 6-Pack, Primal Rage even a few PS1 games. Omega Boost was one I always remembered, Final Fantasy 7 was probably my first RPG. This takes me back.
Duke Nukem 3D, Cannon Fodder and a crap ton of NES and Amiga games I can't remember the names for.
Can I get a shout-out for Vigilante 8: Second Offensive?
I was born in '93 and my first ever game was Jurassic Park on the Genesis. Man, I really wanna play that again. Then there was Vector Man 1 & 2, Gadget Twins, The 6-Pack, Primal Rage even a few PS1 games. Omega Boost was one I always remembered, Final Fantasy 7 was probably my first RPG. This takes me back.

I can't tell you how many times I've finished Jurassic Park on the Genesis. It had the coolest music and you could finish the game in like under an hour it was so much fun. I remember beating that game 2-3 times in a day. Omg though I love that movie and for the life of me I can barely remember the very end T-Rex scene.

omg !
I can't tell you how many times I've finished Jurassic Park on the Genesis. It had the coolest music and you could finish the game in like under an hour it was so much fun. I remember beating that game 2-3 times in a day. Omg though I love that movie and for the life of me I can barely remember the very end T-Rex scene.

omg !

Rampage edition opening with the raptor i remember well

But all i played when i was young was Nintendo crap, from the Nes to N64, even had Nintendo Power for years, I did have a genesis but only for a couple games and Sega channel
Games of my childhood? Let's see...

A ton of NES games I don't remember the names of. Got my firs PC in 98, and it had Blood and GT Racing 97. After that: Quake 1, Quake 2, Tomb Rider 2, Hexen 2, Duke 3d, Unreal, Half Life, Delta Force, Jedi Knight, Trespasser, NFS 2, Destruction Derby, etc.
crash bandicoot 3 & team racing
medievil series
syphon filter series
spiderman series (ps1)
metal gear solid
resident evil 3
tekken 2 & 3

amazing to see how little of these games i still kept or played :(
-WipeOut XL
-Secret of Mana
-Secret of Evermore
-Super Smash TV! (I own both the NES and SNES editions, and almos bought a Smash TV arcade machine last month, but some ass bought it the day before I went to buy it)
Heroes of Karn

Crystal Caves, Commander Keen and other assorted Apogee games.

Sim City and then SC 2000
Doom 1 & 2 and whatever mods I could find for them
Diablo 1 & 2
Command and Conquer & Red Alert
Raptor Call of the Shadows
Delta Force 1, 2 and Land Warrior
SOCOM 1 & 2
Metal Gear Solid series
Siphon Filter 1 & 2
The Resident Evil PS1 & PS2 games
Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries

Logical Journey of the Zoombinis (being colourblind made this game next to impossible to beat)

The Incredible Machine

Super Smash Brothers

Super Mario 64
Since I don't want to list every n64 game I owned and loved I'm going to just do EAAARLY childhood and do games from the early 90s i played a lot on the computer. Obviously if we got to late 90s there would be HL, UT, Starcraft etc but I was more of a teen than a child at that point.

Reader Rabbit - I know I played this all the time but I don't remember it being very awesome
Math Blaster - I always loved this series
Wolf3d - my first FPS and the world's first FPS too
X-Com UFO Defense - i still play this sometimes
Seven Cities of Gold - i think this was just a DOS port of an old c64 game with slightly better graphics, it was the first adventure/strategy game I played and I really loved it
Outlaws - no explanation required, awesome doom-based western
Dark Forces - **** yeah Star Wars, my mom took this from my 10 year old self after Columbine happened because apparently killing stormtroopers == killing your classmates
Heroes of Might and Magic 1 + 2 - yeah, these were awesome before 3 came out and became the only one you ever needed
Kings Bounty - precursor to HOMM games, totally awesome
Scorched Earth - the original, with the gradient backgrounds and stuff and the really awful sound quality. i still love SE-style games, and the nostalgia levels I get from seeing scorched earth are outrageous
I wish my computer back then could have played Wolf3d. I got it, and for months I kept going back to it trying to get it to work, but the only thing that I could actually play in the game was the Pong minigame that came with it.

So I played wolf3d pong for hours and hours.
Loads of random shareware games my mum used to download on to the computer for me. Alot of them were the old Apogee games, stuff like Commander Keen.

I used to play the original Duke Nukem (the sidescroller) religiously, probably the most memorable out of those games for me.
My favourite childhood game would be Aztec. Gameplay-wise it was Prince of Persia avant la lettre: a bit of platforming and a bit of very basic fighting. The setting was an Aztec underground temple and you played an Indiana Jones wannabe trying to discover the hidden treasure. I played this game so much I ruined its 5,25" diskette.
Loads of random shareware games my mum used to download on to the computer for me. Alot of them were the old Apogee games, stuff like Commander Keen.

I used to play the original Duke Nukem (the sidescroller) religiously, probably the most memorable out of those games for me.

Yeah, those were good too. I remember getting the side scroller dukes from my mom's friend, along with this like, collection of 20 cheap games. There was one where you had to fly a helicopter around, destroying enemies and fly underground to get to other enemies, and it was awesome because you had to return to base to refuel. The landscape could be destroyed though, so when your base area was attacked, your landing pad could get all ****ed up and make it nearly impossible to land on it to rearm. God, I'm gunna have to look this game up now.

EDIT: Its nowhere to be found :(

Anyone else remember a game like this? I got it in a pack that had a bunch of games, the only one of which I can remember is with you playing an archer on the left side of the screen and you moved him up/down and could adjust how far he pulled back his bowstring, and you shot floating red balloons.
Started playing games in 93, when I was 4~. My dad bought a Nintendo with a handful of games from a pawnshop or something. I enjoyed the shit out of every single one of those games.

A few mentionable ones were

Super Mario Bros.
Kung Fu
Double Dragon (co-op action for me and my dad, awesome times.)

I ended up getting a Sega Genesis for christmas one year. Probably in 96, because there was like a two/three year gap where I had no video games at all, due to family problems.
Sega is what really made me a gamer and what made me want more and more. I still have like 70 Genesis cartridges. I have too many favorites to list, but these are just a few that stand out-

Sonic 2
Streets of Rage 2
Land of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse
The Shining Force series.
My friend across the street had Streets of Rage 2 on his Genesis when I was young. Those were some seriously good times.

I wish my computer back then could have played Wolf3d. I got it, and for months I kept going back to it trying to get it to work, but the only thing that I could actually play in the game was the Pong minigame that came with it.

So I played wolf3d pong for hours and hours.

My rig back then was pimpin... an IBM PS/2 Model 80 with 4mb of RAM, 70mb hard drive and a blisteringly fast 16Mhz intel 386 processor that my dad got from work (he used to be a software engineer).

We still have that computer in the attic, and I think it will still boot even. In fact, we were cleaning out the attic literally two days ago, and we found a big box of ancient windows software... I think there were a few unopened copies of Windows 3.1, Win 3.0 and some prehistoric versions of Excel and Word. I also still have the keyboard that came with it, which is a Model M with strong keys that sound like machine gun fire when you type...
Pretty much everything on the 64, Pokemon blue, Half-Life, and Duke Nukem.
All the games I played on my Amiga
Dark Forces 2
Half Life
Crash Bandicoot
Daisy's Garden (freaking marmots), Crash Bash (balls hard) and Rayman 1 (nightmare fuel).

I got Rayman 1 back recently, and the music still gives me the willies. Especially Band Land.

EDIT: How the f**k did I miss Pokemon?
First there was of course duck hunt. As well as mortal combat.

I can't remember which I played first, doom or wolfenstein 3d. I loved those games to death until I got my hands on duke nukem, the strip club level was awesome. Also don't want to leave out sim city 2000, I would spend nights without sleep playing it.

Then there was of course goldeneye for the N64 and I guess I'll count the original half life along with team fortress classic as a childhood game, although I think I was approaching my teens at the time.

Finally I will never forget the 2 games we played in elementary shool. Dyno park tycoon and Oregon Trail. I might have to look for those some time.
Hmm. My first games were Duck Hunt and Super Mario Bros. up at my cousins' house when I was 1st or 2nd grade. Then we got a PC in 1990 and my most memorable game was probably Commander Keen. My most played console was the Sega Genesis, which I got for Christmas in 5th grade.

Some of my favorites were SMB 1-3, Bubble Bobble, Sonic 1-3, Ecco the Dolphin, Jurassic Park (Genesis), Tetris, King's Quest VII, Commander Keen, and by the time I got to high school, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter and HL1.
my first console game experience was with pong
Finally I will never forget the 2 games we played in elementary shool. Dyno park tycoon and Oregon Trail. I might have to look for those some time.

Oh my god, yes.
Look at these awesome graphics:





Those were the days.
I remember playing Oregon Trail on DOS on the "good" computers in elementary school. The "bad" computers were Apple IIs where we played lame word and math games on 5.25 floppies.

We also had Number Munchers:


Math Blaster

My first proper games machine was a ZX Spectrum, but my first gaming love was the arcade :)







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