10 UN workers killed by mob in protest of koran burning by US pastor


May 5, 2004
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Protesters angered by the burning of a Koran by a fringe American pastor in Florida mobbed offices of the United Nations in northern Afghanistan on Friday, killing ten foreign staff members and beheading two of the victims, according to an Afghan police spokesman. Five Afghans were also killed.

Mr. Ahmadzai, the police spokesman, said the crowd was angry about the burning of the Koran by Pastor Terry Jones on Mar. 20. Mr. Jones had caused an international uproar by threatening to burn the Koran last Sept. 11, and demonstrations at the time led to deaths throughout Afghanistan, but on a small scale. Mr. Jones subsequently had publicly promised not to burn a Koran, but then went ahead last month, after holding a mock trial of the Koran at his fringe church in Gainesville, Fla.

he was warned this would happen

Yeah but it doesn't matter they'll go to heaven where things are better anyway GOD WILLS IT
he was warned this would happen

I hope you are not seriously implying the ignorant Pastor is responsible for the actions of these murderers. Decapitating another human being is not a rational response to the burning of a mass-produced bundle of paper.
point proven.

editL stern thinks only making fun of white Christians is ok,making fun of Muslims is not ok. lol
Are you sure they're not mad that we are trying to takeover the muslim world?
A prominent Afghan cleric, Mullavi Qyamudin Kashaf, acting chief of the Ulema Council of Afghanistan, called for American authorities to arrest and try Mr. Jones as a war criminal.

Hahah okay, sure.

People like Terry Jones need to be beaten with a tire iron. But the violent and hysterical overreactions from some Muslims over stunts like this have become predictable and facepalm-worthy. Way to go, vindicating assholes like Jones.
It's a book and they murdered over it. Stupid people.

All these idiots are doing is adding fuel for more religious tension.
I hope you are not seriously implying the ignorant Pastor is responsible for the actions of these murderers. Decapitating another human being is not a rational response to the burning of a mass-produced bundle of paper.

my fault for assuming everyone is familiar with the story. He burned the koran because of 9/11. governments. muslim groups and even other christians came out and slammed him for provoking extremists. even obama said it would endanger US troops stationed in the middle east. he backed out citing that the danger posed to americans was too great. but then last week he changed his mind which led to this riot. he certainly got the ball rolling. that's certainly a big difference between what you said and what I didnt imply
my fault for assuming everyone is familiar with the story. He burned the koran because of 9/11. governments. muslim groups and even other christians came out and slammed him for provoking extremists. even obama said it would endanger US troops stationed in the middle east. he backed out citing that the danger posed to americans was too great. but then last week he changed his mind which led to this riot. he certainly got the ball rolling. that's certainly a big difference between what you said and what I didnt imply

You act like there's no blame on the murderers though. It's all the Pastor's fault. The pastor is a ****ing idiot because he's inciting violence, but the violent offenders are the ones who need the majority of the attention.

Also, Muslims who would react like this need to learn to live in a world where they're going to be offended. Christians do it all the time here in this country and others as their religion, god and holy books are are mocked.

You're always up in arms when people of other religions act violently over stupid religious things, but you're only seemingly taking one side in this argument Stern, as with every case that involves Islam. Where is your harsh criticism of religion and the stupid, evil things their followers do? Or is it only reserved for Christianity that most here assume based on all your posts?

Are you Muslim Stern? It's okay if you are, really...
You're always up in arms when people of other religions act violently over stupid religious things, but you're only seemingly taking one side in this argument Stern, as with every case that involves Islam. Where is your harsh criticism of religion and the stupid, evil things their followers do? Or is it only reserved for Christianity that most here assume based on all your posts?

Yeah, I'd like to know this as well.
because my motivations are more important than the content of the news in this thread? I didnt say anything that would lead anyone to believe (unless you're hopped up on goofballs or have an agenda) I was supporting the angry mob. yet here I am being accused of supporting them. really, should I have called them bad names? would that have satisfied those who would put words into my mouth? you'll believe whatever the **** you want to believe and I for one have no desire to prove you otherwise because I couldnt care less what you think
because my motivations are more important than the content of the news in this thread? I didnt say anything that would lead anyone to believe (unless you're hopped up on goofballs or have an agenda) I was supporting the angry mob. yet here I am being accused of supporting them. really, should I have called them bad names? would that have satisfied those who would put words into my mouth? you'll believe whatever the **** you want to believe and I for one have no desire to prove you otherwise because I couldnt care less what you think

Noone said your motivations are more important. We already know where we stand on the issue. You're a member of this community and we're trying to figure out where you stand, and why you stand where we think you do. Not based on this single thread, but based on the many threads that focus on Islam where you take a complete 180 from your personality as shown in any threads focusing on Christians.

It's just uncharacteristically CptStern and it confuses.
because my motivations are more important than the content of the news in this thread? I didnt say anything that would lead anyone to believe (unless you're hopped up on goofballs or have an agenda) I was supporting the angry mob. yet here I am being accused of supporting them. really, should I have called them bad names? would that have satisfied those who would put words into my mouth? you'll believe whatever the **** you want to believe and I for one have no desire to prove you otherwise because I couldnt care less what you think

Hush, hush. It isn't just about this thread, but about your comments in general. Your fury against Christianity knows no bounds, yet you always seem to be defending Islam. I won't go as far as Raziaar to suggest that you are a Muslim, but you are very ambivalent when it comes to criticizing religion.

EDIT I concur with what Raz posted.
Hush, hush. It isn't just about this thread, but about your comments in general. Your fury against Christianity knows no bounds, yet you always seem to be defending Islam. I won't go as far as Raziaar to suggest that you are a Muslim, but you are very ambivalent when it comes to criticizing religion.

EDIT I concur with what Raz posted.

lol raziaar thinks I'm muslim? haha

how about the fact that I live in a country made up of mostly christians and have only met one or two muslims in my entire life? how about the fact that there never has been a single issue rasied by muslims in my country that has affected me in any way shape or form? that's not true about christianity; from same sex marriage or abortion to creationism; I went to a private cathloc school ffs.

I have never criticised zoroastrians so I must be a part of their group. also god forbid I dont mention Nuwaubianism because then I might be accused of being a Nuwaubian etc. in any event I dont have to answer to anyone. I mean no one asks you why you never comment on the jewish occupation of the palestinian state therefore you must be jewish. no one ever asks solaris why he doesnt comment on the former oppression by the british gov of druids therefore he must be druish

lets look upon the wisdom of Benny Hill to show us the way:

Stern, nobody's accusing you of supporting the angry mob. It's just that your ire always leans disproportionately towards Christian fowl-ups than Muslim ones. We can all see who caused the most damage in this situation: One dude burned a book, a few others killed people because of it. And yet in the single sentence you dedicated to the subject matter in the OP, you show more concern for the provocateur than the actual murderers.

You're not obligated to justify your motivations to anybody here. But playing coy about them doesn't really sit right when you would make your opinion fully known had the religious tables been switched here.

how about the fact that I live in a country made up of mostly christians and have only met one or two muslims in my entire life? how about the fact that there never has been a single issue rasied by muslims in my country that has affected me in any way shape or form? that's not true about christianity; from same sex marriage or abortion to creationism; I went to a private cathloc school ffs.

None of that should interfere with the objective assessment that killing innocents over a stupid book that was desecrated on the other side of the world is atrocious. I'm sure you know that, but I think what some members want from you is to express that yourself.
Stern, nobody's accusing you of supporting the angry mob. It's just that your ire always leans disproportionately towards Christian fowl-ups than Muslim ones. It doesn't take a scientist to see who caused the most damage in this situation: One dude burned a book, a few others killed people because of it. And yet in the single sentence you dedicated to the subject matter in the OP, you show more concern for the provocateur than the actual murderers.

because I didnt mention the murderers even though I quoted the part about them killing people? even though I made this thread about people murdering innocent people? the fact that I mentioned the pastor is in reference to the original thread where he threatened to burn the koran. every regular here partook in that discussion

You're not obligated to justify your motivations to anybody here. But playing coy about them doesn't really sit right when you would make your opinion fully known had the religious tables been switched here.

how am I playing coy? by not giving people what they want to hear? I dont care what they want to hear. I'm not about to placate them just because they have an axe to grind. they can think whatever they like

None of that should interfere with the objective assessment that killing innocents over a stupid book that was desecrated on the other side of the world is atrocious.

why do I have to say that when it's painfully apparent? why else would I post this?

I'm sure you know that, but I think what some members want from you is to express that yourself.

well I really dont care what those particular members want me to express I dont post for their benefit. the people I dont mind having discussions/debates with members who know me well enough not to jump to that conclusion
because I didnt mention the murderers even though I quoted the part about them killing people? even though I made this thread about people murdering innocent people? the fact that I mentioned the pastor is in reference to the original thread where he threatened to burn the koran. every regular here partook in that discussion

You quoted it, but your OP seemed to put the blame squarely at Jones' feet. If there's any confusion here, you're more than capable of clarifying your position instead of just being stubborn for the ****ing sake of it.

how am I playing coy? by not giving people what they want to hear? I dont care what they want to hear. I'm not about to placate them just because they have an axe to grind. they can think whatever they like

Okay, sure. No point in pressing this further. I'll just keep on assuming you have a soft spot for Islam and you can continue obfuscating and not caring! :D
I won't go as far as Raziaar to suggest that you are a Muslim, but you are very ambivalent when it comes to criticizing religion.

lol raziaar thinks I'm muslim? haha

The Muslim part of my post was a bit of a joke, added after the fact. It's me ploying with CptStern who in the past always made himself to be out against the idiocy and atrocities of all religions which is less evident these days.

lol raziaar thinks I'm muslim? haha

how about the fact that I live in a country made up of mostly christians and have only met one or two muslims in my entire life? how about the fact that there never has been a single issue rasied by muslims in my country that has affected me in any way shape or form? that's not true about christianity; from same sex marriage or abortion to creationism; I went to a private cathloc school ffs.

Yes, yes... we know Muslims don't affect your life or your view of the world at all. That's why you're never posting things about the modern political climate which doesn't feature Muslim countries and Muslim extremism regularly at odds with Christian Crusader mentality.
You act like there's no blame on the murderers though. It's all the Pastor's fault. The pastor is a ****ing idiot because he's inciting violence, but the violent offenders are the ones who need the majority of the attention.

Also, Muslims who would react like this need to learn to live in a world where they're going to be offended. Christians do it all the time here in this country and others as their religion, god and holy books are are mocked.

You're always up in arms when people of other religions act violently over stupid religious things, but you're only seemingly taking one side in this argument Stern, as with every case that involves Islam. Where is your harsh criticism of religion and the stupid, evil things their followers do? Or is it only reserved for Christianity that most here assume based on all your posts?

Are you Muslim Stern? It's okay if you are, really...

agreed %100....I like making fun of ll religions....
I also agree with mr.stabby. 2 years ago I would have disagreed though.It's like were polishing a turd.More then Islam I think the bigger problem for Afghanistan is that they're so ****ing bronze age lol.But it would really suck if they'd used Afghanistan as a launching platform for attacks again.
You quoted it, but your OP seemed to put the blame squarely at Jones' feet.

lol you got all that because I said he was warned that would happen? how do you know I wasnt commenting on how prophetic the warning was?

should I post every contingency just to cover all the bases (member's preconceived notions of where I stand). should I just post nothing at all so that there's no confusion? just a quote and a link to the article? well that's what I've been doing of late because no matter what I say someone will put words in my mouth. even when I'm non commital either way ..that's when the preconceived notions hit the fan and the shit starts to fly!

muslims are dumbasses for believing in sky wizards
muslims are backward ass cuz they dont recognise the gay, abortion, same sex marriage, creationism
muslim extremists are violent (who knew?)

there. for the record. now can we carry on?

If there's any confusion here, you're more than capable of clarifying your position instead of just being stubborn for the ****ing sake of it.

again I dont see the point in clarifying my position; it is what it is; I shouldnt have to spell it out every single time I copy/paste an article into a thread. my position doesnt negate the story unless I'm directly challenging the facts of the story it only serves as fodder for those with preconceived notions. why invite the trolls?

Okay, sure. No point in pressing this further. I'll just keep on assuming you have a soft spot for Islam and you can continue obfuscating and not caring! :D

you're going to think that way anyways so why should I let it bother me? it doesnt
Religion is depressing

Science is fun

Boobies are even more fun
Hush, hush. It isn't just about this thread, but about your comments in general. Your fury against Christianity knows no bounds, yet you always seem to be defending Islam. I won't go as far as Raziaar to suggest that you are a Muslim, but you are very ambivalent when it comes to criticizing religion.

EDIT I concur with what Raz posted.

lol you got all that because I said he was warned that would happen? how do you know I wasnt commenting on how prophetic the warning was?

should I post every contingency just to cover all the bases (member's preconceived notions of where I stand). should I just post nothing at all so that there's no confusion? just a quote and a link to the article? well that's what I've been doing of late because no matter what I say someone will put words in my mouth. even when I'm non commital either way ..that's when the preconceived notions hit the fan and the shit starts to fly!

muslims are dumbasses for believing in sky wizards
muslims are backward ass cuz they dont recognise the gay, abortion, same sex marriage, creationism
muslim extremists are violent (who knew?)

there. for the record. now can we carry on?

again I dont see the point in clarifying my position; it is what it is; I shouldnt have to spell it out every single time I copy/paste an article into a thread. my position doesnt negate the story unless I'm directly challenging the facts of the story it only serves as fodder for those with preconceived notions. why invite the trolls?

you're going to think that way anyways so why should I let it bother me? it doesnt

Well, we're all so very used to you stating exactly where you stand, in every political post. Which is why some of us continue to expect it. But if you're just trying to be completely neutral in the matter, that's cool too. It's just completely different for us around here and we will need to adjust.
lol now I've tipped to neutral?


still neutral?
The pastor might be a dickhead, but I can't find myself putting an ounce of blame for the murders on him. The people who did it were just looking for a reason jump of the handle.
The pastor might be a dickhead, but I can't find myself putting an ounce of blame for the murders on him. The people who did it were just looking for a reason jump of the handle.

Pretty much yeah. You can't expect to have to go through life without anything inflammatory and always worried about people who will likely react violently over even the most mundane things.

Yeah, burning the Korans is inflammatory and a ****ing retarded thing to do, but people need to develop a thicker skin instead of seeking to kill others for it. Holy book or not, it's still just paper and leather. Lives are lives.
I hope you are not seriously implying the ignorant Pastor is responsible for the actions of these murderers. Decapitating another human being is not a rational response to the burning of a mass-produced bundle of paper.

We know there are crazy ass extremists in the middle east that will jump at any excuse to kill people. They are a small minority, but with 6 billion people in the world their numbers are significant. This pastor knew that his actions would probably lead to people dying. And he did what he did anyway so that he could get publicity for his crazy ass church.

The people that actually did this are obviously the ones to blame, but you can't possibly absolve this dipshit pastor of all responsibility.
The Pastor is a piece of shit, because he knew innocent people would die if he did it, and he went ahead and did it. I would shit in his coffee if I could.

The terrorists are pieces of shit, because they killed innocent people because some guy burned a book they really liked. I would put cyanide in their coffee if I could.
I smell bullshit on this since the whole koran burning thing is kinda old isnt? or maybe they have a dedicated memory

so I anyway I suspect is a new cover operation of the taliban
The only reason it has come back is because the Pastor actually did burn the Koran after having some kind of insult-ceremony, 12 days ago.
According to the BBC it was Pastor Wayne Sapp who set fire to the Koran, Terry Jones was merely supervising. Not that this makes any difference, but it's nice to be factually correct.


I hope both of them live a long life racked with guilt over the consequences of their actions.
my fault for assuming everyone is familiar with the story. He burned the koran because of 9/11. governments. muslim groups and even other christians came out and slammed him for provoking extremists. even obama said it would endanger US troops stationed in the middle east. he backed out citing that the danger posed to americans was too great. but then last week he changed his mind which led to this riot. he certainly got the ball rolling. that's certainly a big difference between what you said and what I didnt imply
he was warned this would happen

I got the impression from your initial, and vague post that because he was warned he is to blame for the actions of murderers. You respond with snark and add more words to what amounts to the same implication, that because he was forewarned he is equally liable for the deaths of the UN workers. To which I would disagree, if I am missing some key element to your point please let me know.

We know there are crazy ass extremists in the middle east that will jump at any excuse to kill people. They are a small minority, but with 6 billion people in the world their numbers are significant. This pastor knew that his actions would probably lead to people dying. And he did what he did anyway so that he could get publicity for his crazy ass church.

The people that actually did this are obviously the ones to blame, but you can't possibly absolve this dipshit pastor of all responsibility.

I think there are only about 1.5 billion Muslims. :P I still can not accept that he is in anyway responsible for what happened to those UN workers. His actions while provocative, do not rise to any standard legal definition of incitement. He was/is well within his right of free speech and to be blunt we should be more fearful of those who would seek to suppress free speech to placate barbarians. The problem is not on our end, at least in this circumstance.
Pastor Jones is an ignorant c*nt and shouldn't have burnt a Qur'an.

The angry mob are ignorant, violent c*nts and reacted like cavemen to a book burning.

They're equally to blame, they're both as bad as each other.

Pastor Jones is an ignorant c*nt and shouldn't have burnt a Qur'an.

The angry mob are ignorant, violent c*nts and reacted like cavemen to a book burning.

They're equally to blame, they're both as bad as each other.


Well, murder is not equal to ignorance and assholishness in my opinion.
He should've burned all religious texts. Unfortunately this is only an instigator on one specific group instead of the plague of religion in general. Attack only a part of the beast and it is angered.
We know there are crazy ass extremists in the middle east that will jump at any excuse to kill people.
That's my point. They're looking for any reason to do these things. If it wasn't this guy burning a Koran it would have been a teacher saying that Islam has no place in the classroom or something else.