Paedophile Gets 431 Years In Jail


The Freeman
Jan 6, 2011
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A dude and his wife who kidnapped 11 year old Jaycee Dugard and forced her to do sexual things for 18 years have just had the book thrown at them quite hard. He's been given 431 years total and his wife's been given a minimum of 36.

Full article here.

Phillip Garrido has been sentenced to a total of 431 years in jail for his role in the kidnap and sex assault of Jaycee Lee Dugard.

The 60-year-old's wife Nancy has been jailed for life, with a minimum of 36 years. The couple kidnapped Jaycee in 1991 when she was just 11-years old outside her home in South Lake Tahoe, California, and kept her captive for almost two decades.

Garrido, already a parolled sex offender, fathered two children with Jaycee, and pleaded guilty when she was freed in August 2009.
The worst part is this:

He kidnapped Jaycee only three years after he was released from prison, where he served only 11 years of a 50-year sentence for a rape.
This is why letting rapists out early isn't a very good idea.
I dunno, can't they shoot him or something? I mean, I don't exactly call 431 years in prison a harsh sentence for kidnapping someone and raping them for 18 years.

And a repeat offender, for that matter.
You know how murderers always try and get a lighter sentence than death? Even if it is life in prison?

I've been thinking, and thought that maybe they're onto something.
He's going to be killed in jail anyways.

Murderers and rapists don't take too kindly to dudes who diddle kids.
He's going to be killed in jail anyways.

Murderers and rapists don't take too kindly to dudes who diddle kids.

This is true. Paedophiles are usually priority targets for getting shanked in jail. It's a shame that it's so cushy in there and the guards will probably try to protect him from harm.
I dunno, can't they shoot him or something? I mean, I don't exactly call 431 years in prison a harsh sentence for kidnapping someone and raping them for 18 years.

And a repeat offender, for that matter.

perhaps he should be put on the rack or drawn and quartered ..oh right there's laws that protect citizens from totalitarian regimes
This is true. Paedophiles are usually priority targets for getting shanked in jail. It's a shame that it's so cushy in there and the guards will probably try to protect him from harm.

yes, it's a shame this man is going to be protected from an unlawful killing. curses!!!
Jeeez he's going to be like 500 years old when he gets out
It would be interesting if we lived in a system where we had the crimes we committed performed on the criminals themselves. Rape, get raped... stab, get stabbed... steal, have things stolen. Not really feasible but it would certainly be entertaining.
Getting 400+ years in jail would have a lot more weight if he had more than say 20 years of life left as it is. Dude's already 60, even if he doesn't get shanked he's not exactly going to be serving most of his sentence.

This is why letting rapists out early isn't a very good idea.

Not saying I disagree, but especially in the case of sex offenders, they really should do a better job of keeping track of them when they leave prison. They should be monitored. And if it's an "invasion of privacy", tough shit. Next time don't be a rapist. The problem is that stuff like that costs money, and budgets that America loves to cut include local police departments and public education.

It would be interesting if we lived in a system where we had the crimes we committed performed on the criminals themselves. Rape, get raped... stab, get stabbed... steal, have things stolen. Not really feasible but it would certainly be entertaining.

What purpose would that serve, beyond entertaining you?
Getting 400+ years in jail would have a lot more weight if he had more than say 20 years of life left as it is. Dude's already 60, even if he doesn't get shanked he's not exactly going to be serving most of his sentence.

Not saying I disagree, but especially in the case of sex offenders, they really should do a better job of keeping track of them when they leave prison. They should be monitored. And if it's an "invasion of privacy", tough shit. Next time don't be a rapist.

What purpose would that serve, beyond entertaining you?

I never claimed there was another purpose...
"well it looks like you have been exonerated of commiting rape. once again I'd like to apologise from any undo suffering you may have received by the state when you were gang raped by 4 black guys in retaliation"

"well what do you know? sunovagun he really was innocent of killing his family ..too bad his remaining family beat him to death as part of his sentence or he'd be a free man about now!"


It would be interesting if we lived in a system where we had the crimes we committed performed on the criminals themselves. Rape, get raped... stab, get stabbed... steal, have things stolen. Not really feasible but it would certainly be entertaining.

You should start working on that, Hammurabi.
Sometimes I forget is filled with ubercarebare liberals and I can't even pretend to be sadistic without the flames of a thousand human rights warriors burning the inside of my asshole... It makes me sad that I am also liberal and there are undoubtedly people that believe even my fairly moderate liberal stance is equivalent to what some people manage to convey on these forums...
it has nothing to do with being liberal and everything to do with thinking rationally on why cruel and unusual punishment might be [STRIKE]unconstitutional[/STRIKE] against basic human rights
human rights are a subjective social construct.

Shoot the ****er.
yes, it's a shame this man is going to be protected from an unlawful killing. curses!!!

Lol, fair dos but the point is prison isn't supposed to be a cake walk. I dunno about the American system but over here in the U.K. there are countless people who re-offend as soon as possible so that they can stay in jail because they have a good life in there and nothing on the outside.

In my opinion they should make them all do manual labour. Not only is it a workforce that doesn't need to be paid but they'd be giving something back to the society they've wronged at least.

In before slavery comments.
Lol, fair dos but the point is prison isn't supposed to be a cake walk. I dunno about the American system but over here in the U.K. there are countless people who re-offend as soon as possible so that they can stay in jail because they have a good life in there and nothing on the outside.
Haha, what? You honestly think that is the reason they reoffend? So they can have free housing? Where the hell did you pick that up?
Haha, what? You honestly think that is the reason they reoffend? So they can have free housing? Where the hell did you pick that up?

I know people who've been in Jail?

Seriously, loadsa people do it. What life do they have to return to? They have somewhere to live and respect to earn in there.
I haven't heard of it in quite those terms. But "reoffending because they can't readjust to the outside world" after being in prison for quite a while is a real thing.
I know people who've been in Jail?

Seriously, loadsa people do it. What life do they have to return to? They have somewhere to live and respect to earn in there.

these couple of people you know, sure

not the other hundreds of thousands in jail who want out
Haha, what? You honestly think that is the reason they reoffend? So they can have free housing? Where the hell did you pick that up?

For some people they find it impossible to re-adjust and find housing/jobs so they do offenses so they get back in.
these couple of people you know, sure

not the other hundreds of thousands in jail who want out

There were a fair few stories run in the news about it a couple of years ago.

Here's one from '10 about a prisoner boasting:

Here's a couple From '08 about cushy prisons and more prisoner statements:

and yeah, the few people I know did say it was easier for them to stay in there.

I dunno why some of you are so quick to deny this, there's been reports about some prisons in the UK being cushy for ages. What's the problem?
ya forcible confinement isnt a capital offense

come on guys I'm not american either but we cant have them thinking they lost their monopoly on stupid can we?

edit: sheesh it took me all of 5 seconds to look up rates of re-offenders

Pedophiles aren't right in the head, and shouldn't be allowed back into society.

Pedophiles should be euthanized. Most rational thing to do with them
Captured her at 11 and raped her for 18 years? Sounds like he was only a pedo for about the first 3 years then. If he was really a pedo he would have cut her loose after that.
I dunno, can't they shoot him or something? I mean, I don't exactly call 431 years in prison a harsh sentence for kidnapping someone and raping them for 18 years.

And a repeat offender, for that matter.

You know, it is sentences like that that you have to give them a choice depending on whether he wants to work for the rest of his waking life or lounge around doing nothing

Hard Labour= Your American Tax Dollars are whats keeping him in Prison, he might as well work for that
Death Sentence= He's in for 431 years, he could at least die and free up some room
Pedophiles aren't right in the head, and shouldn't be allowed back into society.

Pedophiles should be euthanized. Most rational thing to do with them

you mean convicted pedophiles right? if you're gonna burn some witches it's best to get your terminology right or else you're just mob and you know what goes well with mobs? anarchy. and you know what quells an mob in the throes of anarchy right? totalitarianism. so now we're oppressed just so you can get yer jollies by offing priests, hockey coaches and uncle larry with their dirty little secrets wrapped in polyester pants
You should start working on that, Hammurabi.

Let's Disco dance Hammurabi!



Yep... I still got it.
As long as a person can be absolutely proven to have committed heinous crimes like murder and rape etc... I'm all for cruel and unusual punishment.

But that's just me.

EDIT: Double post, sorry.
perhaps he should be put on the rack or drawn and quartered ..oh right there's laws that protect citizens from totalitarian regimes

Well, it's a simple matter then.

Remove his citizenship. Get him to work in a coal mine for 8 hours and farm gold in WoW for another 8 or something.

Anyway, I once saw a picture of this pretty woman that was crying with her arms and legs chopped off. Apparently she had been kidnapped and sold into forced prostitution. It was one of the most shocking things I've seen in my life. There wasn't any blood but the stumped looked, for lack of a better explanation, like raw steaks.

I wonder what would be just punishment for the kind of person who would do that to her.
You know, it is sentences like that that you have to give them a choice depending on whether he wants to work for the rest of his waking life or lounge around doing nothing

Hard Labour= Your American Tax Dollars are whats keeping him in Prison, he might as well work for that
Death Sentence= He's in for 431 years, he could at least die and free up some room

Thats been done ffs, it doesnt work the way you think it does. Shit we even had a trustee system so the prison would cost NO money. All it does besides make a hell on earth is lead to corruption and the trustees usually got rich and could come and go as they please. Dont forget that both this guy and people doing a year for possession go to the same damn place. There needs to be two seperate types of prison before I would get all creative with the conditions
Well, it's a simple matter then.

Remove his citizenship.

in a free nation/non-totalitarian regime this can never happen

Get him to work in a coal mine for 8 hours and farm gold in WoW for another 8 or something.

see above

Anyway, I once saw a picture of this pretty woman that was crying with her arms and legs chopped off. Apparently she had been kidnapped and sold into forced prostitution.

kidnapped? did they stuff her in their backpack?
Being a pedophile isn't, and shouldn't be a crime.

After all, all being a pedophile entails is having a sexual attraction to children.

This is something beyond a persons control, much like being gay.

However, unfortunately for them, there is no way for pedophiles to act on their desires without committing an immoral act. As children cannot give consent.

Therefore we should have programs in place where non-criminal pedophiles can admit their condition, and not be afraid of being locked up or persecuted as a result. But instead be treated. Perhaps a government department could produce animated porn for them or something, so they aren't tempted to pay for the real thing.

Society needs to be a lot more mature and rational on this issue. Screaming 'Kill the Peado's' is no solution.
Perhaps a government department could produce animated porn for them or something

Yeah, or like, maybe stop illegalizing under-age art. *stares at UK*

I hope you were joking or something, because you should know there is already tons of underaged porn featuring imaginary children composed of lines or polygons. And there will continue to be such art produced as long as it remains legal in places like Japan and America. Suggesting that the government should produce it is not only pointless, it's ridiculous because the government in the UK and Australia and other places don't even allow it in the first place. Let's try to aim for a sensible goal such as getting rid of these ridiculous laws.
in a free nation/non-totalitarian regime this can never happen

Bah. France did it after WW2.

Besides, why can't it happen? It's not an impossibility. There is no reason that democratic nations cannot be utterly harsh to criminals. Especially if they keep it a secret.

kidnapped? did they stuff her in their backpack?

Kidnapped then limbs cut off. I have no idea if that picture was true or not, but it was seriously disturbing.

Being a pedophile isn't, and shouldn't be a crime.

After all, all being a pedophile entails is having a sexual attraction to children.

This is something beyond a persons control, much like being gay.

However, unfortunately for them, there is no way for pedophiles to act on their desires without committing an immoral act. As children cannot give consent.

Therefore we should have programs in place where non-criminal pedophiles can admit their condition, and not be afraid of being locked up or persecuted as a result. But instead be treated. Perhaps a government department could produce animated porn for them or something, so they aren't tempted to pay for the real thing.

Society needs to be a lot more mature and rational on this issue. Screaming 'Kill the Peado's' is no solution.

You understand that as long as pedos aren't committing crimes, they don't get found out? So in the absolute majority of cases, the subject of kill the pedos movements would actually deserve it.

But anyway, I agree with your behavioral modification solution.