Police turn violent in wall street protests


Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
I'm not surprised at all.

Uno, how do you know they're all jobless? Or hippies? Quite a few of them are middle-class homeowners, and some even work in the banking sector.
Look at the way their dressed and their hair.No way these people have a real job outside a Mc Donald's.
No that's me being realistic if you look like a Transient ther'es no way these people have a salary job.They just use the current economic climate to spread their hippie beliefs.
"These people". I challenge you to actually watch these videos, and remember that people in Real Life (TM) don't look like news anchors.
I did watch the news clip.

frickin' dreads, nose rings and matted beards etc.
^ "Freedom is the guiding principle in society, as long it conforms to the following points: One's appearance shall under no circumstances stray from that of the Wall Street businessman. Hair shall not exceed 3 cm. Ties must be worn at all time. You shall always retain an unwavering belief in the flawlessness of laissez-faire capitalism. Questioning the social and economic structure of your country is strictly prohibited."

Maybe you'd like this, uno: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let's_trim_our_hair_in_accordance_with_the_socialist_lifestyle
Seems to suit your fascist inclinations.
I did watch the news clip.

frickin' dreads, nose rings and matted beards etc.
You: "lol appearance."
Me: "But appearance isn't everything..."
You: "I am aware of this fact. So lol appearance."

So you think there is nothing between looking a homeless person with dirty hair and noserings and people dressed in suit and tie?
Tell me, please - how are you able to magically detect whether a person has a job or money, simply by looking at them in a 360p youtube video? Why does being unemployed or broke make a person unfit for having opinions?

I think you're an idiot who can only judge a book by the advertisements that sell it.
Look at the way their dressed and their hair.No way these people have a real job outside a Mc Donald's.

So even if they have a job (which is a feat in itself with 9.1% of people being unemployed and looking for work), they still don't deserve any serious attention when trying to have input over how their government handles their money, because they don't have the right kind of job? That's what you're saying here, and I just want to make sure that's what you meant to say.
Did you read the article?
They're protesting "ze evil corporations"
Not the Government.
They're protesting against both. It comes through as one-or-the-other because it's hard to keep tons of people on track with no centralised method of control, and the media latches onto one person or narrative at a time.

To be more accurate, they're protesting against corporate-government collusion and conspiracy (conspiracy i.e. agreement between two or more people to take advantage of others, usually through obfuscation of information).
Yeah, at this point our Government is just a subcategory of Corporate America. That "corporations are people" as far as the government is concerned is a testimony to that fact.
buncha jobless hippies.

Look at the way their dressed and their hair.No way these people have a real job outside a Mc Donald's.

No that's me being realistic if you look like a Transient ther'es no way these people have a salary job.They just use the current economic climate to spread their hippie beliefs.

I did watch the news clip.

frickin' dreads, nose rings and matted beards etc.

So you think there is nothing between looking a homeless person with dirty hair and noserings and people dressed in suit and tie?
You are the dumbest son of a bitch I've ever seen in all my years lurking these forums. Yes, even dumber than jverne and Stern combined. That is a lot of concentrated stupid.

No that's me being realistic if you look like a Transient ther'es no way these people have a salary job.They just use the current economic climate to spread their hippie beliefs.

I look like a Transient 90% of the the time but if someone judged me based on it they'd be wrong.
I certainly don't look like a farmer either.
You are the dumbest son of a bitch I've ever seen in all my years lurking these forums. Yes, even dumber than jverne and Stern combined. That is a lot of concentrated stupid.

How have you been lurking the forums for years if only registered users can see offtopic sections, and you only registered last month?
Lurked for a long time until the offtopic was made unavailable. :/ Finally got tired of the other sections and made an account to post in OT.

Besides that, I don't think it takes more than a day to see how dumb someone like Unozero is.
I look like a Transient 90% of the the time but if someone judged me based on it they'd be wrong.

Thats true, transients move around, you just stay in Texas according to your profile. You're more of a hobo
Lurked for a long time until the offtopic was made unavailable. :/ Finally got tired of the other sections and made an account to post in OT.

Besides that, I don't think it takes more than a day to see how dumb someone like Unozero is.

Who the **** are you nublet?

Like I said these hippie jackasses are using the current climate to spread their bullshit.If it was up to them we'd be shitting in a Paper bag and burying it in our backyards to grow trees.
they should be glad they are not in sirya,ironically probably a bunch of them supports sirya goverment

Like I said these hippie jackasses are using the current climate to spread their bullshit.If it was up to them we'd be shitting in a Paper bag and burying it in our backyards to grow trees.

You are trolling, right? I mean, you are actually trolling. You have to be.

Holy shit, I can't believe people don't wear their sunday best to a christing protest. ****ing transients.
It's OK peeps, they're all just lousy hippies/treehuggers/luddites/anarchists/hobos, nothing to see here.
You're right, and I look like one 90% of the time.

Youre talking to the guy that starts wearing shorts the minute I get back from work well into October, I just dont give a ****.

But this kind of demonstration is almost exactly whats needed. Only some of the wage slaves here bashing on them should go and try to do what they are trying to do, get some damned control of our democracy
they should be glad they are not in sirya,ironically probably a bunch of them supports sirya goverment

You are correct because Syria is against the evil white man and the GREAT SATAN (Israel) which many lefties/hippies like about some ME Countries even though they treat they're people like shit.
That as well of course.
Alot of people on youtube and elsewhere (College,Work) think that the rebels in Libya are Al-Kaida Terrorists bank rolled by the CIA.Even certain America hating News Companies like RussiaToday say this or something close to that affect anyway.

is about sirya sending soldiers to kill protesters,while probably some of these guys wills ay those are lies made by the usa to make the progressive sirya goverment looks bad,just like libya cuz gadaffi is such a beacon of social justice and socialism.....
Jesus Christ, RJMC. Find me one person among those protesters that support Syria or Gadaffi.
So many strawmen in here I expected to see Christopher Lee striding around in a white robe.
So many strawmen in here I expected to see Christopher Lee striding around in a white robe.

Nah, these strawmen are too shitty for it to be Christopher Lee. Instead we'll be seeing Nick Cage running around in circles with his hat full of bees, which is much more accurate to this thread.
It's more likely that bees are used as crowd control weapons on Wall Street, than it is for this thread to have real discussion [strike]again[/strike].