How often do you check/are on

I do that for less frequented sites, but ones I still go to fairly often. Like when I go to youtube, I just type "y" and hit enter. But for frequent stuff, I just click on the bookmarks I'm going to be using and open them one after another in new tabs.
The way I use youtube 90% of the time: open new tab, type "y", press tab, enter search term. Yay Chrome.
Use to everyday, but now its once every week, not even that now.
Everytime I come online, which is everyday, I check Facebook,, my email and imgur. My big four.

I'm becoming more of a lurker here these days though, this is my second post today and it's a huge increase on my daily norm of 0.

I've had HL2 memories in my head all day, I'm gonna play it right now.
Always have a tab open for it, but I only see whats up here and there.

Basically this, except I always have my browser open.

I haven't closed my browser in so long. It weirds me out when I see people do it.
I only end up coming here whenever I'm trying to google "vagina" and the address bar autofills "valvetime" just as I hit enter, which usually leaves me upset and disoriented 'cause I've already got my pants down and now I'm reading about cell phones and Duke Nukem quotes.
I haven't closed my browser in so long. It weirds me out when I see people do it.
Yeah. And ever since I got a second monitor, I have 2 windows open all the time. Second window is for any YT videos and stuff that I want to stream while I do whatever.
Too many times a day to count, it's a very compulsive thing for me. Part of my internets routine.
^Same for me. I'll go check Facebook, reddit, another forum, youtube, then this.

Then repeat, like there will be something different in the 5 minutes it took me to check all those things. I think that's the definition of insanity, no?
Hey guys, it's been a while since I last posted here. Saw the news about the episode 4 pics, decided to check out the forums and saw this thread. I haven't been here since a year or so. The main reason is that my life changed quite a bit, in a good way though. Tl;dr changed jobs, met a girl and moved in with her. I still play games every now and then, but nowhere near as much as I used to. My internet use also changed; more Twitter and less forums. I still don't really do Facebook, so I hope that sorta redeems me.
not often enough apparently...but when HL3 gets announced at E3 I'll be here daily.
Took me 9 days to post in this thread.

Should give some indication.
Thanks dude. Sad about the nohomo thing though.
I probably pop around like once every 3-5 days. But you lot don't entertain me enough any more to warrant any participation.
I hop on, do a search for keywords "hl3 announced, pictures of my dick" and complete my visit.

Looks like it to me... it doesn't look like that in other browsers?