
I prefer texting cause it's easier for me. I hate talking on phones. The slightest noise around me distracts me from what I'm hearing in one ear. Is it a thing to suck at hearing something in one ear if there are even the slightest other noises going on around you that don't even have to be very loud? Cause I have that thing, man. I have that.

That's the thing: they don't have a hard time hearing or understanding me. When I finally do get people to pick up their phone this is never the reason, they can understand me with 100% clarity. It's just that they have some made up excuse in their head as to why audio is inferior to text. Low importance stuff I'm fine and dandy just texting all day, but when time is important there is no way texting is ever going to be superior to talking on the phone short of be at an actual concert venue.
Making myself some porridge for breakfast, started whistling a jaunty tune to myself. Suddenly realised I was whistling a melody from a particularly crazy mathcore song. Thug lyfe.
Turned 21 at midnight last night. I'm probably covered in ticks. My entire body is a canvas of mud and alcohol and cigarette burns. I smell like hickory smoke and death. I need a shower. I'm hungry as hell. It's 9:29AM and I haven't slept in 2 days.

Love you guys L8R
Midnight as in you were actually born at midnight, or are you just going by the arbitrarily extended 24-hour birth acknowledgement period people seem to have bought into out of laziness? Pfft, quitters. At my parties everyone sits around in stoic silence and nobody raises a glass in celebration until the clock hits 4:03 on the dot. Happy imprecise birthzone, plebian. <3

(Actually it might have been half-past. I think it was 4 something...)

Edit: Here, I got you the best card.

I started being born at midnight on November 17, and completed being born at 11:59:59 the same day.

Also, I just bought a $600 monitor...
Midnight as in you were actually born at midnight, or are you just going by the arbitrarily extended 24-hour birth acknowledgement period people seem to have bought into out of laziness?

LOL. People will complain about anything.

Well, it's called a Birthday. You celebrate the day on which you were born. Days start at midnight.

Took the words from muh mouth
I started being born at midnight on November 17, and completed being born at 11:59:59 the same day.

Also, I just bought a $600 monitor...

Hey man... I'd do it if I wanted it.
TIL what TIL stands for. Also TIL I'm not a fan of this TIL acronym.
Cross-posting my animation because I can and this is misc.

Spending muh birthday at work. Awesome
But, I will be attending the Pens VS. Flyers Filthadelphia game tonight.

I gotta cheer for Philly on this one. Normally I wouldn't, but being a Sens fan you can understand why :P
I gotta cheer for Philly on this one. Normally I wouldn't, but being a Sens fan you can understand why :p

I'm disappointed. That was by far the worst officiated game I've ever watched in my life. The first flyers goal was the biggest load of horse shit the NHL has ever seen. You're gonna tell me the ref still saw the puck while Letang is laying on it inside the god damn net? HES IN THE NET, blow the ****ing whistle ref. I've never been more heated with the NHL then I am now. I wanted to slash the throat of every Flyers fan I passed walking out of that place. What a joke.
Anyone know if I can cut the ground pin on a dvi cable and have it still work? I accidentally bought a DVI-I cable when needing a DVI-D cable for my monitor (the package didn't specify anything other than DVI and had plastic covers on the ends hiding the pins). I've already cut off the four extra pins, but then discovered that the ground pin is also wider than normal. I dont have anything good to trim it with, but I can cut it out easily enough...

EDIT: Well I figured if it doesn't work then the cable was ****ed either way so I tried it. Works good! I did jack up the outer metal, but that doesn't matter. I also destroyed two "heavy duty" exacto blades.
The first flyers goal was the biggest load of horse shit the NHL has ever seen.

The officiating in that game wasn't great for sure, though I think this no-goal call was even worse...

Dudes - it is time to ride some f*cking bicycles! I got the fever now that the snow is melting a little... replaced a rear shifter whose superglue job (from a crack a couple years ago) was gettin' sketchy, replaced my rear blinky (lost several miles out in the bush somewhere), replaced a tube with a slow leak (and turned the bad tube into a bungee cord for other stuff) and am trying to fit a Topeak beam rack mount onto an Old Man Mountain Sherpa rack so I can slide my day bag on and off easily while still having the rack accessible for overnight bags. I took the dog out for a ride a few days ago on some singletrack to get us broken back in for the season... who else is riding?
I want to ride my bike more. Last time I went riding on a park, it was super hot out and I'm not really in all that great of shape. I mean, during the ride I felt fine, but once I got back to the car and I stopped... I felt like I was going to pass out, and I vomited 5-6 times. Over exertion? Didn't feel like it. Heat issues? Maybe.

I wish I could be comfortable riding on the road with traffic like you're supposed to... but honestly it terrifies me.
starting job at a bar tuesday

also Raz don't overdo it and don't tide among traffic people are morons
I want to ride my bike more. Last time I went riding on a park, it was super hot out and I'm not really in all that great of shape. I mean, during the ride I felt fine, but once I got back to the car and I stopped... I felt like I was going to pass out, and I vomited 5-6 times. Over exertion? Didn't feel like it. Heat issues? Maybe.

I wish I could be comfortable riding on the road with traffic like you're supposed to... but honestly it terrifies me.
Definitely the heat. I wore a shirt to bed two nights ago with two covers, woke up sweating and nauseous, then felt fine in 30s after taking the shirt off and rolling down the covers. It could have also been the quick shift between exertion and non-exertion; that could be why trainers recommend warm-down periods, but I'm not sure.

And yeah don't bike in traffic. Shit's scary bro. 90% of drivers don't give a single **** about people on motorcycles, let alone bicycles.
Joke's on you I don't even have a PS3 can you mail me one
I wish I could be comfortable riding on the road with traffic like you're supposed to... but honestly it terrifies me.
It terrifies me too; off-road is where it's at if you have access to a forest. There are only a few conditions where I'll ride on paved roads:
  • When the road is closed and there are no cars (happens annually where I live, so long road rides at least once a year)
  • When I have to get from one off-road trail to another (there's about a 300' stretch of road I must ride on between my house and the local national forest system)
  • When there's a HUGE, paved shoulder the entire length (like 12'+ of paved shoulder)
  • At Critical Mass in San Francisco (or otherwise) when friends talk me into it
Are there off-road trails where you live? Arguably, road riding can be a better aerobic work out, but the cars, trash, noise, road kill... bleh.
So far I've been riding all winter this year, although it was definitely more difficult some days than others...
Off road? I indulge on occasion (yesterday, in fact: 15 mile loop through untracked snow and a river)
I live in the suburbs, so the only real thing I have in terms of off road riding are walking trails that are also fit for bikes. But they're only a couple miles long.

And right now getting my bike there is the problem, since we have a sedan and I haven't found a bike rack yet that I want to use which won't damage my brothers car.
I've had thoughts on and off for ages about getting a bike and doing some riding. I just never seem to do anything about it. I've just been going for runs instead, which is nice because finally the snow around here has f*cked off.

Also, Adabiviak, that looks cool, Goddamn.
how about Raiden's butt

Raiden's butt Alby

have you seen that thing

I've just been accepted into 3rd year at Uni. Which is awesome considering that I was hoping to be given 2nd year.

I do believe I'm in a good mood, the first I've been in for months. :woot:
You mean you're skipping the first two? That'll save some bucks!