Falling Skies


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
A slow search (took like 8 minutes to calculate) revealed no threads about this show. I just finished watching the first season (only one to air so far) and I've gotta say, it was surprisingly good. It reminds me a lot of The Walking Dead, only I like it 1000 times more. Its the same kind of premise, civilization is gone after some catastrophe, and groups of people are struggling to survive. In this case its an alien invasion rather than a zombie outbreak, and the group sizes are much larger. I'd say its pretty much better than TWD in all respects except for one.

-Despite the larger group size (~300 people in the one the show revolves around) and even the primary entourage being bigger than in TWD, the characters are much more believable and relate-able. This is aided by the fact that the show had a normal length season, so you could get to know them, rather than the story rushing everything along like the 6 episode TWD season.

-Acting is far superior. With the more relate-able characters, this makes any conflicts between them feel sincere, rather than forced like in TWD. On a whole, the dialog is much more believable and natural, I think.

-Plot is actually good. While TWD tries to be character driven (and generally fails at it), Falling Skies is more story driven. The plot is actually going somewhere, and is believable. The group is part of a resistance movement, and it has a military organization, with officers, orders to follow, etc, plus a civilian component making the whole group a kind of self sustaining, migrating community. This kind of organization is much more believable and intriguing to me than just roving bands of unorganized bandits essentially, with no desire to set up any semblance of a society or civilization.

-An enemy that's actually interesting. The aliens in FS aren't brainless kill-machines like zombies are. They have motives and actions that are comprehensible and reasonable. In keeping with the military themes of the show, they actually show valid tactical decisions, attacking and withdrawing where appropriate, using the environment to their advantage (like recycling scrap metal, and re-purposing man made bullet casings, things an invading force with stretched supply lines would actually do). They don't just throw themselves at the humans and hope to kill more than they lose, but they actually try subversion tactics and such. There is also a hint of compassion introduced into the aliens, so its not like they're pure evil incarnate. All this leads to more intriguing adversaries than what the TWD offers with their enemies being shambling corpses with an intelligence lower than most animals.

-And finally we get to the exception. The one area that disappointed me with Falling Skies, and which impressed me with TWD, is the aesthetic execution of the enemies. TWD has some of the best make-up and CGI I've seen for a cable tv show. Falling Skies on the other hand has moments of greatness spread out through a lot of iffy, and sometimes down right bad looking CGI. All the Aliens, as far as I can tell, are fully CGI, no puppets or anything like that. In moments where they're moving slowly, they look fine, and there this one instance where it actually looks really good. But in action scenes they always look bad, because of goofy looking, unrealisticly fast animation. The design of the alien mechs also leaves something to be desired.

So anyways, if you like TWD, you should watch Falling Skies as well, they're similar enough to be relevant to your interests, and FS is good enough that I feel confident in recommending it. If you wanted to like TWD but just couldn't, like me, watch Falling Skies instead. Season 2 starts next summer.
I also enjoyed this first season. To me it felt like Spielberg's War of the Worlds extended into a tv show. They even added that animal like howl for the mechs, reminiscent of the tripods.

One thing I noticed:

The aliens in this show appear to be similar to the Combine in that they use slaves as soldiers, which they modify using those harnesses
Yeah, the harnesses are a pretty cool thing. All the skidders are just harnessed aliens from other worlds probably, and they're turning humans into them now. I'm interested in seeing how their compassionate side plays out, like when the skidder was cuddling up over the harnessed kids. It kind of makes sense, since they're going through an experience that the controlling skidder went through already, so its kind of like the controller is the parent of the harnessed kids. I wasn't expecting it to look like it cared so much about them, and that was a really cool thing that is outside of the hurr durr badass aliens shtick people generally have. I'm kind of confused as to why they wouldn't take back Mike's kid though, if they truly were compassionate. But maybe that harnessed kid he was talking to was actually in control by the tall, non-skidder alien?
I never watched this show because...
it looks cheesy as hell.
For the most part it was entertaining. But I found parts of it, mostly certain parts of the writing, cheesy. It felt like they tried too hard to throw in "Hallmark" moments here and there, for me it just didn't work. Came off as awkward in some cases and just awful in others (the "god girl" character is an example of this, if you see a few episodes you'll know who I'm talking about). The season finale, or at least the ending was a, "wow wtf," moment. And not in a good way at all.

But yeah, I am surprised there wasn't a thread about this back when it started. And I'll be watching at least the first few episodes of the next season to see how it turns out.

Show motto: Even in a post-apocalyptic era, cute blondes are a dime a dozen. :P
I never watched this show because...
it looks cheesy as hell.

Its really not though. I remember thinking the same thing about it when I saw trailers for it, but on the whole I think it will be a lot better than people expect after seeing the trailers. Like function said, it has moments of cheese. Mainly in the history lessons they keep doing over and over, trying to make it super obvious that they're trying to mimic similar events, but that in itself has a bright side, in that they're using historical references to keep the show based in reality. I'm not so sure I'd consider the religious girl cheese, she seems like a believable highly religious "god is good" type of person, whom I've met several of in real life. Shes annoying, sure, but whatever.

The end was kind of a wtf moment, but I thought it was in a good way. Without spoiling anything, its like I said, they try to make it believable by using history as a reference, and what happens at the end is a pretty common occurrence in war.
I watched about 10 minutes of it but I'm going to either buy or rent this once its on DVD/Bluray
Why would you buy something that you've only watched 10 mins of? Shits so expensive now.

Falling Skies isn't on Hulu and I don't have DVR service. I lose?
Yeah, its not even on Netflix yet. Its hard to find unless you do the unspeakable. Which I did.

I might buy the bluray set once I get a jerb.
I haven't heard much good about this show.
This is probably the first instance where I've seen genuine praise for it.

I'm still interested in the show just because I'm a sucker for anything dealing with resistance fighters, might give it a watch when it comes on DVD.
Ugh. I don't even want to know the costs of Bluerays are. I just noticed some DVD movies are $20.

... I haven't purchased a newly released movie in awhile.
I haven't heard much good about this show.
This is probably the first instance where I've seen genuine praise for it.

I just don't get why The Walking Dead gets so much praise, when this just gets shit on.

The regular price for Season 1 of TWD is 50 bones on bluray, but you can get it for half that price online. I'm guessing this will be a little more expensive, since its got twice as many episodes.
I just don't get why The Walking Dead gets so much praise, when this just gets shit on.

The regular price for Season 1 of TWD is 50 bones on bluray, but you can get it for half that price online. I'm guessing this will be a little more expensive, since its got twice as many episodes.

I got myself Breaking Bad Season 3 for just $15 and that was just a few weeks after release. TBH people that pay $50 for a new show simply don't know how to be patient and wait for a deal. You can constantly watch new shows at half price if not nothing at all if your smart about it but yeah $50 for 6 episodes is ridiculous
Looking forward to the 2nd season. It's got promise, and decent acting.
I watched the pilot and second episode as essentially a full film. I have to say, despite its shortcomings, it's so much better than The Walking Dead that I'm not even trying to be funny when I say it's not funny. There's quite a bit of subtlety to the acting and writing, if you're looking for it.
So its back on. Only saw the first half of the two hour premier so far, but its still a very good show, so I'll have to watch it when it airs in order to support it. The premier totally went under my radar since I dont watch tv enough to have seen ads for it, but now that I know its on I'll be watching.
I love this show, got all caught up and can't wait for more episodes on Sunday. Shit is getting real in the show. I love the actors, the suspense is great and the overall feel of the show is superb
I might go out and buy the bluray set after work. Looks like it only just came out on bluray this month? Best buy says its still not available... Warped did you end up getting it on bluray?
One of my favorite shows. It kinda reminds me of HL2, don't know why, lol.
I'm trying to support this show by actually watching it when it first airs, but jesus christ I hate watching real tv. ****ing commercials every 5 god damn minutes, and the ****ing spoilers for the next episode IMMEDIATELY after this one ends. That pissed me off this episode. They build up this suspicion about Karen and what she is doing, and right when the episode ends, before the ****ing credits even roll, it spoils it with their "NEXT TIME ON FALLING SKIES..." bullshit advertisement, and shows you exactly what she is doing. COME THE **** ON. GOD DAMNIT. Whoever comes up with these stupid ****ing ideas on how to promote the show should be kicked in the dick or vag. Spoilers aren't going to make me want to tune in next time for an episode in which I already know whats happening because you told me the week before.
Falling Skies Season 2: No Secondary Character is Safe!

Charleston is going to be a fucked up place. You could tell from a mile away, even before the episode preview.
Also I'm betting the cliffhanger of this season will be Ben showing up heading a skitter army.
It was kind of weird that everyone assumed Charleston would still be standing. I mean, any major city would, I assume, be annihilated like that. I didn't see the preview, but yeah its pretty obviously going to be a sucky place. If they're keeping to their historical situations, then they're probably going to be under siege very soon. Especially now that the cute ugly half-skitter kid knows about it. Charlestongrad here we come.

Also, would be pretty cool if Ben gets a Skitter army.

I've been enjoying this season, but now it starts getting really good and BAM! End of season. :(
I almost saw the spoiler-preview for the finale, thank god I remembered last second to turn off the tv right when the episode ended.
That bit with whatsherface climbing up the wall... I almost decided to stop liking the show right there. **** that was stupid.

And, surprisingly, I'm ok with space power rangers.
I agree the effect looked bad, but climbing up walls isn't anything new for harnessed kids. Rick did it in the first season.

The space power rangers though...okay, honestly, I was jazzed up when Ben said the gun wasn't for humans. The pods start coming, awww yeah here we go, an enemy of the fish-heads. And then out steps...something straight out of Kamen Rider. I am having a hard time suspending my disbelief.

You know what I think it is? That big ornamental collar. It's throwing me off because, with that, the design would look so at home in a Japanese tokusatsu show, but not in Falling Skies. It looks TOO out there.

I like the design, just not for this show.
I agree the effect looked bad, but climbing up walls isn't anything new for harnessed kids. Rick did it in the first season.

The space power rangers though...okay, honestly, I was jazzed up when Ben said the gun wasn't for humans. The pods start coming, awww yeah here we go, an enemy of the fish-heads. And then out steps...something straight out of Kamen Rider. I am having a hard time suspending my disbelief.

You know what I think it is? That big ornamental collar. It's throwing me off because, with that, the design would look so at home in a Japanese tokusatsu show, but not in Falling Skies. It looks TOO out there.

I like the design, just not for this show.
The climbing up the wall wasnt the problem, it was the fact that she wasn't climbing. She was floating up it with the most unnatural (and implausible) looking animation I've seen in a long time. If I was the director I would have slapped that animator.

I think I'm right there with you on the other thing too.
My first thought when I saw him was "did I accidentally change the channel?" He looks pretty awesome, especially for a TV show alien, but it doesnt exactly fit with the aesthetic of the rest of the show, as you said. He looks far more advanced than even the conquering aliens, as they're using better materials and completely different tech. But given how they needed help to even land on earth, it seems like thats all just for aesthetic purposes, which makes it weird.

Might be all that stuff was just for use in the landing craft though, maybe they take it off after they get settled in.

Either way, I dont think I'll have a hard time getting over it. The show is going in a direction I totally didnt expect, and I'm interested in seeing where it goes. I wonder if its about to go super sci-fi, like Mass Effect almost, with the humans getting alien tech, maybe even space travel?
The finale was excellent. I love it when shows like this bring something to the table. As far as what season 3 brings forth, I wish it won't be too complex because some shows just add more and more groups to the equation and not that its confusing, it can be a bit tiresome. Also this show gets so dark and I'm sad when they kill someone off.
I liked the first half of ep 8, a delusional alternate life Tom could be leading. It was nice seeing the characters in a different setting. Damn Maggie looked nice. Though by the end I couldn't figure out why they played the dead wife card while simultaneously
his current wife and kid had just been killed (or so it appeared).
I liked the first half of ep 8, a delusional alternate life Tom could be leading. It was nice seeing the characters in a different setting. Damn Maggie looked nice. Though by the end I couldn't figure out why they played the dead wife card while simultaneously
his current wife and kid had just been killed (or so it appeared).

i myself loved the whole episode, having your head messed up like that by aliens must leave a mark, that might must have been a side effect of some sort(if he ever escaped from the aliens).

very excited by this show, can't wait for the season finalle.
Only started watching this a few weeks ago, now am all up to date. Must admit, as much as I didn't like the way Season 3 started, it's ramping up quite well. The finale should be awesome.
i myself loved the whole episode, having your head messed up like that by aliens must leave a mark, that might must have been a side effect of some sort(if he ever escaped from the aliens).
I thought the same,
by the end of the episode I was wondering if he had escaped at all. A dream, within a dream, within a dream......
Only started watching this a few weeks ago, now am all up to date. Must admit, as much as I didn't like the way Season 3 started, it's ramping up quite well. The finale should be awesome.

I thought the same,
by the end of the episode I was wondering if he had escaped at all. A dream, within a dream, within a dream......

me too, but then i don't think they would keep much into it, the show would begin to complicate too much.
and the people in charlestown also see the grid going up by the same time tom sees it, and there is no reason for them to create a completely separated illusion of charlestown since tom can't know what's happening there.
and the people in charlestown also see the grid going up by the same time tom sees it, and there is no reason for them to create a completely separated illusion of charlestown since tom can't know what's happening there.[/spoiler]
I thought so too, but...

His house is in Boston, Charleston is in South Carolina. Why would the aliens capture him and bring him all the way up there? I mean, the people in Charleston definitely saw the power grid come online, but it could be that it just actually happened in the real world too. And there's no way Anne's alien babby is dead. Not after all the build up.
I thought so too, but...

His house is in Boston, Charleston is in South Carolina. Why would the aliens capture him and bring him all the way up there? I mean, the people in Charleston definitely saw the power grid come online, but it could be that it just actually happened in the real world too. And there's no way Anne's alien babby is dead. Not after all the build up.

Maybe they brought him there so he wouldn't group with charleston, making it harder for him to escape and coordinate the attack against the espheni grid (in case only him knew it amongst the humans). and about the baby, i don't think they would just throw some good old ransom credit away, they did it before with mason (1st season finale), and they might try again.
How about the whole thing with the baby?
Are we going to find out Tom had his DNA messed with when he was held the first time. He said himself, there is a huge chunk of time he was held that he has no memory of. Or is it going to be Lourdes has injected something that has changed the baby's DNA since she's been compromised?
Also, did anyone else just 'know' it was Lourdes that was the mole when you saw the shape through the glass when Manchester bought it? I said it instantly and the wife said it couldn't be. Although, quite when she was gotten to, I can't work out.
In regards to Lourdes, I didn't see it right away:
It wasn't necessarily Lourdes the whole time though. It could very well have been Hal who shot Manchester. I mean, it definitely wasn't Lourdes when it was confidential military secrets being leaked, she wouldn't have been included in those meetings. I would suspect that it probably was her, since she's going around killing other people now, so maybe that was the kind of work they were using her for.
I don't think Hal could have shot Manchester as wasn't he with his family as Anne gave birth at the time? It's because of that I knew there had to be another mole. I suspected the Vice Pres lady rather than Lourdes though.