The Vortessence, and how Alyx and Gordon is involved with it.


Aug 13, 2013
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First off, I sincerely apologize, if this topic has already been discussed in the past, for I could not find a post explaining it.
Anyway, my question:
In Half-Life 2: Episode 2, (spoiler warning), you must retrieve Antlion Larva Extract in order too heal Alyx Vance, the Vortigaunts believe this "Extract" Dissolves barriers between the Vortal membrane? (or something like that, it has been awhile.) Anyway, when you arrive back up the elevator lift, the other Vortigaunts are saying "Heart Stopping" "Cannot Lose Her" etc...Then as the "Ritual" carries on, one Vortigaunt states "A human is needed"...This is my first BIG question, why is a Human needed for a Vortigaunt ritual? Then when you walk over too the table, they start, and the main Vortigaunt, states, "We Weave The Freeman's Life, With Hers" This is my second big question, what does this mean? "Weaving" Alyx's and Gordon's Life, did the Vortigaunt mean it in a "Chronic" way, or just for the time being, so Alyx could be saved? I think it meant they are bonded now? Im not sure, this is probably the most important question too me, considering Alyx and Gordon already have a good...."friendship" my opinion..............also, as the ritual carries on, the Vortigaunts explain how there is a "quickening" and "Almost Vortal, this bond between you", this is my last question, nearly the same as the second, Does this "Vortal" energy create a "everlasting" bond between the Freeman, and Miss. Vance?

I appreciate any help i can get understanding this, Thank You.
this is a really good question and I always asked this myself but never googled anything about it. Maybe the vortessence however is just very abstract and so cant be explained easily. Maybe the Gman has something to do with it too because in the beginning of episode 1 and also in the scene you mentioned there is stuff happening between the Vorts and the Gman.
Are you sure they said "A human is needed" and not "the human is needed," just more stressing that Alyx needs to survive? Also I interpreted the weaving quote to mean not that the vortigaunts are actively intertwining their fates, but that they observe the bond.

I don't know what you mean when you use the word "chronic."
Are you sure they said "A human is needed" and not "the human is needed," just more stressing that Alyx needs to survive? Also I interpreted the weaving quote to mean not that the vortigaunts are actively intertwining their fates, but that they observe the bond.

I don't know what you mean when you use the word "chronic."
I am very sorry man, I should have made my word choice more clear, what I meant by "Chronic" "lasting a very long time" (please try to ignore my lack of intelligence...its a curse)
Alyx was basically about to die completely when Gordon and the Vortigaunt with the extract arrived at the last second. As a result, they transferred some of Gordon's life force to Alyx in order to restore her to health. The bonding between Gordon and Alyx may be some foresight into the future, showing Gordon's and Alyx's fates intertwined. The Vorts also mention "If we lose her, we lose all!", which I guess indicates that she is going to play a very important role against the Combine in the future (and by extension, so does Gordon). What's also interesting is the G-man's insistence that Gordon get Alyx to White Forest safely in the cutscene in the middle of it all. Evidently both the G-man and the Vortigaunts see something in Alyx that they need. I think Alyx is more than just a resistance fighter who happened to team up with Gordon. There is something much more to her. I can't see why else G-man would have rescued her from Black Mesa while letting so many accomplished scientists die.
Does anyone know how I can contact this 'Riomhaire'?
Does anyone know how I can contact this 'Riomhaire'?

You'll have to use the ancient strategy of searching his name on the members list page. It's very dangerous, but it's the only way.
You'll have to use the ancient strategy of searching his name on the members list page. It's very dangerous, but it's the only way.
I was afraid of that....well, time for me too descend into the depths of hell, wish me luck
And it was on this day that OXX was never heard from again.
Alyx was basically about to die completely when Gordon and the Vortigaunt with the extract arrived at the last second. As a result, they transferred some of Gordon's life force to Alyx in order to restore her to health. The bonding between Gordon and Alyx may be some foresight into the future, showing Gordon's and Alyx's fates intertwined. The Vorts also mention "If we lose her, we lose all!", which I guess indicates that she is going to play a very important role against the Combine in the future (and by extension, so does Gordon). What's also interesting is the G-man's insistence that Gordon get Alyx to White Forest safely in the cutscene in the middle of it all. Evidently both the G-man and the Vortigaunts see something in Alyx that they need. I think Alyx is more than just a resistance fighter who happened to team up with Gordon. There is something much more to her. I can't see why else G-man would have rescued her from Black Mesa while letting so many accomplished scientists die.

well, I always thought, that alyx is very important since I played ep.2, and there is really something strange with her. Honestly, I'ma little bit scared about alyx :cautious:
Indeed, as ancient prophecy foretold, Alyx is the G-Man.
Story of HL3 has leaked. Actually we will learn that Alyx is the sister of Gordon and the Gman is their father.
Believe me...
I hope the ending cutscene of HL3 is a shot of Gordon and Alyx making out in a capsule like in the Fifth Element