VNN Makes Up Nonesense About Passionate TF2 Mod Team

I'm sure Tyler and his almost 50k subscribers are just shaking their knees in fear before the might of Valvetime's 25k subscribers and dying forum...

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I'm sure Tyler and his almost 50k subscribers are just shaking their knees in fear before the might of Valvetime's 25k subscribers and dying forum...

Oh, for crying out loud.*

It's not about how many viewers ValveTime and Tyler has in comparison, perhaps a few is feeling bitter about that, but it's ultimately about how VNN misinformed everyone. People consider VNN a news site, and with so many followers, he should do his job which is to not say false crap. It's nothing but unnacceptable to create false scandals, on purpose or not; it follows so many consequential negative outcomes, such as in this situation, whereas Nathan Grayson writes a pernicious article about this.

It's disgracefull, because there may still be some out there who read that article, has a negative bias against this project, and will most likely spread the word about this falsehood. This is how rumors happen, due to misinformation. If it wasn't for people like Smash and 404 pointing this out, people would have still believed this shit.
I'm sure Tyler and his almost 50k subscribers are just shaking their knees in fear before the might of Valvetime's 25k subscribers and dying forum...
Not entirely sure what you mean by that, but it doesn't sound a whole lot like you're interested in sticking around for someone posting on these forums.
I'm sure Tyler and his almost 50k subscribers are just shaking their knees in fear before the might of Valvetime's 25k subscribers and dying forum...

Quantity over quality? that comparison...
Not entirely sure what you mean by that, but it doesn't sound a whole lot like you're interested in sticking around for someone posting on these forums.

It means VNN doesn't waste time talking about this forum. Yet this is not the first thread which turned into VNN bashing.

Just let it go already.

Everyone keeps saying this is a dying forum and yet you keep posting on it...

Of course I do and if you read some of my older posts you will easily see I don't think it's dead, but it could be better...couldn't it?
As you can see all it takes is an opinion that rattles the cage a bit for the forum to get some activity.
As you can see all it takes is an opinion that rattles the cage a bit for the forum to get some activity.
Sure, because ValveTime is the only forum to have a problem with VNN's content, and "rattling the cage" is a good way of summarising publicly shitting on the work of passionate, volunteer modders.
Sure, because ValveTime is the only forum to have a problem with VNN's content, and "rattling the cage" is a good way of summarising publicly shitting on the work of passionate, volunteer modders.

Who else has a "problem" with VNN? I haven't spent that much time yet in other forums.
Just asking, not being sarcastic.
Who else has a "problem" with VNN? I haven't spent that much time yet in other forums.
Just asking, not being sarcastic.
Facepunch, several subreddits, areas of SPUF. Mostly because of spamming and the bullshit rumour spreading.
Facepunch, several subreddits, areas of SPUF. Mostly because of spamming and the bullshit rumour spreading.

Thanks I'll have a look.
And I promise not to reattle the cage again.
Thanks I'll have a look.
And I promise not to reattle the cage again.
Most of what I was talking about was from months back during VNN's spam phase, so I'm not sure if there's anything that hasn't been buried at this point.
How the hell did I miss all this wonderful drama!? So if I'm to understand correctly Glenn and Nick got beef, an autist from YouTube who posts about Valve has ignited furor for inaccurate journalism and BHC is rumored to have the biggest penis on the western hemisphere?

How the hell did I miss all this wonderful drama!? So if I'm to understand correctly Glenn and Nick got beef, an autist from YouTube who posts about Valve has ignited furor for inaccurate journalism and BHC is rumored to have the biggest penis on the western hemisphere?

Glenn and I have had beef since day one. It's what our relationship is based on.

It's the reason he and I enjoy going to Italian restaurants on a bi-yearly basis. Any more and we'd kill each other.
As for that whole forum is dead thing, As long as valve continues to exist and does things, and Nick and pals continue to keep paying the bills and keeping the light on in this place, It will always stay active and get used.
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One time @Sulkdodds and I were walking around the Hyde Park area finding a nice place to get a pint and I asked if we could go see @Hectic Glenn. I don't remember what he said but I think we were worried about him killing us. Kinda feel like we should have risked it.
Among a time with #GamerGate, #ComicGate and #HugoGate - the general public demands change and real ethical standards in journalism. VNN is doing just the opposite, click bait journalism.