Half-life 3 "Wish List"

Jun 13, 2015
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What do you want in Half-life 3?
I personally want a more graphically enhanced Alyx, new game mechanics, a return to the 'creepy' Half-life atmosphere, the Gluon Gun, Barney, go to Xen and Combine Overworld, dynamic lighting, liquid physics, 1970 Portal Gun, Easter eggs referencing Portal 2, new enemies, fighting mantis men in the Borealis, more development of Alyx and Gordon's relationship, hearing more about the vortessence, learn more about the G man, return of Xen creatures, more disturbing and emotional scenes, upgraded physics engine, discovering tapes about Aperture Science and the story of Cave Johnson (done in the style of Bioshock.) and his road to ruin.

How about you?
1) Gordon to speak cool, original phrases such as "I'm the king baby!" and "I'm going to finish the fight!".
2) The G-Man is revealed to be, in fact, Gordon from the future.
4) An actual triage... but at dusk.
5) New Weapons to round out Gorden's arsenal: The Strong Nuclear Force Gun, The Weak Nuclear Force Gun, and the Electromagnetism Gun.
6) Adrian Shepard returns and teams up with Godron destroy the Combine Homeworld. All Advisers in the whole universe die.
7) The ability to send Lamar to go fetch items for you.
8) Open world.
9) A final boss battle between Dr. Breen and Gortom. In Space.
10) A scene where Alyx gets all hanky-panky with Gorramm!
11) Skins and stickers for the guns.
12) A scene where Barney gets all hanky-panky with Gotham!
14) All copies to be sold on golden discs with a side of caviar.
I think a multiplayer similar to Portal 2's would be awesome. Not a main story line but a cool side story.

Maybe Adrian and Barney with a small episodic adventure. Small snippets of game play every month or two. Say starting with 2ish hours of play and maybe an extra hour each episode. This could be happening during the events of HL2, during HL3, and perhaps after the events of HL3.

This could give us a little more insight into the Half Life universe. Maybe show us some cool ideas that they never had a chance to show off in the game. If a section took place after Half Life 3 we could have a little epilogue as to the state of humanity.

Basic small self contained stories and missions. Gman using two new tools to accomplish his goals. Moving them around and placing them in the time and place he feels necessary.

Could be pretty sweet.
I think a multiplayer similar to Portal 2's would be awesome. Not a main story line but a cool side story.
I agree. And what about a side story where you play as Gina Cross and Colette Green?

Maybe Adrian and Barney with a small episodic adventure. Small snippets of game play every month or two. Say starting with 2ish hours of play and maybe an extra hour each episode. This could be happening during the events of HL2, during HL3, and perhaps after the events of HL3.
Ooh... i like that idea. I was going to say separate expansions as Adrian or barney but combining them sounds even more epic!

This could give us a little more insight into the Half Life universe. Maybe show us some cool ideas that they never had a chance to show off in the game. If a section took place after Half Life 3 we could have a little epilogue as to the state of humanity.
That's an interesting idea - what about at the end of Half-life 3 credits, an epilogue plays showing the Arctic, Portal 2 soundtrack "Reconstructing more science" plays as it zooms out of the snowy mountains and glaciers, seeing White Forest with the remnants of the Super Portal, quickly passing the ruins of City 17, then it speeds up to close in on the parking lot of Aperture, foliage starting to overtake the entrance of the facility, a time lapse occurs showing cracks appearing in the ground, plant growth increases, the sign "Aperture Laboratories" showing signs of age. Then the ground finally gives in, GLaDOS falls inside her chamber, the hole in the ceiling exposes the Enrichment center to the elements, the walls have started to fall apart, monitors and equipment shutting down, time skips once more, showing the railings of the staircase decaying, plants begin to invade the Enrichment center, birds, insects, feral animals begin nesting inside the living centers. The testing tracks fall into ruin, windows eroding and ceilings collapsing, vines invading. The 'screen' zooms in on nanobots rebuilding the facility, taking away broken test elements (high energy pellet, stationary scaffold) the 'screen' shows Chell in stasis, the Gman sitting on the chair near the bed. "Well... well... isn't this just like, old times...?" the screen fades out with the announcer's voice. "Good Morning! you have been in suspension for... 999999" the announcer's voice fades away. It'd be neat to see how the events of Portal 2 first take place, especially the new testing elements.

Basic small self contained stories and missions. Gman using two new tools to accomplish his goals. Moving them around and placing them in the time and place he feels necessary.

Could be pretty sweet.
That'd be very interesting, Gordon and Alyx having the vital mission to find the Borealis but not knowing an old 'friend' is stalking them on the way, but soon they join as a team to save Humanity.
Maybe Adrian and Barney with a small episodic adventure. Small snippets of game play every month or two. Say starting with 2ish hours of play and maybe an extra hour each episode. This could be happening during the events of HL2, during HL3, and perhaps after the events of HL3.

I like this idea far more than shoehorning Shepard into HL3... like some HL:OP fans desire. In fact Adrian need not even be on Earth or near Gordon. Half-Life is a big, exciting universe. If they were to use this character again, it would be far better to give them their own spin-off adventure.

Barney, alternatively, seems to have played a little more intimate role in Gordon's story. But what do I know?
I like this idea far more than shoehorning Shepard into HL3... like some HL:OP fans desire. In fact Adrian need not even be on Earth or near Gordon. Half-Life is a big, exciting universe. If they were to use this character again, it would be far better to give them their own spin-off adventure.

People seem to really like Adrian, but I honestly don't want him in the primary HL story. That is why I feel moving him to a contained area would be useful. Appease his fans without him being in the real HL3.

Barney, alternatively, seems to have played a little more intimate role in Gordon's story. But what do I know?
He totally has. I could see him being in the primary game for sure. The idea was to give the spinoff characters a spin off together.

If not multiplayer it could be interesting to play some small single play episodes as different characters in the HL universe.
Half Life: Untold Stories or Half Life: Unsung Heroes
it could be interesting to play some small single play episodes as different characters in the HL universe.
Half Life: Untold Stories or Half Life: Unsung Heroes

Half-Life: Administrator (requires voice input)
Play as Dr. Breen. Like DDR, but with words! Extra points for smugness!
I'll i want is to finish the story i didn't finish in HL2 Episode 2 , and of course gordon to stay the way we all knew him .
Two simple wishes: 1) No in-game store, crates and key version for HL3. You can support the game without turning it into a F2P game.

2) Please don't make the idiot playtesters dumb down the game, make it challenging. Portal 2 and HL2 were way too easy. I liked what Tomonobu Itagaki said once "At first it was easier, but when the testers said 'this is too difficult' I made it even more difficult."
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I just want a linear first person shooter with a lot of exploration, resource management (health, ammo and armor), a lot of different enemy/weapon types. Oh and I want a consistent world, without loading screens, like Dark Souls or The Last of Us, and without loosing control of Freeman (except for some cutscenes maybe for very short times)

And I want no bullshit/gimmick features, no grappling hook, no wingsuit, no ice bar to climb obstacles, no radio contact to HQ where you get your objectives from, no menus, no pop ups, none of that bullshit which is in every modern open world game.

And I don`t care about the story at all, I only want it to be good, but I don't care if Alyx is in the game, or Barney or Gman or if we visit Xen or the moon or we meet Chell or whatever.
And I don`t care about the story at all,
I would prefer if they did not strait up abandon EP2 as if it did not happen. You know, like the ultimate recon. "Oh, sorry guys, the episodes are fan-fiction now."

That would be annoying, but if the game is GOOD, it would be forgivable.
I would prefer if they did not strait up abandon EP2 as if it did not happen. You know, like the ultimate recon. "Oh, sorry guys, the episodes are fan-fiction now."

That would be annoying, but if the game is GOOD, it would be forgivable.
they wouldn`t do that for obvious reasons. That's not what I meant with "I don't care about story". People keep speculating what could happen in HL3, but I don`t care because I am sure whatever it is it will be great.
1. Gluon Gun return
2. A more darker storyline
3. More Black Mesa Survivors (Dr Rosenberg,Walter,simmons and ect)
4. A 7 hour war expansion pack starring Adrian Shephard
5. A "Barney's tales" type expansion pack starring Barney Calhoun after EP1 but before HL3
6. Alyx Vance expansion pack taking place before HL2
1. Gluon Gun return
2. A more darker storyline
3. More Black Mesa Survivors (Dr Rosenberg,Walter,simmons and ect)
4. A 7 hour war expansion pack starring Adrian Shephard
5. A "Barney's tales" type expansion pack starring Barney Calhoun after EP1 but before HL3
6. Alyx Vance expansion pack taking place before HL2

1. yeah would be nice, or an equivalent type of weapon
2. only if it makes sense for the story and their vision for the game
3. only if it makes sense for the story and their vision for the game
4. this doesn`t even make sense
5. sounds boring
6. sounds interesting

all of your points are basically you want more fan-service.
1. yeah would be nice, or an equivalent type of weapon
2. only if it makes sense for the story and their vision for the game
3. only if it makes sense for the story and their vision for the game
4. this doesn`t even make sense
5. sounds boring
6. sounds interesting

all of your points are basically you want more fan-service.
A small episodic prequel of the 7 hour war could be interesting. Why not throw Adrian Shepard as the player character?

I'm not sure why a game where you play as Barney sounds boring, but an Alyx prequel sounds interesting?
A small episodic prequel of the 7 hour war could be interesting. Why not throw Adrian Shepard as the player character?

I'm not sure why a game where you play as Barney sounds boring, but an Alyx prequel sounds interesting?
The Barney expansion pack will probably explain where was Barney during EP2.
because what interesting thing could happen to Barney during EP2? He was hanging around with some rebels and fought some combines probably, so basically what you were doing as Gordon all the time anyway.
Alyx sounds more interesting because he said "before the events of HL2" which we know nothing about.
People keep saying they want to see the 7 hour war but I am not really interested in that. If they make Adrian Shephard as the playable character for that it would be nothing but fan-service, they'd have to think of a random explanaition why he is suddenly out of stasis and then put back to stasis after the 7 hour war. And Adrian Shephard has nothing special about him anyway I don`t get it, he has nothing iconic to him. Gordon has the HEV suit, the crowbar, and his relationsships to characters like Kleiner, Eli, Alyx and Barney. Nobody knows Shephard, he is just a random soldier. For Opposing Force he was the right character to play as, but after that he is unimportant.
If you meet Shephard as an ally or enemy in HL3 that could be interesting.

Oh and Barney is just a simple character, Alyx is much more deep for obvious reasons. In a standalone Alyx game they could also show a bit more about Eli and their relationship, or even her mother!
because what interesting thing could happen to Barney during EP2? He was hanging around with some rebels and fought some combines probably, so basically what you were doing as Gordon all the time anyway.
Alyx sounds more interesting because he said "before the events of HL2" which we know nothing about.
People keep saying they want to see the 7 hour war but I am not really interested in that. If they make Adrian Shephard as the playable character for that it would be nothing but fan-service, they'd have to think of a random explanaition why he is suddenly out of stasis and then put back to stasis after the 7 hour war. And Adrian Shephard has nothing special about him anyway I don`t get it, he has nothing iconic to him. Gordon has the HEV suit, the crowbar, and his relationsships to characters like Kleiner, Eli, Alyx and Barney. Nobody knows Shephard, he is just a random soldier. For Opposing Force he was the right character to play as, but after that he is unimportant.
If you meet Shephard as an ally or enemy in HL3 that could be interesting.

Oh and Barney is just a simple character, Alyx is much more deep for obvious reasons. In a standalone Alyx game they could also show a bit more about Eli and their relationship, or even her mother!
I see your point and I agree but if you think about it Barney might have reached to Judith's location before Gordon and Alyx and before the attack but it might be boring.
because what interesting thing could happen to Barney during EP2? He was hanging around with some rebels and fought some combines probably, so basically what you were doing as Gordon all the time anyway.
Alyx sounds more interesting because he said "before the events of HL2" which we know nothing about.
People keep saying they want to see the 7 hour war but I am not really interested in that. If they make Adrian Shephard as the playable character for that it would be nothing but fan-service, they'd have to think of a random explanaition why he is suddenly out of stasis and then put back to stasis after the 7 hour war. And Adrian Shephard has nothing special about him anyway I don`t get it, he has nothing iconic to him. Gordon has the HEV suit, the crowbar, and his relationsships to characters like Kleiner, Eli, Alyx and Barney. Nobody knows Shephard, he is just a random soldier. For Opposing Force he was the right character to play as, but after that he is unimportant.
If you meet Shephard as an ally or enemy in HL3 that could be interesting.

Oh and Barney is just a simple character, Alyx is much more deep for obvious reasons. In a standalone Alyx game they could also show a bit more about Eli and their relationship, or even her mother!
Also I always wanted to play as Alyx Vance in an expansion.
I think I want a great story above all else. Yes, gameplay, SDK and graphics should be given a lot of work to, but Half Life from the beginning was meant to be story driven. Story driven game shave come a long way since 2007, and Valve really needs to take this into account. I love the idea of the game being more scary, just not in the sense of jumpscares and gore, but of what Gabe Newell described in 2010, according to Half Life Wikia: (return to HL's) psychological horror roots by exploiting the fans' deepest fears, which he sums up as "the death of their children" and "the fading of their own abilities." I love that idea. Scary and involving without the overuse of gore or jumpscares.

Another story aspect I'd like to see is the idea that the world needs to be rebuilt and that people need to heal from the horrors of Combine rule. At the beginning of Episode One, a Breen monitor can be seen flying off into oblivion as he says something to the effect of, "You've destroyed so much, Dr. Freeman. What have you created?" If that was addressed in the game's plot, that would balance the horror vibe nicely and make the story more involving.

One gripe I've had with Half Life 2 onward is that none of the friendly characters disagree with each other that much with the exception of Dr. Kleiner and Eli arguing over the use of the Borealis. One of the key elements of a story that makes stories interesting is conflict, and while the Combine vs. Resistance conflict is the main focus of the plot arc and combat, I would like to see the rebels and Vortigaunts get into conflict with each other. Not violently so, I think it would just make the story more interesting to add more conflict where the previous games in the series were lacking. I also think that some people in the resistance need to disagree with some of what Gordon does in the story. Again, this is adding more conflict to the story.

As for the story's end, I want Gordon and the resistance to ultimately win, but not without a cost. Some sacrifice needs to be made in order to make the fruits of the player's efforts more meaningful. I believe endings with those elements make for better stories almost all the time.

An Alyx Vance DLC would be awesome, and it could easily alternate between what occurs before HL2 and after HL3 depending on what HL3's story contains.

Sorry for this being long, first post on these forums.
but Half Life from the beginning was meant to be story driven.
you say that like its a fact. Half-Life games don't have a clear distinction between gameplay and story like other games. As Marc Laidlaw himself said: the script/story for the game is developed alongside the development of the game itself. The story only works in the game they are making, nothing else.
Story-driven is more like Bioshock Infinite. They want to tell a story, but had to make a game around it so they picked FPS because it was the most popular genre at the time.

first post on these forums.
I got the "Half Life is story driven" thing from the video below, which is old, but they were talking about the entire series. Gabe implies that story was something they wanted to add to HL1 from early on, and Doug Lombardi outright says that the story is essential. Obviously there is more to Half Life than story, but it is an essential part of the Half Life experience and I think one reason that people still talk about the games and HL3 is because they care enough about the story to want to know what happens next. I sure do.

I do wonder what new facets HL3 will offer in terms of gameplay because that is essential too. My hope is that weapons that haven't appeared in the franchise make it in, because the general role of guns like the shotgun and revolver haven't changed at all since HL1. I'd love to have two or three SMGs and shotguns (as an example) as long as they are different enough to have an impact on their use in combat. Weapon mods such as muzzle brakes and silencers would be cool as well, and I imagine there could be places in the environment like workbenches or resistance encampments where they could be applied to a given weapon.

So the game is going to need something more ground breaking than the example of new weapons and weapon mods in the gameplay to make it worthy of being the next Half Life, but I'm pretty sure Valve can come up with something.
-Orange Box video-
I've seen that video so many times, but I haven't watched it in at least a few years. I genuinely found it pretty difficult to watch due to what can only be described as "nostalgic-overload". It really did take me back and remind me just how ridiculously and yet suitably hyped up the Orange Box was.

EDIT: Just got to the bit where Kim is explaining how the Portal mechanics work. It seems crazy to think that you actually had to explain that to gamers at one point.
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you say that like its a fact. Half-Life games don't have a clear distinction between gameplay and story like other games. As Marc Laidlaw himself said: the script/story for the game is developed alongside the development of the game itself. The story only works in the game they are making, nothing else.