Arabic in dust and dust2


May 16, 2003
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I learned arabic in school some years ago, so I know that the arabic above CT spawn in dust2, and in bombsite a (or b? the one that's not the spawn) in dust, reads "SI IS SURS BADALAH!!", which can be easily interpreted as "CS source BADALAH!!", as arabic doesn't have the Eh or Oh vowels.

The question is, what is BADALAH?

I suppose it's some form of ownz, or rulz, or something of that sort :P

Can anyone somehow find out?
-_- Allah means "God" (same god christians and jews worship to, Abraham's god, Jahovah, ect...)
i thought it said "BAHALA"

but yeah i was wondering what it meant too
its not alla, its one word, badalah, single la, not LL
I read it as "See Es Soorce Bahala"

Bahala, in Arabic slang in some countries like Lebanon means "idiot"

Still sort of useful though anyways..even if I already did know all those answers.
Reaperman said:
-_- Allah means "God" (same god christians and jews worship to, Abraham's god, Jahovah, ect...)

No, it's not the same God we worship. We don't worship a moon "god"
you guys are so dumb you all worship the same god. you all belive in some imaginary guy. deal with it.
you were right, it's bahalah, not badalah.

Are you really john romero, or just faking it?
John Romero said:
you guys are so dumb you all worship the same god. you all belive in some imaginary guy. deal with it.
you, guy, are so dumb that you can't help, but dis people who don't think as you. Just to invert your statement.

You are just as entitled to your opinion as are we, so do what we do and be.. respectful. :-)

And he's right, we don't worship the moon god. We worship He who made the moon. People often make the mistake of thinking we worship the same god as the Islams, but no.. We worship a god that requires worship to him alone, whereas the Islams have many gods. Don't sweat it, though, because, as I said, many people make that mistake.
Wasn't there rumors about it meaning "CS Source OWNS" or "You are now playing CS Source" or "Thank you for playing"? I think so :)
Johan_Tayn said:
you, guy, are so dumb that you can't help, but dis people who don't think as you. Just to invert your statement.

You are just as entitled to your opinion as are we, so do what we do and be.. respectful. :-)

And he's right, we don't worship the moon god. We worship He who made the moon. People often make the mistake of thinking we worship the same god as the Islams, but no.. We worship a god that requires worship to him alone, whereas the Islams have many gods. Don't sweat it, though, because, as I said, many people make that mistake.

Umm.. I dont know where you read that but Allah is the 'creator' god of islamic belief and Muslims worship only him afaik.
Muhammad named him as the one true god etc...
If you read that on a website I would really like the link, cos im pretty sure its BS.
that kinda bullshit used to be directed at judaism :F

anyway, religious based hate is bad, and everybody respect everybody's beliefs, ok?

and stay on topic, while youre at it.
Well I didn't mean to de-rail the thread but something like that can't be left uncorrected

I have no idea what the arabic script on dust says though. ;)
Can someone give me a screenshot and ill try reading it.

We worship a god that requires worship to him alone, whereas the Islams have many gods. Don't sweat it, though, because, as I said, many people make that mistake.

Ashadoo and la illah illa laah wha ashadoo an'a mohamadan rasooul allah
It's not arabic it's farsi, and I would know I'm iranian. I made a thread about it this a while back

Dhabih Eng is a valve employee, senior artist, he's half persian - he's probably the one behind those graffitis.

And yes it does say, CS source bahaleh which means kick ass. The rest is nonsense.
Johan_Tayn said:
And he's right, we don't worship the moon god. We worship He who made the moon. People often make the mistake of thinking we worship the same god as the Islams, but no.. We worship a god that requires worship to him alone, whereas the Islams have many gods. Don't sweat it, though, because, as I said, many people make that mistake.

I have no idea what you're talking about, but it's most definately not Islam. :thumbs:
It says CS Source Owns , yes im a native arabic speaker
sorry about the off topic, but this ignorance about islamic religion is pretty sickening. i'm not even muslim, and i think it's ABSOLUDICROUS. (half turkish though, so i know a bit about it)

anyways. good to know they put real arabic(possibly farsi as well... maybe one of those cross over words) slang(?) in the map.
I think the mapper(s) just had a sense of humor and added in that Balahala or whatever in to make it seem like someone was saying, "CS:Source *scream*!" I guess we'll never know.
twelve years later and I have the answer...Its Persian
سی اس سورس باحاله
CS source bahale
Bahale means: is awsome
A worthwhile necropost. CS:S also has a message in Farsi on the wall that says "Freeman was here"
CS:S also has a message in Farsi on the wall that says "Freeman was here"
Think you're Wrong..

Dont you mean this ?

فرعن اینجا بود

If thats the expression , it means that the (i don't know the exact word , but the old egypt king or something like that....)
iirc I was referencing this but I don't know for certain.

Looks like it's the same text you are talking about, so I'll take your word for it over some random dude on Reddit.
iirc I was referencing this but I don't know for certain.

Looks like it's the same text you are talking about, so I'll take your word for it over some random dude on Reddit.
I saw that text in the de_dust map terrorist side startpoint.