It's been almost eleven years since I joined this community. I don't post here anymore, but I still check the news feed a couple times a week. It's kind of depressing... like I'm clinging on the days when I legitimately got excited about video games.
I wonder, would a real Half-Life 3...
Good god, these comments... ಠ_ಠ
So far, this sale has been pretty nice. Diverse selection, good discounts as always, and it just so happens that there are a lot of games that came out in the last 2 years that I could not afford in the past, so I'm quite content. Sorry for those who are...
Hardly the case. Dota is nearly mathematically identical to the original. Exact same map, exact same heroes with the exact same moves, in a new engine with modern features. By no means is it a knock-off just using the name for profit. Its truly a modern iteration of the same game.
Anyone remember the sci-fi concept art that was on a wall in Valve that got uploaded from a tour a while ago? There was a spaceship and some humanoid characters in futuristic armor. Could be related.
I was replying to the post above mine, which said that they looked like the complete stereotype computer nerd. I don't see what stereotype he is referring to.
Yup. Well, that and people REALLY want to see some info on another particular game which shall not be mentioned. Personally, DoTA 2 is one of the few games I'm really looking forward to in the near future.
Sorry, I should have been clearer. You certainly use the keyboard in DoTA for both abilities and items, but since most abilities have a cooldown ranging from a few seconds to a couple minutes, you are never really "mashing" the keyboard. On the other hand, if you're in a room full of people...
This link was mentioned above, but it's worth pointing out again. Join this group:
to recieve a potato. It appears next to your name on your Steam profile (Mine is etb513, and I have one now). I'm wondering if you need to have a potato for your playtime...