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  • I need to know what kind of bottled beer you drink and can't be arsed looking over the "what do you drink" threads.
    Oh, I do drink, just never to the point of getting drunk.

    But yeah, i'm trying to analyze myself to find out what hobbies I might be interested in.
    You should try pick up a new hobby or something, it doesn't even need to be career-based - or perhaps get those two guys you know IRL over to your/their house for your first drink? :O

    Might dramatically shake up the proverbial snow-globe, for better or worse? idk lol
    Currently in a really depressive phase, but I do an internship at a dog daycare, I walk dogs for 2.5 hours three times a week.

    I never finished tertiary/secondary education over here either(Age 16-19), tried over three times but always drop out.

    Makes it even harder to get a job I might add.

    And for the past 10 days I've also been having some weird "gamers block", I am unable to find the motivation to play any game. It's really weird.
    Nah, never been drunk, never had sex, never done an awesome trip with friends.

    Heck, I only have two friends IRL that I meet very irregularly because I'm an emotional and social trainwreck.:p
    Those bastards!

    Honestly, I envied you when I read your thread, I'm older than you but haven't lived nearly as much.

    And I'm still kinda trying to find my passion in life and shit to get some sense of direction.

    I hope you know how lucky you are to have found what you truly burn for and shit, I'd give my left-liver to find out what I'm passionate about!
    Danimal the Manimal. You've now made it into my morning self-sesh. Grab me on SC2 beta, too--let's play sometime.

    email for it: [email protected]

    I enjoy getting my ass kicked, particularly if you have a lot of pylons to destroy on random corners of the map.
    Well, I guess I'm just the first mad c*nt that bites people's balls then.

    And you're welcome. Its one bad wallpaper.
    Thats stupid. Thats like when my friend says something is "bad" he means "badass" or something good. Only he says its bad.

    I'ma bite your balls like a mad c*nt mother****er.
    Hey, Dan. May I add you to my MSN list? I just want to talk to ya there. I have more than 50 buddies who are furries.

    I'm going to leave this crappy site soon. I wondered my friends would tell me do not feed assholes and trolls. I felt not comfortable with it because it is not helpful. But I'm glad. =3
    Front man Syd Barrett went insane and could no longer be a part of the band. Roger Waters was like "wish you were here". Right?
    Hello, sup? Tomorrow, I'll go to college. I don't think I don't post here much. :C I'm not sure.
    A year ago, some assholes offensively yelled at me about my awful grammar in this forum. I've decided to learn how to write/type correct grammar... I went to literacy class. I didn't have a convenient time for posting here because of homework and everything for almost one and half year. I got here back.

    DescentBB.net is my really first of community forum. It is more nice and friendly than HalfLife2.net is.

    These are only two assholes who usually pick on me. Annoy me. They did the same before. =/
    I was looking through some of the replies to one of my threads and i'm sitting here thinking that these guys must be assholes of monumental proportions to sit around and criticize my threads and call me a noob, when they post some of the dumbest shit I have ever seen. It's unreal, i'm probably just gonna delete this account if this is what i have to deal with.
    thanks, bro

    I'm sure i'll fit in, even though i've been met with some pretty harsh cooments already, not even 3 days in.
    dude you picked an extraordinarily fortunate time to post that as I actually did a bit of that tonight
    That fat bitch? Nah, I wouldn't mess with that cuz. That ho takes it up the bung by a DONKEY!!! WTF?!?!
    What possessed you to say that for no apparent reason anyways? Your a strange fellow Yogurt, which btw is now your new nickname.
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