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  • Hello there. To avoid any possible confusion in the future, I would like to remind you that your replies to people go on their pages, and not yours. Brilliant!
    I understand. I believe that nothing in C&C happened after Firestorm (and Renegade didn't happen either)
    Everything up to Starscream's death is brilliant. After that there's a bit of a slump TBH. Even though season 3 and 4 were really bad, you've got to love insane Galvatron and I've already said that I liked Rodimus.
    I found Hotrod to be an annoying prick. I liked Rodimus' (though cliche) reluctant leader attitude.
    New characters were created to sell new toys. I can't stand Rodimus from the series, but I liked Hot Rod/Rodimus in the movie. But then, I didn't like anything that happened after the movie anyway.
    I bought Tranformers: The Movie for EU4. Even though a lot of this film are awesome, the writers were seriously stupid for introducing an entire new set of boring autobots. I liked Rodimus Prime from the series, but Hotrod is annoying and his voice is worse.
    Job's good, move went well. My apartment could certainly use a female waiting for me to reward my diligent efforts to stop internet providers from reaming the common man, though.
    Poor you campaigning for net neutrality and not getting anything :(

    How did your move go? Nice in your new job? :)
    Must you hurt my feelings so???? You live up to your name darkside :P
    *hums imperial march*
    :laugh: we all know blue is superior so says zero :P
    Ah! you're profile is the exact opposite of mine D:

    this means one thing RED VS BLUE!
    This profile shows a side of you I couldn't possibly have imagined even in my wildest dreams. Which are admittedly quite mild.
    How dare you?! If I didn't already add you as my friend, I totally wouldn't add you as my friend.
    This profile fills me with a terrible bloodrage that can only be quenched by feasting upon the flesh of little children.
    This profile is too evil for me to stay! Must... come... back... to the... light... ugh I feel like I won't be able to do it...
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