Recent content by GLMinorThreat

  1. GLMinorThreat

    Music in HL2

    It takes good music for me to really notice it in a game. I never really noticed HL's music. I hope I enjoy the new stuff in HL2.
  2. GLMinorThreat

    Don't you miss the hype?

    I most definitely do miss it. I've not been posting here in a few months actually. The whole news of the delay and stealing of the code sorta just turned me off from even wanting to talk about the game for a while.
  3. GLMinorThreat

    Havok Physics in MP2 gives you an idea about Hl2...

    Yeah Max Payne 2 was awesome. I've beaten it 3 times already to get the alternate Ending. Good stuff. I hope there is a third Max Payne game. As for Havok and HL2 yeah... same engine for physics so it gives an idea of how things will react somewhat. The woman that was Mona Sax in the...
  4. GLMinorThreat

    Old school....HL3 SPoiler!!***

    I'm lost in a sea of thought.
  5. GLMinorThreat

    e3 egg. not for weak stomachs

  6. GLMinorThreat

    CS CZ GOLD this friday

    No no no, please take me seriously. Please. Heh. :| You say that, like being a communist is bad... I'm not a stupid one thats for sure. Mr. I have to use poor language to get my point accross.
  7. GLMinorThreat

    Does valve/vivendi realize they're going to lose sells by delaying it?

    This is stupid logic... Most people that wanted HL2... Are going to buy it when it comes out. Thats stupid to be like... "OMG The game I wanted so bad is now delayed, Thats stupid, I'm not going to buy it now, even though it will be really awesome I refuse to buy an awesome game because it...
  8. GLMinorThreat

    CS CZ GOLD this friday

    Uhh... the Mic thing in DOD wasn't valve's doing... It was part of one of the SDK versions. If I'm not mistaken.
  9. GLMinorThreat

    CS CZ GOLD this friday

    Well since I think it is Valve that owns the rights to CS... they are sure to get money.
  10. GLMinorThreat

    CS CZ GOLD this friday

    I think that image was just showing off the map or something because... That seems really strange they are still using old models... Maybe it was Multi-Player and the new models only work in the Single player. That would be lame. And I do trust you, I wasn't trying to seem like I was arguing...
  11. GLMinorThreat

    CS CZ GOLD this friday

    Ritual Entertainment was the name of the people finishing the game.
  12. GLMinorThreat

    CS CZ GOLD this friday

    Actually Valve wasn't the dev at the end... it was some company I always forget the name of.
  13. GLMinorThreat

    CS CZ GOLD this friday

    COULD'NT CARE LESS CS IS SUCH A CRAPFEST. Do us all a favor. Kill yourself.
  14. GLMinorThreat

    CS CZ GOLD this friday

    Wow? Seriously? I've been waiting for this game for about 2 years... Heh. Kinda lost interest a long time ago. The only thing that would make this good would be a delay, and if it was ported to the Source engine, and pretty much made to be CS2.
  15. GLMinorThreat

    Sudden Retailer Release Changes.

    It means I'll be playing Max Payne 2, and Deus Ex IW a little while longer... It sucks MGS Twin Snakes got delayed on Gamecube... Uhh yeah.