CS CZ GOLD this friday

the new screenie that came with it looks awesome
thats nice tek, but regardless it shows that valve are progressing through a very ****ed up period
Wow? Seriously? I've been waiting for this game for about 2 years... Heh. Kinda lost interest a long time ago. The only thing that would make this good would be a delay, and if it was ported to the Source engine, and pretty much made to be CS2.
is that Dust? It looks great!

Do us all a favor. Kill yourself.
yah, i think almost everyone lost caring for CS CZ for good reasons, its using the old engine (YUCK) and it went through 3 different developers, 4 counting valve at the end again, and so everytime we would get excited about how it was supposed to be it would basically start over
Actually Valve wasn't the dev at the end... it was some company I always forget the name of.
It is funny to see so many people take ths casually or without interest. But when other people buy this game, you will too.
that might be true if valve had anything to do with making CZ :dozey:

EDIT: i have no interest in cz because i have no interest in cs, i played cs for years, it's enough already.
no, im pretty sure valve worked on it last since the guys from hlradio playtested it at valve a few days ago, and valve stated they took over it.
i really can't believe they are going to put it out with those horrible P_ and W_ models...
valve took it from ritual recently and finished it up how they wanted it, trust me
I think that image was just showing off the map or something because... That seems really strange they are still using old models... Maybe it was Multi-Player and the new models only work in the Single player. That would be lame.

And I do trust you, I wasn't trying to seem like I was arguing. I just found it odd why they would have done that... again.
I will buy it. Look at how they updated dust.

Just a question here , if I buy it does Valve get any money? I mean how much of it is their game? I feel they certainly deserve some income since everyone pisses on them (steals stuff ect) when they cant fight back.
valve will undoubtably get money from it, as they announced it was going gold and its release date
Well since I think it is Valve that owns the rights to CS... they are sure to get money.
One thing that turned me off from valve for a while was them buying mods and selling them, they ruined CS for me, and the same with DOD, it's full if 10 year olds on Mic's singing.
Cool , Ill buy it to get the cool map upgrades and support Valve at this time. Damn they did an awsome job on Dust.
ill buy it, gives me something to do and should run on my computer
Uhh... the Mic thing in DOD wasn't valve's doing... It was part of one of the SDK versions. If I'm not mistaken.
Valve will make money from the royalties if anything.
Originally posted by GLMinorThreat

Do us all a favor. Kill yourself.
F*** off Dick head, Dont flame opinions ******. Stupid communist
Originally posted by coolio2man
F*** off Dick head, Dont flame opinions ******. Stupid communist

No no no, please take me seriously. Please.

Heh. :|

You say that, like being a communist is bad... I'm not a stupid one thats for sure. Mr. I have to use poor language to get my point accross.
apparently things havnt gone too wrong because valve has managed to state condition zero will go gold this riday and be available for release on Nov 18.

like how many times has CZ been delayed? like 50?

and now this?

too much money to be spent

btw, i bought halo and i HATE IT
Half Life 1 kicked Halo's Ass!!! It may be the best thing for Xbox...but computers domiante!!!
great.. 2 months after we're supposed to get the greatest game in 5 years and we end up with a rehash..
Only Reason i aint getting CS: CZ , is cuz its using a 5year old Half life engine. The vids and screens look shitty.
FFs who gives a shit about the engine? Mario ONE is still fun and the graphics and music SUCK so shut the **** up already! Jesus Christ this CZ hating really pisses me off. I'm gonna buy it the day it comes out and I'm gonna love it. Please shut up already. "Old Engine"........phssss.
Originally posted by carloschingarlo
FFs who gives a shit about the engine? Mario ONE is still fun and the graphics and music SUCK so shut the **** up already! Jesus Christ this CZ hating really pisses me off. I'm gonna buy it the day it comes out and I'm gonna love it. Please shut up already. "Old Engine"........phssss.

relax, no one's stopping you...
Just see what others think and make your opinion there.
Though the graphics of CZ may be the same, I saw the video, and it does use the Source's physics engine. At least from waht I can tell. I'e also heard that they revamped the AI for it. But it is a rehash though. I think I'd only get it for the SP. Why pay for the MP I can enjoy now, which I don't. I haven't played CS in years...
Hmm...I bet I really suck at it now. I may change my mind none the less. I do have some fond memories of the original, back before camping was a huge plague.

Originally posted by d8cam

and now this?

too much money to be spent

btw, i bought halo and i HATE IT

halo does suck ass
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
Though the graphics of CZ may be the same, I saw the video, and it does use the Source's physics engine.

Lol, Source's physics engine. In our dreams. But seriously, do we really need more Counter-Strike? I might get it, just because I have a little money to burn and I generally like some of the work Ritual has done. But CS is CS, and after all these years I'm pretty fed up with it.