Recent content by NiteStalker

  1. NiteStalker

    Console Problem

    Hehe, you're right, I don't have a clue what that means=). And yeah, as far as I know it should always be that key.
  2. NiteStalker

    Console Problem

    Sorry for posting in here, but in the Help-forum only one person replied (and unfortunatly it didn't help). I can't bring up the console, even though I've selected it in the Advanced Options, and pressed "Apply". In HL1 I (and all of the players in Sweden) pressed the §-button to bring up...
  3. NiteStalker

    Question about the metrocops

    He most probably read it on the Half-life Saga website, though I don't remember the name. A very interesting website with a Half-life timeline and information about very much. After reading you'll get a better picture of the story.
  4. NiteStalker

    Can I get onto roof?

    Yeah, and in the first level, after you get of the train, I piled up boxes and stuff to jump over to the vortigaunt cleaner, but I couldn't jump over the fence.
  5. NiteStalker

    stuck in Nova Prospekt

    Have you tried putting the plug in, like you did when teleporting Alyx?
  6. NiteStalker

    Need help with console

    It didn't work with the apply button either, it's already applied. I think it's strange that it worked in HL1 but not in this game, because they are created quite similar if I've got it right...
  7. NiteStalker

    Need help with console

    Thanks for your answer! I'm pretty sure I did, but I will check. I didn't see the console listed with the other keys, are you sure it's possible to select which key to use?
  8. NiteStalker


    The combine are soldiers created as a mix of alien and human technology and anatomy. The combine doesn't look like the soldiers (they probably look like the thing Breen talked to in the last level). The Civil Protection (the City 17 police) are human though, bribed to work for Breen. I...
  9. NiteStalker

    Need help with console

    Hi, I thought other people had the same problem as I, but after searching the threads I couldn't find anything. In HL1, I had to start Half-life as "C:/Games/Valve/HL.exe +console" to use the console, but this doesn't seem to work with HL2 because of Steam. To bring up the console I used the...
  10. NiteStalker

    info about hl2 location

    Yeah, I'd like to see some screenshots too. And aren't the trams very similar to the newer ones used in Gothenburg?
  11. NiteStalker

    Fire that spreads?

    That would have been awsome, but I'm sure someone will make a mod.
  12. NiteStalker

    Antlions Can't Swim

    I hated them in HL1, and I'll probably hate them in HL2 too. That's good, because that's make it easier to kill them :) Are they like they were in the last game, or are there any changes in look, behaviour, damage?
  13. NiteStalker

    Difference between easy, normal & hard?

    It's probably more enemies, or more powerful ones.
  14. NiteStalker

    Changes From Beta

    Haven't played the game yet, but I thought someone said it was possible to command the NPC's (i.e. command them to move to a certain spot).
  15. NiteStalker

    Day Of Defeat on Source

    Ok, then there's still hope, but who knows.