There's a 3 story house on Highway 17 (or possibly Sandtraps), guarded by 2 combine. It's next to a big beach with a beached trawler on it. There's nothing in the house but lots of furniture & lots of mines that start shooting in when you start to descend the stairs...
There's also a hole in the roof on the top floor. I spent ages piling up furniture to get through the hole but never managed to get through it (there seemed to be something invisible blocking me).
Is this just a time-wasting red herring or am I just cr@p @ jumping?
There's also a hole in the roof on the top floor. I spent ages piling up furniture to get through the hole but never managed to get through it (there seemed to be something invisible blocking me).
Is this just a time-wasting red herring or am I just cr@p @ jumping?